Board Meetings
KFNA Board Meetings are held every 2nd Wednesday of the month (except August) at 7:00 PM. Meetings are held at MLK Park in the Multipurpose Room.
The first item at every board meeting is a Community Forum, a chance for anyone to bring their question or concern before the board without previously being placed on the agenda. If you have a neighborhood concern and think the topic needs more than a few minutes of conversation, please contact KFNA at least one week before the meeting at and ask to have the item placed on the agenda. Community Forum can also be joined via Zoom at every meeting, email to get the link.
Board of Directors 2024-25
Elections are held annually, in the spring. The 2025 election date will be during our regularly scheduled meeting in May – 5/14 at 7pm at MLK Park. See the Board of Directors Roles & Responsibilities.
Apply to be on the board here– we’d love to have you join!
- Josh Martin, President |
- Jessica Verrall Pischke, Vice President |
- Emma Wolf, Secretary |
- Stephen Huot, Treasurer |
- BJ Titus |
- Scott Mueller |
- Robert Roedl |
- Josh Kirk |
- Rob Martin |
- Aaron Eisenberg |
- Ashley Annett, Community Coordinator |
KFNA ByLaws, Adopted 2021
KFNA Policies
- Human Resource Policy HR Policy 2013
- Redevelopment and Design Guidelines (pdf )
- Affordable Housing Policy (pdf / doc)
- Financial Policy (pdf / doc)
- Conflict of Interest Policy (pdf / doc)
KFNA Contact |
KFNA Office at the South Nicollet Action Center
3537 Nicollet Ave South
Minneapolis, MN 55408
Office Phone: 612.823.5980