Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
January 11, 2006
Board Members Present: Joby Lynn White-Wiedow, Dave Saddoris, Sean Wherley, Martha Ingram, Peter Hallstrom, Erik Lindseth, Mark Hinds, Ben Kristensen, Thor Anderson, Niki Valens, Darrell Gerber
KFNA Staff Present: Sarah Linnes-Robinson
Kingfield Community Members Present:Â Jeanne Massey, Abby Andrusco, Ken Bearman
Others Present: Britt Johnsen, SW Journal; Andy Lugar, Hennepin County Atty candidate; Becca Dagget; Jim Farsted, City of Minneapolis BIS; Elizabeth Glidden, 8th Ward; Scott Benson, 11th Ward
Board Members Absent: Diana Schleisman, Ryan Raleigh
Meeting Called to Order:
7:05 PM
Community Forum:
•    Abby Andrusco introduced herself as representative of new church, Solomon’s Porch, going in to old Hobart location.
* Ken Bearman introduced himself as a Fair Vote Minnesota founding member and was present to enthusiastically endorse IRV.
* Andy Lugar introduced himself as a Hennepin County Attorney candidate.
Becca Vargo Dagget and Jim Farsted gave presentations from opposing viewpoints about the City’s process of selecting its WiFi provider. Dagget stated that the City process was inadequate in that the City Council voted in 2004 to use a private service provider, with no public hearings or discussion beforehand. She requested that KFNA endorse a public hearing process and demand that the City explain its actions, its lack of feasibility studies or public process. Farsted, on behalf of the City, explained the rationale behind the City’s decision to seek a private ISP (lack of bonding capacity/capital) and stated that BIS did early analysis and made recommendation to City that either it could find private ISP or do nothing. Public aspect of decision process rightly begins post-internal analysis, according to Farsted.
A Q & A session followed with input from Councilmembers Benson and Glidden.
Secretary’s Report
Accepted as amended.
Treasurer’s Report
Accepted without changes.
Hinds provided an update on the 38th street development, discussing where the project is and how negotiations are progressing with the developer.
No items
No items.
No items.
King Bridge Partnership
Hinds reported that the SW Journal will partner in a “coloring contest†to raise public awareness and to provide bridge design input.
Farmer’s Market
Staff is still negotiating with the kidney dialysis site.
Art Builds Community
The “Art is the Key†silent auction event is scheduled for March 25th, and a promotional mailing will go out at the end of January.
10 Year Transportation Plan
Gerber noted that he has now sent the link to the website. The January meeting was cancelled but will be rescheduled and will take place within the month.
Old Business
Gerber handed out a proposed resolution of support and requested Board endorsement. After a lengthy discussion, the resolution was approved in amended form (see Amended Resolution in February board packet).
Mosaic Mural:
Linnes-Robinson provided letter rescinding mural agreement at 4325 Nicollet Avenue, and Lindseth gave background on mural negotiations with business owners. Discussion of whether owners could have opportunity to change their minds, or whether letter was pure revocation of agreement. Ingram moved to approve letter with a 15-day response window in case owners had change of heart. Motion carried.
New Items
Festival & Current
Discussion of any proposal to the Current was referred to committee.
Crime Update
Lt. Marie Przynski reported on an incident at Shorty & Wags and noted that Kingfield is comparatively safe and quiet.
Annual Meeting Planning and Board Member Recruitment Task Force
Wherely, Lindseth, and White-Wiedow volunteered to take part in planning for annual meeting. Linnes-Robinson floated the idea of having a recruitment event of some kind. Discussion was tabled.
Lindseth voiced dissatisfaction with KFNA’s current insurance agent. KFNA’s policy is up for renewal on January 21. The Board empowered Linnes-Robinson to research knowledgeable agents who deal with non-profits.
Meeting Adjourned:
Meeting adjourned at 9:16 PM.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Martha Ingram.
Reviewed by KFNA Board Secretary Thor Anderson
Approved by KFNA Board President Erik Lindseth
Minneapolis Better Ballot Campaign
A charter amendment initiative for the adoption of
Instant Runoff Voting
Resolution of Support by Kingfield Neighborhood Association
WHEREAS: Poor voter turnout is typical in Minneapolis municipal primary elections; for example, just 15% of registered voters in 2005 and 18% in 1997;
WHEREAS: Primary elections are an additional cost to the City and to campaigns;
WHEREAS, Instant Runoff Voting is a better voting method than the current two-round runoff method in that it seeks to:
·        Eliminate low turnout local primaries and ensure a majority winner in just one election
·        Allow voters to rank fallback choices of candidates to receive their votes in case their first choice can’t win
·        Increase voter turnout and maximize voter participation in the outcome of the election – the decisive election takes place when turnout is highest
·        Reduce cost and increase ease and convenience compared to the current two rounds of voting
·        Assure that low-turnout primary elections won’t eliminate candidates who could win in a high-turnout general election
·        End the “spoiler†problem – when voting for the candidate you like best may split the majority and help elect the candidate you like least
·        Allow all parties to run on their issues and get an accurate tally of their support
·        Empower voters to vote sincerely without the need to worry about “wasting†their vote
·        Ensure winners have a mandate from the voters
·        Reduce negative campaigning
·        Invigorate campaign discourse by bringing multiple viewpoints into the debate
WHEREAS: Instant Runoff Voting is an internationally proven voting method used in Cambridge (MA), San Francisco (CA), and Louisiana (for military and overseas voters), and has been approved or is being considered for municipal and statewide elections across the country;
WHEREAS: There is an energetic charter amendment campaign underway for the adoption of Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) in Minneapolis that seeks broad support from both political leaders and voters;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: At a cost of no more than $1000, Kingfield Neighborhood Association:
·        Endorse instant runoff voting in the City of Minneapolis as reflected in the Instant Runoff Voting Charter Amendment proposal
·        Plan and coordinate an educational event to promote the Minneapolis Better Ballot Campaign for KFNA members and constituents
·        Promote the IRV charter amendment campaign on the organization’s web site and in other public communication