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January 10th, 2023

Bring in the New Year by Building New Connections!
1. KFNA Board Meeting, Judson Church Basement 4101 Harriet | Wed, Jan 11, 7:00 PM
2. Celebrate Martin Luther King Day
  1. Dawn Reading of the Letter from a Birmingham Jail by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, 41st & Nicollet in MLK Park | Mon, Jan 16, 7:00 AM - 8:15 AM
  2. Annual Park Board Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration at MLK Park, 4055 Nicollet | Mon, Jan 16, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
3. Calling Event Volunteers!
  1. Kingfield Empty Bowls, Save the Date! New Location for 2023, hosted by Judson Church | Sunday, February 12
  2. Kingfield Community Sap Tap & Pancake Breakfast, When the Sap Runs (late March or early April!)
4. Fendrick & Peck in Concert, 4101 Harriet Ave | Sun, Jan 29, 2:00 PM
5. Lyndale Neighborhood Association’s Seeking Volunteers to Support Lyndale’s Adult Education Program in 2023. Contact Emma!
If you have questions about the content of this eNews, contact KFNA Executive Director Sarah Linnes-Robinson.
KFNA Board Meeting

Wednesday, January 11th, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

4101 Harriet, basement of Judson Church

In person board meetings begin with a Community Forum—you can ask you question or share a comment at the meeting, or contact sarah@kingfield.org to get a Zoom link. The Kingfield board will be discussing 2023 events and a potential organizational merger with the Lyndale and Tanlgetown neighborhood associations.

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Celebrate Martin Luther King Day

Monday, January 16th

Morning Event:
Public Reading of a Letter from a Birmingham Jail by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Monday, January 16th, 7:00 AM - 8:15 AM
The King Memorial (41st St. and Nicollet Ave) at MLK Park
All are invited.

Judson Memorial Baptist Church invites you to join the pastor for a public reading of King's Letter from a Birmingham Jail. Copies of the letter, formatted for a public reading, will be available. Dress appropriately and bring a mug/thermos, hot chocolate will be provided. It takes about an hour to read the entire letter aloud. Contact Travis Norvell if you have any questions, gtnorvell@judsonchurch.org.

Evening Event:
Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) Annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration
Monday, January 16th, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Recreation Center, 4055 Nicollet

This year the keynote speaker is Larry McKenzie, author, educator, motivational speaker, basketball coach, radio host, and 2018 Bush Fellow; and guest speaker is Mary Merrill, Superintendent Emeritus of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board.

Enjoy a musical performances by Ray Covington, spoken word performance by Jamyah Trueblood, presentation from participants in the MPRB Youthline program, and The Sanneh Foundation will be presented with the 2023 Living the Dream Award.

This powerful and uplifting annual event is emceed by Chad Jackson, Senior Manager of Brand Partnership with the Minnesota Twins. More information at minneapolisparks.org/mlk.

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Calling All Volunteers to Support Kingfield’s Winter Events!

The Kingfield Board of Directors is working on their 2023 engagement plan and event list and while the entire calendar is not available yet, we do know that there is a commitment for hosting our traditional Winter events: Kingfield Empty Bowls and the Community Sap Tap/Pancake Breakfast.

Kingfield Empty Bowls will be held on Sunday February 12, and celebrated as part of a broader “Souper Bowl Sunday”. If you are interested in helping out at the event, simply contact sarah@kingfield.org and you will be sent the volunteer sign-up sheet after the first of the year. Tasks involve serving soup, cutting bread, providing kitchen support, dishing up desserts, greeting neighbors, collecting donations, as well as assisting with set-up and clean-up. This event supports Nicollet Square, an affordable Kingfield housing option for youth who have been homeless or aged out of foster care, as well as KFNA’s affordable housing advocacy and educational work.

The Community Sap Tap/Pancake Breakfast is a little harder to pin the date down on because it will happen when the sap starts flowing (some time near the end of March to the middle of April). This newer event is held in partnership with the Park Board, and is focused on teaching people how to collect and process maple sap, as well providing an incentive to gain this knowledge by serving it on the pancakes! Just email sarah@kingfield.org to be put in touch with the volunteer sap-tap and/or breakfast team.

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Fendrick & Peck in Concert

Sunday, January 29th, 2:00 PM

Judson Church, 4101 Harriet Ave. S.

Pay what you can: $10-$20.

Local favorites - Fendrick & Peck - will serenade us with music to warm the heart at the beginning of the new year. Their peppy acoustic instrumentation and sweet harmonies complement each other exquisitely as they share songs of love, acceptance, and encouragement to live, to love, and to grow.

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Calling All Volunteers to Support Lyndale’s Adult Education Program!

Start your year off on the right foot and give back to your community! Lyndale's Education Program is in need of volunteer support for our English as a Second Language (ESL) and Digital Literacy (DL) classes.

Volunteers are needed for morning and evening ESL classes, and afternoon Digital Literacy classes. Volunteers typically work one class per week; help is especially needed on Friday morning from 9:15-12:45! In this role you can expect to lead a small group of students and provide 1-on-1 student support. We are also seeking one additional morning and evening volunteer that will be in charge of weekly registration and testing of ESL students; for this role, some conversational Spanish is a necessity.

Our program will be starting to use a new curriculum called “English Unlocked”, created by Literacy Minnesota in January. LNA will be organizing trainings for volunteers in January including a curriculum overview and instructions on how to use it to extend learning and engagement with students. Please contact Emma@lyndale.org. LNA’s ESL Teacher & Volunteer Coordinator, to be notified of upcoming training dates and to discuss how you might like to be involved in this program. She will be happy to follow up with you separately to discuss your availability, skills, and interests and get you scheduled, and trained!, as a volunteer for 2023!

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South Nicollet Newsletters Share KFNA Events on Facebook
June | May | January 2023

Do you like what KFNA does? Please consider donating to support your totally local non-profit and the work we do to address community issues and implement community solutions.

The Kingfield Neighborhood Association (KFNA) manages this List for the purpose of informing neighbors of events and issues that directly affect Kingfield neighborhood. This list is never shared nor sold to any other organizations. Kingfield is defined as 35W to Lyndale Avenue South and from 36th Street through 46th Street. All List recipients are invited to share neighborhood news with other members by sending messages to sarah@kingfield.org ; please indicate in the subject line that it is a message for the Kingfield E-mail List. All messages submitted by members for consideration of inclusion on the List must include complete contact information including name, phone, and email address. All messages will be screened and no partisan political messages will be posted. Ballot initiatives are not considered partisan political activity, and are permitted activities under KFNA's 501(c)(3) tax status.

The List Administrator will make the final decision as what information is posted to the Kingfield E-mail List and maintains the right to edit all messages. Many messages concerning neighborhood issues or questions we will simply answer directly, rather than posting to the entire list. Notices may also, or instead, at List Administrator's discretion be posted on the KFNA website

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Kingfield Neighborhood Association

3537 Nicollet Ave South, Minneapolis, MN 55408