KFNA Board Meeting Minutes 7/9/08
Meeting called to order by Tom Parent at 7:05pm.
Board Members in Attendance: Marie Wolf, Chris DeParde, Jobylynn Sassily James, Robin Bipes, Chris Sur, Tom Parent, David Brauer, David Buchanan, Jeff Shaw, Karen Pieper, David Saddoris.
Board Members Absent: David Potosky, Mark Brandow
Community Forum
– Monica Hofe and Beth Larson were introduced as CPaS co-chairs.
– Samantha Loesch and Molly Hanson informed the board of their intent to open Kings Wine Bar at 46th St and Grand Ave. They need a liquor license and a parking variance. They are also experiencing some zoning issues with un-related businesses on the same property with may delay the opening. They hope to open their business this fall.
-Brain Cornell – MLK Park Director reported that over 100 people attended the “Bee†movie last month and will show “Night at the Museum†in September. Fundamental soccer is going very well with over 30 kids and 8 parents participating. Brian felt that the KFNA website works well to get information out to the neighborhood regarding park events. The July 24th KingPark Festival will “go greenâ€.
New Board Member Appointed
– David Brauer made a motion to elevate Robin Bipes from board alternate to board member. Chris Sur seconded the motion and Robin was voted as the newest board member unanimously.
– David Saddoris questioned the percentage of board votes to elevate a board member. Sarah will research questions and make a recommendation for clarification to the bylaws at the next Annual Meeting.
David Brauer made a motion for Arthur Knowles to become second alternate to the board, behind the remaining alternate, Diana Schleisman. David Saddoris seconded the motion and it was carried by the full board.
Secretaries Report
– David Brauer moved to approve and Chris DeParde seconded. Motion based and minute from 6/11/08 board meeting were accepted.
Treasurers Report
– May, June, July, and August reports will be presented at the September board meeting for approval. The year-end will be in Peachtree, and the current year will be in Quickbooks. The bookkeeper will be in attendance to field questions from the board and help the board in understanding how to read the new financial reports.
Farmers Market
– Resignation of Market Coordinator: David Nicholson, farmers Market Committee Chair and David Brauer reported that Sheila Delaney has resigned as the Farmers Market Coordinator. David Brauer reported that Sheila felt she could not serve the needs of KFNA and Farmers Market duties. Sharon Nygren was offered as a replacement candidate for Sheila. Moving forward, David Brauer will get clear expectations from Sarah Linnes Robinson as to the needs of KFNA with regard to record keeping and collection of vendor fees. Continued discussion was held around the question of continuing this position into the future.
– David Brauer and David Nicholson reported that the Farmers Market would like to break from KFNA and go independent for the future sustainability of the market. They would like to commit to the current Kingfield location for next year and move independently as a “South Minneapolis†Market in 2010. Sarah Linnes Robinson gave her perspective on the market which include: making the market known as a KFNA market; insure a revenue stream for KFNA; insure that proper paper work and record keeping is maintained. She has struggled with these points through the past years. Sarah felt Sheila did have time for these KFNA priorities. She is unsure if hiring a new employee for this position is the right thing to do. JobyLynn felt that work on Sundays at the Farmers Market was too much for one person.
David Buchanan made a motion and then withdrew it to appoint the Farmer Market Committee to select a new coordinator. Tom Parent made a motion that the Executive Committee discuss this at the next Exec meeting. This was withdrawn. David Brauer moved that the KFNA board authorize the hiring of Farmers Market Coordinator to be mutually determined by the KFNA Executive Committee and the Farmers Market Committee chair under the same terms and job description as before. Motioned carried unanimously.
– Jim Spensley spoke on behalf of SMACC. They need younger group of people to become involved in their organization. Jim reports there are more over flights in Kingfield and there is no reason for this. There is supposed to be no take offs from runway 35 over the city. This happened last year and there was no public outcry and flights continued this year.
– SMACC revised mission statement has is away from noise issues to safety and economic development concerns.
– They need more collaboration from people around the airport. Organizations may join and appoint a liaison to SMACC. Organizations can serve as a director, committee chair, and a voting member. They are soliciting for membership that costs $25.00. Tom Parent suggested KFNA look at the SMACC website.
E-Mail Policy Change
– The board reviewed an addition to the e-mail policy “…free and open to the publicâ€. Chris Sur moved to accept change. David Saddoris moved to add “…held by Kingfield memberâ€. The motion carried 6 aye / 3 nay / 2 abstentions.
Hiring Project Organizer
– The board reviewed the Project Organizer job description. Sarah would like to keep this person close to a half time position, the goal being to level work between Project Organizer and Executive Director. Sarah would like to eliminate the stipend due to recording issues. David Brauer moved to increase pay for this position to $17 – $19 per hour based on experience. Robin made an amendment to change the motion to “start at $17 and up based on experienceâ€. The motion passed 9 aye /1 nay.
– Chris Sur moved to accept job description and Chris DeParde seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Foreclosure Lit Drop
– Tom Parent will head up a foreclosure information lit drop at 10AM on July 19th at Butter. The goal is to lit drop the 92 blocks of Kingfield.
Wall Dogs
– Sarah asked for Wall Dog volunteers to do various jobs on July 17 and July 26th. Food / site management / painting jobs are available.
– Sarah will e-mail WallDogs budget to board. The budget is $80k and a $7,000 deficit has accrued. KFNA share is $3,500. Walldogs is running a raffle ticket promo to eliminate this deficit.
KFNA Summer Fest
– Sarah asked for volunteers to help out July 24th for the KFNA Summer Fest. Jobs will include manning the KFNA information booth.
Block Club Task Force
– Michael Vanderford, West-of-King Block organizer, presented ideas to organize and develop strong block clubs through out Kingfield.
– Tom Parent and Chris DeParde created an action item list that KFNA can move forward with regarding block organization. These actions will include:
– Ice Cream scooping on registered blocks on NNO.
– Block organizational lit drop at each block party to include blank block map template and benefits of organizing a block club.
– Additional role of KFNA will to provide communication infrastructure by use of website and maintaining block club leader list.
Meeting Adjourned
– Meeting was adjourned by Tom Parent
Minutes prepared by Chris DeParde, KFNA Sectary.
Approved by KFNA Board on 9/10/08.