Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
February 9, 2005
Board Members Present:
Thor Anderson, Rosemary Dolata, Martha Ingram, Rolf Johnson, Arthur Knowles, Ben Kristensen, Erik Lindseth, David Motzenbecker, Dave Saddoris, Niki Valens, Sean Wherley
Board Members Absent:
David Muschenheim, Mari O’Rourke
Others Present:
Beth Elliot – CPED, Sarah Linnes-Robinson, Joanna Hallstrom, Pete Hallstrom, Robyn Repya – Southwest Journal, Jennifer Sprague – Kingfield resident, John Awsumb – Kingfield resident
Meeting Called to Order:
Motzenbecker called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
Community Forum:
Jennifer Sprague and John Awsumb presented their concern about bus traffic on 44th Street. In November 2004, Metro Transit created the 11C bus route, which ends at 46th Street and Nicollet. It then turns around on 44th Street to return onto 35W at 46th Street. This route goes down 44th Street 52 times a day. Sprague and Awsumb are concerned with the noise that the buses bring to the residential street. They collected eleven signatures and filed a complaint with Metro Transit. John Dillery, Metro Transit Senior Transit Planner, responded with a letter that the bus turnaround would not be rerouted. Wherley suggested contacting the Metropolitan Council, as Metro Transit reports to the Metropolitan Council. Frank Hornstein was also suggested as a good contact. Motzenbecker said he would investigate further.
Valens said that Victor’s 1959 Café will be applying for a wine and beer license, and may ask for neighborhood support.
Farmer’s Market Zoning Update:
Beth Elliot from CPED presented an update on the status of zoning for the Farmer’s Market for both the current site and for the proposed new site.
Appropriate zoning for the farmer’s market was first questioned by the Environmental Health Department. The current site is zoned C1, and is appropriately licensed. The proposed new site, in Mulroy’s parking lot, is zoned R2B. Current zoning laws do not adequately address farmer’s markets, and there is no definition for farmer’s markets in the zoning code now. Farmer’s markets are only mentioned in zoning codes I1 and I2, and they are mentioned as conditional uses. The Environmental Health Department primarily regulates farmer’s markets under Title 10 ‘Food Code’, Chapter 201 ‘Public Markets’. Other farmer’s markets in South Minneapolis, such as the Midtown Farmer’s Market at Hiawatha and Lake, are likely in the same situation.
Secretary’s Report:
The second heading should be changed from ‘Board Members Present’ to ‘Board Members Absent’. Knowles moved to accept the report. Johnson seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report:
Logo item spending of $933.60 was questioned. Linnes-Robinson stated that the logo items were likely T-shirt printing for the garage sale last year. Approximately 90 homes participated in the garage sale last year. Knowles moved to accept the report. Wherley seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Committee Reports:
King Bridge public meetings are planned for March 19 and March 21.
Brainstorming of NRP Steering Committee’s Community Initiated Grants:
1. Saddoris suggested trashcans in strategic areas around the neighborhood to reduce trash on the streets. Knowles suggested community initiated grants to empty cans. A contract could be issued to empty cans as opposed to having property owners be responsible for the waste. A high level of trash has been noticed after the recent snow melt on the ground in front of Incarnation Church.
2. Motzenbecker called for NRP projects to be long lasting and tangible.
3. Valens suggested community initiated grants be used for changing impervious surfaces to pervious surfaces in Kingfield.
Motzenbecker suggested the board review reports on the NRP Steering Committee’s Social Service Grants, which are approved by the committee. The current system requires prospective grantees to file a request. Grantees must submit a midway report, and a final report; the grant is divided and paid upon receiving each report. No grants are renewed year-to-year and there is a $5,000 maximum. Wherley said that the existing safeguards are adequate. Lindseth suggested that the NRP Steering Committee minutes should better document discussion on the grants.
Lindseth noted that some brainstorming projects included in the NRP minutes are not in Kingfield. Wherley responded that all projects must support Kingfield residents, but do not have to be conducted within Kingfield.
Farmer’s Market: Motzenbecker suggested that the market must have a stronger attraction to draw people to the new location. The current location benefits from traffic walking from Anodyne Cafe. Linnes-Robinson informed the board that the current plan is to have a community event every week at the market. Hallstrom noted that there are already utility connections on the exterior of Mulroy’s, and there is a large population on Sunday mornings at the Mormon church across the street. Elsie’s Farm went bankrupt, and will not be at the market this year.
2005 Budget/Event Discussion:
Linnes-Robinson presented the 2005 budget. The fundraising amount of $4,000 was an average of the last two years proceeds. The ‘Other Grants’ category included $20,000 carryover from a McKnight Foundation grant, and a possible $5,000 grant from the Metropolitan Council related to stormwater management.
