MARCH 10, 2004
Board members present:Â Tom Buller, Art Knowles, David Motzenbecker, Tony Aspholm, Erik Lindseth, Rosemary Dolata, Sean Wherley, Martha Ingram, Thor Anderson, Ben Kristensen
Board members not attending:Â David Muschenheim, Paige Fitzgerald
Others present:Â Sarah Linnes-Robinson, Robyn Repya
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM.
Community Forum—no topics were raised for discussion.
Secretary’s Report
The minutes were corrected to read:
The $679.45 in the Treasurer’s report consisted of $675 of rent categorized incorrectly, and $4.45 printing expense. The 35W Access Project report stated that a public meeting would be held in March that is not scheduled. The funding for the project is $152M. The Conflict of interest policy needs review and approval. The recent proposal is modeled on policies recommended by the Attorney General’s Office. The Redevelopment Committee will remove Heather Martens and Mary Vanderford and add Margaret Sines.
The amended minutes were approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report
There are no problems currently. The report is difficult to distribute in time for the Board Meetings because we now receive our bank statement at the end of the month just before the board meeting. Approval was postponed definitely until the next meeting.
Other minutes
The Newsletter Committee is to be complimented for their hard work. People like the new format.
Annual Meeting
There are no by-law changes or NRP program changes that need approval at the meeting this year.\
Six board members will remain on the board for another year and seven will be elected to a two-year term.
Speakers at the meeting could include the City Council members, Senator Dibble, Representative Horenstein, and the Mayor. Board members making presentations include David Motzenbecker—Corridor Housing Initiative, Thor—News Letter, Erik—Fundraising, Art—NRP, Sean—35W Access Project, and Sarah—Mural Projects.
Election nominations, speeches and questions will take at least an hour. Board members should bring a dish to the potluck.
Hiring Update
A job description and ads are ready to list the job Liz has the week of March 8. We hope to have someone hired by the annual meeting. It is a half time position. Liz will stay through July in some capacity for the start of the Farmer’s Market, the Garage Sale and the Festival.
Conflict of Interest Policy
Section 6, item 2, could exclude a person from voting but should not exclude the person from the discussion. We will strike “discussion and.â€
Section 6, we could add a second signature line to the statement for the second year of a board member’s term.
Section 3, item 5—strike the “s†on others.
Section 6, item 4 strikes the work “that.â€
The Conflict of Interest Policy was approved unanimously as amended.
Mural Program
The scope of the mural services is sent to CPED for contracts to do the murals for the various business owners. These murals are considered grants for façade improvement. We need to submit application in April to receive funds in July. The scope of services is outlined in the two-page proposal. The proposal was approved with Rosemary abstaining.
CHI Grant
The kick off meeting is March 11, 7 PM at King Park. The intent of the grant is to bring together groups from throughout the City to look at Nicollet Avenue for areas that could be used for affordable housing, transit, etc. The grant is to do neighborhood outreach for the project. The goal is to get something built.
Do Good Biz is the distributor for the new format Newsletter. Thor distributed the latest copy and explained the format. Discussion about layout and format was lively. It was questioned if we should list all donors by name. Some people prefer to be listed as anonymous. It was suggested that articles about new businesses should list their names and addresses.
Habitat for Humanity
The house is built. The open house has happened. The new owners are living there.
KFNA committed $5,000 to the project early on. We have not put this money into the project as yet. We will send a letter to Habitat offering our donation if they are free to accept NRP money.
3618 First Avenue is being remodeled and will be part of the Minneapolis/St. Paul home tour the first weekend of May.
35W Access Project
Tony reported on a meeting March 9 that he attended for Sean. Wells Fargo reported on the work to their campus on 28th Street and 5th Avenue. When it is completed there will be 4300 people working there. Allina discussed the recent decision to relocate 1000 of their employees to the Sears sites on Lake Street.
The Hennepin County board and the Minneapolis City Council will be voting on the project in the coming months. The project is likely to pass each group. Both the County and the City are requiring that the center lane of 35W be reserved for transit or HOV-3.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM.
David Motzenbecker, President              Tony Aspholm, Secretary