APRIL 14, 2004
Board members present:Â David Muschenheim, Paige Fitzgerald, David Moztenbecker, Tony Aspholm, Tom Buller, Art Knowles, Martha Ingram, Erik Lindseth, Sean Wherley, Rosemary Dolata, Thor Anderson
Board members absent:Â Ben Kristensen
Others present: Robyn Repya, Sarah Linnes-Robinson, Liz Gibson-Gasset, Erik Linnes Bagley, and Sarah’s sister.
The meeting was called to order at 7:04 PM.
Community Forum – no issues raised.
Secretary’s report
It was clarified that Rosemary will explain the CHI at the annual meeting rather than David. The amended minutes were approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report
Sean questioned the purpose of $638 payment to Steve Jevning. It was for the Greenway Project. The receipts are on file. The motion to accept the February and March reports passed unanimously.
Annual Meeting Planning
Elected officials have been invited to attend: City council members Nizolek and Lillegren, State Representatives Walker and Horenstein and Senator Dibble, and County Commissioner Dorfman. The agenda is:
General Overview
Reports on Board activities by board members, six presenters
Speeches and questions
Elected Officials presentations
Election results
Board members should wear their tee shirts. Volunteer sign up sheets and a donation jar will be available.
CHI Update
The CHI plan was circulated to board members. The three tracts are designed to run concurrently. The next meeting will be May 6. A core group will work and two large events will happen to reach out to the neighborhood.
We will work with the Lyndale Neighborhood with them as a stakeholder. KFN is the main sponsor of the project that runs from 32nd to 46th Streets along Nicollet Avenue.
Lighting Project
The City has allocated $182,000 for new lights on Nicollet. We need to continue advancing this project.
Hiring Update
Forty-seven people applied for the job. The Human Resources committee will select candidates to be interviewed and David and Sarah will do the interviewing. Sean moved that a job offer be made to the most qualified person with final approval being made by the board at its next meeting. The motion passed unanimously.
Mural Task Force
The Mural Committee has issued calls for artists, businesses with walls available for painting and for youth artists. There is a need for board members to be liaisons with each of the mural projects.
Five people have volunteered to be on the committee: Tony Ortega, an artist; Ricky Valens, owner of Victors Café; Ellen Keller, youth artist; Erik Lindseth, board member; and Kevin Blackwell from the neighborhood. It was moved to appoint these five people to the Ad Hoc Committee for the Mural Projects. The motion passed with out dissent.
35W Access Project
Sean reported that the Access Project is now connected to the Cross town Project with a total cost of $460M. The Access portion has risen in price from $152M to $260M since January. The State has committed funds for 2009 for the Access project. The environmental assessment has been delayed. No one is certain when it will happen. The fifth lane in the middle of the roadway could become a toll lane. The State is advocating for this. Senator Dibble and Representative Horenstein are opposed to toll lanes. It is not clear who has the final ay in these matters. The highway will be at its capacity when it opens.
The King Field Neighborhood Festival is Saturday July 31st. Board members need to help with the planning.
Hazardous Waste Drop Off
Saturday June 26 neighborhood residents will be able to drop off household hazardous was at the Park Board facility at 38th and Dupont. Gay Noble and Dan Nizolek got things moving on the City side for this project.
The Newsletter deadline is Friday.
Martha graduates from law school on May 15.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.
Minutes submitted by Tony Aspholm
Board President, Board Secretary,