Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Annual Meeting
April 17, 2006
Board Members Present:
Thor Anderson, JobyLynn,
Board Members Absent:
Others Present:
60 neighborhood residents, various elected officials, neighborhood staff.
Meeting called to order:
Lindseth called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m., welcomed the community, and introduced board members who provided a summary of KFNA committees and activities.
Lindseth presented a KFNA By-Law change as detailed below. It was voted on by the community with a show of hands. All members voted to approve the change.Â
Kingfield Neighborhood Association Proposed Bylaw Changes 4/17/06
(Underlined phrases are proposed to be added to the Bylaws.)
Article 4 (Board of Directors), subsection D (Vacancies) is proposed to be amended as follows:
               1.            Vacancies Among Directors. Vacancies occurring on the Board other than those cause by the expiration of a term of office shall be filled by the appointment of a Director by the remaining Directors, from among the alternates elected at the last annual meeting in order of the highest number of votes received. If no alternates remain to be appointed, the Board of Directors by a two-thirds (2/3) vote may appoint a Member of the Association to serve as a Director. A Director appointed to fill a vacancy shall hold office for the remainder of the unexpired term of his or her predecessor and until his or her successor shall be elected and qualified. A vacancy may be created by the resignation in writing of a Director upon delivery to the President, the automatic removal of a Director through excessive absence as defined in section G of this Article, or by removal of a Director as provided for in section G of this Article. A vacancy shall be declared by the President at the first meeting after it occurs and may be filled immediately.
               2.            Vacancies Among Alternates. If at any time fewer than three (3) alternates remain from among those elected at the annual meeting as provide in Article 4, section C, the Board of Directors by a two-thirds (2/3) vote may appoint a Member of the Association to serve as an alternate for the balance of the one (1) year term.
Kingfield NRP Phase II Plan Presentation and Community Vote
Knowles and Valens, NRP Steering Committee Members, presented a summary of the NRP Phase I Wrap-up and the NRP Phase II Planning process. The briefly summarized the structure of the plan and KFNA Executive Director, Linnes-Robinson, explained restrictions upon the neighborhood in the allocation of the Phase II dollars and answered questions concerning the Phase II spreadsheet summary.Â
Board Elections:
Twelve candidates vied for seven open board positions. Those elected for two year terms which will expire in April 2008 include: Darrell Gerber; Dave Saddoris, Niki Valens,
Public Officials:
Hennepin county Commissioner Gail Dorfman, State Rep. Frank Hornstein, and City Councilmembers Elizabeth Glidden and Scott Benson addressed the meeting.Â
Meeting Adjourned:
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by
KFNA Board Secretary – Thor Anderson
KFNA Board President – Erik Lindseth