Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
May 11, 2005
Board Members Present:
Thor Anderson, Darrell Gerber, Pete Hallstrom, Mark Hinds, Martha Ingram, Ben Kristensen, Erik Lindseth, Ryan Raleigh, Diana Schleisman, Niki Valens, Sean Wherley, and JobyLyn White-Weidow (alternate).
Board Members Absent:
Mari O’Rourke, Dave Saddoris
Others Present:
Arthur Knowles; Sarah Linnes-Robinson, KFNA; and Robyn Repya, Southwest Journal.
Meeting called to order:
Kristensen, acting in the absence of outgoing President David Motzenbecker, called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.
Community Forum:
Outgoing board member Knowles reminded the board that the Zoning Subcommittee meets May 18 at 7 p.m.
Officer Elections:
Rolf Johnson resigned from the board. Wherley moved that Raleigh assume the remainder of Johnson’s term. Ingram seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Linnes-Robinson discussed the bylaws and the roles and expectations of officers.
Lindseth nominated Kristensen to be treasurer. Motion passed unanimously. Wherley nominated Anderson to be secretary. Motion passed unanimously. Anderson nominated Wherley to be vice president. Motion passed unanimously. Hinds nominated Lindseth to be president. Motion passed unanimously. Lindseth then assumed the duties of president and ran the remainder of the meeting.
Secretary’s Report
The April 13 minutes had one correction; the representative from the Southwest Journal in attendance was Joe Widmer, an intern. Wherley moved to accept the April 13 board minutes; Hinds seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report:
Bank statements from March and April were not available for review; they will be approved at the June board meeting. Kristensen brought the certificate of authority form and asked new officers to provide their signature for authorizing checks. Linnes-Robinson explained that the checking account had an estimated $60,000 and that most expenses run on a reimbursement system, whereby the Neighborhood Revitalization Program pays KFNA for all expenses borne.
Committee Reports:
Linnes-Robinson explained that each board member should serve on two committees and that each panel’s membership is approved by the board. She reviewed the committees and their roles or areas of oversight. Committee members must be 18 or older, and or live or work in Kingfield. Each committee should elect chairs at their next meeting. A staff person is assigned to each committee but the chair should be responsible for communicating business with committee members.
Wherley discussed NRP Steering; Hinds Redevelopment; Anderson the Newsletter; Wherley fundraising, and transportation; and Valens the block organizing.
Mural Project:
Linnes-Robinson said KFNA selected five businesses for murals or other artwork this summer. The businesses include Young’s Flowers, Nicollet Auto, Leonardo’s Basement, Frame Ups, and Colonial Cleaners. Young’s Flowers will be adorned with a mosaic while the others will receive murals.
Lighting Petition:
The City Council’s Transportation and Public Works Committee approved KFNA’s Nicollet Avenue lighting petition between 36th and 40th Streets. A public hearing is set for June 28 at 7 p.m. at Martin Luther King Park. Board members are encouraged to attend. Linnes-Robinson expects no problems at the hearing and said the installation could still happen in 2005.
Board Orientation:
A board member orientation is scheduled for June 7 at Ingram’s home, 4134 Wentworth Ave. S. Board members are asked to bring a side dish.
Meeting Adjourned:
Hallstrom moved to adjourn; Schleisman seconded. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Sean Wherley.
KFNA Board Secretary – Sean Wherley
KFNA Board President – Erik Lindseth