Lindseth questioned the ‘Housing Development Program’. Linnes-Robinson will be setting up the Housing Development Program. This program will allow administration time to be charged for redevelopment programs. The whole fund will not be designated for administration.
Wherley questioned whether KFNA would be applying for other grants. Linnes-Robinson responded that only grants likely to be awarded were included in the budget. Other grant applications will be submitted. Grants not related to housing are likely to be small and several years out.
Linnes-Robinson said that there is a $132,000 loan available to KFNA. The funds were repaid from a homeowner loan program. KFNA can ask for the money at any time a project is identified. The funds are gaining interest now. The money could be used for another loan program.
Saddoris questioned whether KFNA would manage the budget. Motzenbecker responded that bylaws require KFNA to pass a budget.
Linnes-Robinson explained the ‘Chair Project’. This program will engage artists in the community to create art chairs. The chairs will be auctioned off at the Kingfield Festival. O’Rourke will chair the project.
Boulevard trees: There are currently approximately 200 empty spaces in the neighborhood for boulevard trees. There is funding available through the city to plant trees in 20 percent of the spaces. The cost to the neighborhood for the balance of the trees is $90/tree. The city gets to pick the trees for this program. Knowles suggested a cost of $500 to $600 per tree if the neighborhood planted trees independent of the city project. Motzenbecker noted that the trees the city currently is planting are not of high quality. Linnes-Robinson noted that the Park Board is spending its entire tree budget this year to take down trees. Thirty-eight trees will be planted by the city this year in Kingfield. These plantings are filled at a resident’s request. These trees are funded from the mayor’s budget from two years ago. Ingram asked about the use of preventative treatments. Linnes-Robinson responded that the treatments are not proven. The head of the Park Board’s forestry division will attend the NRP Steering Committee’s February 21 meeting to discuss the issue.
Lindseth asked what the ‘Art Bus Stop’ funding would cover. Linnes-Robinson responded that these funds are her best guess for building 3-4 bus stop shelters.
Johnson asked what the ‘Pedestrian Bridge’ budget was for. The funds are from a McKnight Foundation grant for use as art on the greenway. Motzenbecker suggested that the budget would cover marketing expense, administration, etc.
Knowles moved to pass the 2005 KFNA budget. Dolata seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Discussion Items:
WiFi: Pete Hallstrom presented his research on WiFi networks. WiFi is wireless internet access. The City of Chaska recently installed equipment to provide low cost wireless internet access to all of its residents. The cost is approximately $17/month. Minneapolis and St. Paul are beginning to consider WiFi systems. In Minneapolis, John Erwin on the Park Board originally initiated the project. Jim Farstat is the project leader for the city. The city has requested comments and suggestions from the community. Pilot sites may be available down the road. A WiFi system was installed in Philadelphia recently. The selling point for the Philadelphia installation was providing internet access for a broader population. Hallstrom will be the official WiFi representative for KFNA.
Annual Meeting Planning: The annual meeting is April 18. Six board members will be ending their terms this year. NRP Phase II planning will not be presented at the meeting. NRP will be moved to a fall meeting. Valens suggested asking for block organizers at the meeting. She also suggested informing the public about the tree-planting program. Motzenbecker suggested a piece on projects in progress and successes in the last year. Wherley suggested promoting upcoming events, such as the Festival, Market, Garage Sale, etc. Wherley suggested asking committee members to become board members. Linnes-Robinson asked what skills are needed on the board. Grant writing and web skills were suggested. Motzenbecker and Linnes-Robinson will draft an agenda for the meeting. Motzenbecker will host a chat with the public to answer questions for citizens interested in the board.
Old Business/New Business:
K-Mart Letter: Ingram suggested changing “but six blocks south†to “only six blocks south.â€Â Wherley suggested adding a date to the letter and copying the entire city council. Ingram suggested changing “for the site were Nicollet Avenue†to “for the site if Nicollet Avenue†in paragraph four, line one. Johnson suggested changing “will turn, in many ways†to “will depend, in many ways†in paragraph five, line six.
Nicollet Lighting Petition:Â Per Linnes-Robinson, the city is currently reviewing the Nicollet Avenue lighting petition.
2005 Garage Sale T-Shirts:Â Linnes-Robinson will try to incorporate a number of the murals on the t-shirts, if possible.
Meeting Adjourned:
The meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Dave Saddoris.
KFNA Board Secretary – Sean Wherley
KFNA Board President – David Motzenbecker