January 14, 2004
Board members in attendance: Sean Wherley, Rosemary Dolata, Martha Ingram, Tom Buller, Paige Fitzgerald, Ben Kristensen, Tony Aspholm, Erik Lindseth, David Muschenheim, Art Knowles, Thor Anderson
Board members absent: David Motzenbecker, Heather Martens
Others present: Sarah Linnes-Robinson, Liz Gibson-Gasset, Robyn Repya, and Dan Niziolek
Art Knowles called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.
There was no community forum and no secretary’s report.
Treasurer’s Report
Sean asked how this year’s year-end balance compares to last year’s. Sarah replied that we have had more money in our bank account the last couple of years than is usual because the volume of programs is higher causing more money to pass through the account. Typically we have $50-100,000 in the bank. David Muschenheim asked how the money was invested. Sarah explained that NRP does not allow its funds to be invested. David suggested we put whatever funds we can in an ING savings account, which pays 2% interest and charges no fees. It was noted that last year we raised $3,000 in unrestricted funds and this year it will be about $10,000. Also there is $45,000 from a McKnight Foundation grant, which might be invested.
The fund raising letter has brought in $3800 from 88 donors and two business matches. It cost $1300 to send the letter.
The motion to accept the report was accepted unanimously.
Final Report of Auditors
The final report requests a response for three items based on the audit.
1. There is a double billing for $150 from 2002. A reversing entry will be made to correct this.
2. We don’t have adequate separation of duties. This was an issue last year also. We will continue to operate with as much separation of duties as the staff allows and will continue to maintain careful monthly scrutiny of financial operations with the treasurer and the board of directors.
3. We did not stamp every page of every invoice as paid. All invoices after April when we got the directive to stamp have been stamped. This policy will continue.
We will need an extension to file tax form 990.
Sean moved to approve the audit response. The motion passed unanimously.
NRP Funds
Sean complimented the Redevelopment Committee on the three proposals they developed for the use of $246,000 of NRP funds. Art reported that the committee is proceeding with planning while investigating the three options. The Housing Corridor project is a likely target for funding but we don’t have the final approval of this project as yet.
Calendar of Events
Sarah distributed a calendar of neighborhood events and wanted people to sign up for various things to increase board involvement. Dan Niziolek offered to do door knocking to recruit new board members.
Hazardous Waste Drop Off is an event that could replace the Clean Sweep of former years. The County has rigorous requirements for access at any site this event might be held.
June 5 is the neighborhood garage sale. Martha Ingram will help.
The Farmers’ Market begins in June and runs into October. David Muschenheim will help.
The Cabaret will be held Saturday August 14 at Martin Luther King Park. Sean and Thor will help.
The National Night Out is August 3. Erik and Rosemary will assist.
A Halloween Party is held October 31 at King Park.
There will be a Mural Project this summer that will include youth participation and up to ten businesses. They hope to do a mural a week through the summer.
The Art Show has been held in conjunction with the cabaret the last couple of years. Last year it was in the King Field Gym while all the other cabaret events and people were outside. The attendance was disappointing. The goal is to have the show be self-sustaining.
Conflict of Interest Statement
Erik distributed conflict of interest material he got from the Attorney General’s Office to use as a resource for out policy. The committee of Art, Erik and Paige will review it.
A presentation on the Crosstown/35W work will be held at King Field Park on February 2 at 7 PM.
E-mail list
Our neighborhood list will be sent this week to a new provider and we should be back in business in a few days.
Accounting Procedures
A software expert from Peachtree Software will meet with the office staff in a couple weeks to discuss how to carry over balances beyond two years and avoid errors such as the Business Façade Improvement Program.
Fixed Asset Policy
Sarah is trying to get the value of Yemeya assessed. Art works will be a separate group of assets for us. Finding a qualified assessor is a challenge.
Corridor Housing Initiative
Our refined proposal is due back to them on January 26.
Rosemary will submit our name to a project from the Minnesota Institute of Architects who has a group of designers who create designs for non-profit housing projects.
The Center for Neighborhoods who is sponsoring the Housing Corridor Initiative offers a lot of technical support for projects but there is not a dollar amount for each group.
Redevelopment Committee
The meeting to discuss issues around Sagrado Corazon and the San Miguel School will be held at King Park on January 28. The City will send a representative from the zoning and redevelopment departments.
Art and Tom attended a celebration of the mural and its successful move on December 30 with 28 other people.
Vice President
An election for a new vice president for the board will be held in February. Heather Martens has resigned.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:17 PM.
David Motzenbecker, President
Tony Aspholm, Secretary Submitter of minutes