Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
April 13, 2005
Board Members Present:
Thor Anderson, Rosemary Dolata, Martha Ingram, Rolf Johnson, Arthur Knowles, Ben Kristensen, Erik Lindseth, David Motzenbecker, Mari O’Rourke, Dave Saddoris, Sean Wherley, and Niki Valens.
Board Members Absent:
Others Present:
Sarah Linnes-Robinson, KFNA; Jeremy Stratton, Southwest Journal; Marie Perzynski, Minneapolis Police Lieutenant; Tim, owner of Frame Ups.
Meeting called to order:
Motzenbecker called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.
Community Forum:
Lieutenant Perzynski provided a crime update for the neighborhood and precinct. She urged people to take precautions as there have been several reported burglaries and car break-ins recently. She said that the precinct will have two officers and one sergeant reassigned to the north side following a new crime prevention initiative launched by Chief William McManus.
Secretary’s Report
Linnes-Robinson requested that the minutes reflect the findings of KFNA’s recent audit, conducted by the State Auditor. A double billing of $150 was reported and corrected. The second item recommended stronger segregation of financial duties, which is difficult in such a small organization. Wherley moved to accept the March Board minutes; Knowles seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report:
Motzenbecker inquired about the $2,500 item listed under “events.â€Â Linnes-Robinson said it was a social service grant issued to the Underground Youth Center. Knowles moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Ingram seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Committee Reports:
Wherley inquired about requesting funds for the King Bridge Partnership through the Capital Long-range Investment Committee. Motzenbecker said that KFNA should send a letter expressing interest in such funding to the committee next year, indicating it is premature to do so in 2005.
MLK Multi-Purpose Room:
Linnes-Robinson said that the Minneapolis Park Board will issue $11,600 to KFNA to reimburse the organization for repairs completed in 2002 on the multi-purpose room at King Park.
Annual Meeting:
Motzenbecker reviewed the proposed agenda for the April 18 annual meeting. It was agreed that Councilmember Scott Benson will discuss 35W and Crosstown. Knowles will discuss the NRP plan modifications, Valens and O’Rourke will discuss the block club organizing, Wherley will discuss fundraising, and Motzenbecker will discuss the farmer’s market, mural project, hazardous waste collection, and Kingfield Festival.
Because David Muschenheim announced his resignation from the board earlier this week, it was agreed that the board candidate receiving the seventh-highest vote total at the annual meeting would complete the remaining one year of Muschenheim’s term. The top six candidates will each serve two-year terms. Linnes-Robinson reminded the board that alternates may attend and speak at board meetings but cannot vote.
Theisen Building:
Motzenbecker said that the Lander Group, developer of the former Theisen building, may ask KFNA for financial assistance for the site. Lander has not purchased the property as the company is awaiting environmental clean-up of the site.
23 W. 38th Street:
Linnes-Robinson reported that the duplex at 23 W. 38th Street is nearly complete; the site is owned by the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority. Motzenbecker suggested holding a party or celebration to mark the completion of construction.
23 W. 38th Street:
Linnes-Robinson said that the Nicollet Avenue lighting project proposed for 36th Street to 40th Street has received approval from city councilmembers Dan Niziolek and Robert Lilligren. An assessment hearing will be held in June.
Farmer’s Market:
Motzenbecker said that Time-Warner, the owner of the lot that hosts the Kingfield Farmer’s Market, has refused to sign a contract allowing the market to continue at the site in 2005. Instead, Tim ?, the owner of Frame Ups on Nicollet Avenue will allow KFNA to host the market in the lot at his business. The property is zoned commercial but a conditional use permit will likely be granted for the market to operate on the new site.
Meeting Adjourned:
Knowles moved to adjourn; Ingram seconded. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Sean Wherley.
KFNA Board Secretary – Sean Wherley
KFNA Board President – David Motzenbecker