Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
April 12, 2006
Board Members Present:
Thor Anderson, Dave Saddoris, Pete Hallstrom, Ben Kristensen, Erik Lindseth, Ryan Raleigh, JobyLyn White-Weidow, Diana Schleisman, Niki Valens, Darrell Gerber
KFNA Staff Present: Sarah Linnes-Robinson
Board Members Absent:
Mark Hinds, Martha Ingram
Meeting Called to Order:
Lindseth called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Lindseth welcomed Sarah Kirchner, a freelance journalist who will cover board meetings for the SWJ newspaper.
Community Forum:
Mike Flowers, from the Carag Community, shared information on a crime patrol program that is being organized in his neighborhood. Kingfield board members shared information about our neighborhood’s current efforts in this area.
Secretary’s Report:
March Minutes were adopted with the following changes: correct spelling of Darrell Gerber and JobyLyn White-Weidow.
Treasurer’s Report:
Certain items of the budget report appear to be inaccurate and need to be reconciled. The report will be visited again at the next meeting.
Redevelopment Committee Report:
Hallsrom shared that KFNA has received information from the Great Minneapolis Real Estate Company regarding their remodeling contest. Discussion was tabled.
Zoning Committee Report:
NRP Committee Report:
Green Committee Report:
King Bridge Partnership:
It was reported that he “draw bridge†contest has appeared in the SWJ.
Farmers’ Market:
Regarding the notes from the task force meeting of April 5, it was clarified that Maura Bosch, our new market coordinator, was hired by Sarah and approved by the board.
Crime & Safety Committee Report:
It was noted that, as this is a new and timely response to what has been taking place in the neighborhood, we should make sure to highlight the ongoing efforts of this committee at the annual meeting.
Art is the Key:
Many individuals spoke to the unqualified success of this event. There is strong support for repeating the event next year with an eye towards “community focusâ€.
Lyndale Streetscape Committee:
Sarah summarized the results of a recent survey (see committee notes) that was developed and circulated to the effected neighbors by the committee. The survey results indicate that the neighborhood should pursue pedestrian level lighting.
Sarah explained that while the inclusion of a “tree and turf median†is also indicated by the survey, the funding mechanism for that portion of the project is still in question.
Transportation Action Plan:
Gerber reported that there would be a series of workshops (see news release) hosted by the City of Minneapolis. The purpose of the workshops will be to give the public an opportunity to share their ideas on how the City can improve its transportation system, and give an overview of the City’s 10-year Transportation Action Plan.
Farmers’ Market Update:
Sarah described how the recent hiring of a “market coordinator†had played out. There had been technical issues which hampered efforts to post the position on the website. Nonetheless 10 individuals had requested information, 4 had sent résumés and 1 individual was interested in the job of being coordinator every Sunday. Maura Bosch was hired.
Cathy Raleigh was selected as the new “market administratorâ€. Sarah indicated that she was selected because of her experience and background.
The board reviewed a draft contract for the lease of the parking lot at 4310 Nicollet Ave. –the intended site of the 2006 Farmer’s Market. There was ranging discussion regarding the degree to which the various involved parties will be indemnified against claims by the contract. Lindseth, who drafted the contract language, assured board members that the language of the contract protects KFNA’s interests, while satisfying the requirements of the property owner. Saddoris moved to approve the contract. The motion was seconded and carried.
Hallstrom and others expressed concern over the issue of pedestrian safety during market hours. The board agreed to continue seeking solutions to this potential problem.
Kestrel Contract:
Saddoris reported that Kestrel had rejected the contract that KFNA had drafted. Subsequently Kestrel provided a contract to KFNA and it was not acceptable to the latter. Saddoris believes that an acceptable contract will be achieved but the project will be moved into the future, perhaps as far as next spring.
Sarah reminded the board that it is not a problem to extend the project by up to 6 months. The downside could be that if construction costs go up we will get less for our dollar.
It was moved and carried that the parties continue to hash out the terms of the contract and bring it back before the board.
Graffiti Task Force Resolution:
Scott Moore, from the Lyndale Neighborhood, is seeking KFNA support for a resolution he wants the Minneapolis City Council to consider. The resolution invokes the new 617.90 statute, which instructs the City Attorney to retain private counsel to prosecute graffiti crimes against City property. Board members questioned Moore regarding the reliability of methods for identifying and prosecuting graffiti suspects. After a ranging discussion the board moved and carried a motion to support the resolution.
Moore invited participation in the Lyndale Graffiti Task Force, which meets every Saturday at 4 o’clock at Lula’s Café on Nicollet Ave.
KFNA Budget 2006:
Sarah highlighted aspects of the 2006 KFNA budget. She pointed out that income is down because there are fewer projects. Expenses are up, in part, because there are extra hours worked by staff. Among various budget adjustments, relative to last year’s budget, it is noteworthy that KFNA’s monetary investment in the “festival†will be scaled back in favor of a partnership with MLK Park.
Adoption of the 2006 budget was moved by Gerber and seconded by Raleigh. The motion carried.
Gerber suggested that in the future is would be helpful to represent the percentage of our annual budget that goes towards fundraising. Board members agreed.
Variance Request at 3616 1st Ave.:
Saddoris reported that owners want to change their duplex back to a “single†residence. They would like board approval to raise the roof. It was moved and carried that the board support the variance request.
Executive Director Review:
Anderson reported that the Executive Committee is seeking input and approval on its annual review of our Executive Director. Board members approved the content of the letter (see letter), with the addition of several points, as follows. 1) The salary increase will be retroactive to the last approved contract. 2) We would like Sarah to help seek participation from more diverse groups – this would apply to all KFNA functions.
3) The board invites Sarah to comment on our assessment and share her sense of where the neighborhood (and thus KFNA) is going or should go in the next several years. How does she feel her position can best be leveraged to get positive things done for the neighborhood?
Board minutes respectfully prepared by Thor Anderson
KFNA Board Secretary – Thor Anderson
KFNA Board President – Erik Lindseth