Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
March 8, 2006
Board Members Present: Joby Lynn White-Wiedow, Ben Kristensen, Martha Ingram, Peter Hallstrom, Erik Lindseth, Mark Hinds, Thor Anderson, Darrel Gerber, Dave Saddoris
KFNA Staff Present: Sarah Linnes-Robinson
Board Members Absent: Ryan Raleigh, Niki Valens, and Diana Schleisman
Meeting Called to Order:
7:08 PM
Community Forum:
Margaret Hastings: A neighborhood homeless activist informed the board that she would be having a vigil to recognize the issues of homelessness in the Kingfield neighborhood and citywide. Hastings informed the board that the vigil would be held at Martin Luther King Park on March 31st from 7 pm to 8 am. Hastings encouraged all to attend and partake in the vigil. Hastings also informed the board that the film “Illegal to be Homeless†would be shown at Martin Luther King Park on March 28th from 7pm to 9pm. Erik Lindseth informed Hastings that the Kingfield Neighborhood Association would put the needed information regarding the vigil and send it out on the KFNA email list.
Secretary’s Report
January and February minutes were reviewed.
Treasure Report
Balance sheets reviewed. Sarah Linnes-Robinson also informed the board that the audit was completed and Linnes-Robinson provided the reasoning for the auditor’s findings. Mark Hinds moved to accept the Auditors findings Joby Lynn White-Wiedow seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Redevelopment and Zoning
No items
No items
No Items
King Bridge Partnership
Hinds reported that the Southwest Journals March 27th issue would have a drawbridge contest. Hinds noted that entries could be submitted online.
Farmer’s Market
No items
Art is the Key
No items
Bus Rapid Transit Meeting
Lindseth reported that there were no minutes from the meeting, however, there were 60-70 people at the meeting and MNDOT and the Met Council provided presentations with a Q & A session regarding BRT. Darrel Gerber provided a brief synopsis of the BRT plan and the timeline of its development along 35W. Gerber also informed the board that the MNDOT website offers a more details of the BRT plans for 35W.
Mosaic Mural Update
Linnes-Robinson reported that the mural is not going up at Frame-Up location and the project is on hold until another suitable location can be found. Lindseth informed Linnes-Robinson that KFNA should continue discussions with the Artists on possible alternatives.
Old Business:
Presentation of the draft Kingfield Phase II NRP Plan: changes from February
Linnes-Robinson provided an update and changes of the NRP Phase II p\Plan. Also comments on the changes were noted in handout provided by Linnes-Robinson. Hinds moved to accept the changes to the Kingfield Phase II NRP Plan Thor Anderson seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
Farmers Market’s Positions
Linnes-Robinson informed the board that the Farmers Market coordinator position should be split into two:
Person would coordinate on-site issues of the Market (i.e. dealing with venders).
Market Administrator position dealing with all activities off-site (i.e. marketing, newsletter, etc.).
Lindseth noted that Linnes-Robison should post the new positions on the KFNA website and the KFNA email listserv until March 17th 2006. Linnes-Robison would then hire for the positions.
Hinds moved to accept splitting the current Farmer’s Market position into two and posting the positions on KFNA website and email listserv. Ingram seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Ingram also moved that the KFNA hiring practices be reviewed at the next Executive Committee. Hallstrom seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
New Business:
KFNA Insurance Update
Linnes-Robinson informed the board that KFNA has a new insurance agent and that our current policy with State Farm Insurance is not sufficient. Linnes-Robison and our agent continue to search for a new insurance provider.
Update on the development at 19th West 38th Street
Chris Rydrick developer of 19th West 38yh street provided a detailed update and informed the board that he would be going to the Planning Commission March 27th for a variance request. Rydrick noted that he would like the board to support the four variances and provide a letter of support. Hinds motioned that the Kingfield board support the four variances for the development at 19th West 38th Street. Gerber seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
University of Minnesota and Minneapolis Neighborhood Information System’s GIS Training
Lindseth informed the board that through the University of Minnesota and the Minneapolis Neighborhood Information Systems neighborhoods are offered GIS software and training at a reduce price of $100.00 and a membership into the Minneapolis Neighborhood Information System for $250.00. Gerber noted that the GIS software and training would benefit KFNA greatly with development and planning issues. Hinds motioned that KFNA pay up to $350.00 to buy the GIS software and pay the membership fee of $250.00 to join the Minneapolis Neighborhood Information System. Peter Hallstrom seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
StormWater Management Project Design and Construction Contract
Dave Saddoris provided an update regarding the bid process for the Stormwater Management Contract. Saddoris noted that the Green Committee reviewed two bids and decided that Kestrel’s experience and costs were better of the two bids. The construction schedule should begin this fall and consist of six residential and three commercial sites. Jody Lynn White-Wiedow moved to accept the Bid contract as amended with Kestrel. Saddoris seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. A second motion was moved by Martha Ingram to authorize NRP monies of up to $24,999.99 in the scope of services to Kestrel’s contract. Lynn White-Wiedow seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Executive Committee
Gerber motioned that the Executive Committee review KFNA’s Fixed Asset, Email, and Financial Policies. Ingram seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Executive Director Review and 2006 Budget postponed until April meeting.
Hinds motioned that the Executive Director’s review be moved to the April board meeting. Lynn White-Wiedow seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Meeting Adjourned:
Meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Ben Kristensen.
Reviewed by KFNA Board Secretary Thor Anderson
Approved by KFNA Board President Erik Lindseth