Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
January 12, 2005
Board Members Present:
Thor Anderson, Martha Ingram, Rolf Johnson, Arthur Knowles, Ben Kristensen, Erik Lindseth, David Motzenbecker, David Muschenheim, Mari O’Rourke, Sean Wherley
Board Members Present:
Rosemary Dolata, Dave Saddoris, Niki Valens
Others Present:
Sarah Linnes-Robinson, City Councilmember Scott Benson
Meeting Called to Order:
President Motzenbecker called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
Community Forum:
No items
Report from City Councilmember Benson:
Benson provided updates on the I-35W/Crosstown Reconstruction Project and the creation of bus-rapid transit (BRT) in the corridor. He said all funding is in place for the construction but that MnDOT is trying to accommodate the city’s wishes that funding be provided for BRT. The city has discussed the possibility of suing the state if these funds are not provided in the plan. A three-person arbitration panel will be convened to reconcile the differences between the city and MnDOT.
Lindseth asked if plans to build light-rail transit in the corridor have been abandoned. Benson said yes, that the HOV/BRT lane concept is taking priority but that it could later be reconfigured for light-rail transit. Wherley asked about traffic tie-ups during construction. Benson said there will be lanes open, but it will be a tight fit, and some exits will be closed.
Benson also summarized the city budget passed 12-1 by the council in December. He said police officer levels would be maintained under the 2005 budget. Wherley asked if the city would seek to reform the property tax system to its pre-2001 levels (which placed a higher burden on commercial properties rather than residential ones). Benson said it was unlikely.
Secretary’s Report:
Treasurer’s Report:
No report presented. Linnes-Robinson said that KFNA audit will be finished in March.
Executive Committee Report:
The Executive Committee recommended that Linnes-Robinson’s title be changed to Executive Director, her pay increase from $23 per hour to $27 per hour, and that she continue receiving a $500 per quarter health insurance credit. Wherley moved to accept the committee’s recommendation and Muschenheim seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Old Business/New Business
Nicollet Avenue Reopening at K-mart: No – Sarah found out they pulled plans for the new store and no new plans are in the works right now.Eric – moved to rewrite letter
Sarah – recommend KFNA member attends planning meeting.
23 W. 38th Street: The KFNA Board voted to allocate $10,000 dollars from Housing/Business/Infrastructure Goal 1, Objective 2, and Strategy 2 that states: “Provide funds for the renovation, redevelopment, or demolition of condemned buildings in Kingfield. These funds may be used to match City Inspection Department funds for 249 list properties as part of the April 22, 1996 Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Minneapolis and the Neighborhoods of the City for the Hazardous/Boarded Building Program†to 23 West 38th Street. KFNA dollars will be partnered with CPED dollars and used to alleviate the poor soil conditions at this location, which is being built be Minneapolis Public Housing as a duplex.  Lindseth presented the motion, Knowles seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
NRP Plan Modifications: The Board voted to move $10,000 to the KFNA Community Initiated Grant strategy (Neighborhood Life: Goal 1, Objective 1, Strategy 6), allocating $5,000 for Crime and Safety Grants and $5,000 for Neighborhood Clean-ups from Housing/Business/Infrastructure Goal 1, Objective 2, and Strategy 2.
Secondly, the Board voted to modify the Kingfield NRP Action Plan language so that Housing, Business, and Infrastructure: Goal, 3, Objective 1, Strategy 3 reads: “Establish a ‘property redevelopment funds’ which are supported and promoted by KFNA Staffing, for residential and commercial properties to eliminate blight, develop tax-base through replacement uses, and retain and/or create affordable housing.â€
Both motions passed unanimously.
Oversight of NRP Spending: Motzenbecker suggests KFNA find the greatest impact from NRP expenditures. He questioned funds remaining in various accounts, including the 40th Street Greenway and block club organizing. He asked the board to develop ideas for neighborhood residents to utilize the Community Initiated/Social Service grants available through KFNA’s NRP plan.
Lyndale Avenue Reconstruction: Muschenheim is concerned about widening lanes, traffic calming and how it will affect neighborhood.
Meeting Adjorned:
The meeting was adjorned at 8:55 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Mari O’Rourke.
KFNA Board Secretary – Sean Wherley
KFNA Board President – David Motzenbecker