Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
June 8, 2005
Board Members Present:
Thor Anderson, Darrell Gerber, Pete Hallstrom, Mark Hinds, Martha Ingram, Ben Kristensen, Erik Lindseth, Mari O’Rourke, Ryan Raleigh, Diana Schleisman, , Sean Wherley, and JobyLyn White-Wiedow (alternate).
KFNA Executive Director Sarah Linnes-Robinson present
Board Members Absent:
Niki Valens
Meeting Called to Order:
Lindseth, the new KFNA Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Community Forum:
Audience member asked two questions: Q) Will KFNA July Festival have an art forum? A) Wherley: No; Q) Who would be interested in organizing an art exhibit for KFNA, perhaps alongside Farmers’ Market? A) Lindseth: suggest coordinate with Art Mural committee and/or Linnes-Robinson regarding the Farmers’ Market. Linnes-Robinson explained that KFNA had an art show two years ago, and while attempt was made last year, lack of participation precluded art forum.
Conflict of Interest Declarations:
New Board member, Pete Hallstrom, declared that wife, Joanna Hallstrom, is an employee of KFNA. President noted for the record declaration.
Committee Member Appointments:
Board members reviewed assignments, Linnes-Robinson explained that committee members appointed by President while working groups less formal and participation more fluid. Gerber clarified role of Transportation Liaison and Transportation Committee and request removal from Elm Committee. Margo Dean added to Redevelopment Committee.
Motion to adopt committee appointments moved, seconded, and voted to carry.
Secretary’s Report:
Postponed. May 11 Minutes adopted.
Treasurer’s Report:
Everything OK. March 31 and April 30 Balance Sheets adopted.
Committee Reports:
·       NRP Committee: Wherley explained role of NRP committee as influential in expending NRP funds and seeking members.
Farmers’ Market
·       Second Sunday Celebrations: Flyer distributed and reviewed. Linnes-Robinson explained value of Farmers’ Market in building community and described the marketing of event through in-kind donations from S.W. Journal & Minneapolis Observer.
·       Farmers’ Market Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Tim Harwig, owner of Frame-Ups distributed and reviewed. Lindseth explained MOU for only one year due to temporary location, utilities donated and Harwig calculates value of charitable donation for tax purposes. Gerber asked if electricity provided sufficient, A) vendors not anticipating electricity. O’Rourke asked if same vendors coming, A) Elsie’s Farm won’t be present this year, but everyone else will be. Motion to adopt MOU forwarded, moved and carried.
·       Farmers’ Market Coordinator Contract: Position description provided to Board by Linnes-Robinson and reviewed. Linnes-Robinson explained this will be 5th year of market, which had been previously coordinated by independent contractor who is no longer available. Linnes-Robinson explained the need to approve an employee position description to finalize employment status of a neighborhood resident who is available and interested. JobyLyn asked if direction will be provided on-site? Linnes-Robinson answered not at all times. Diana S asked if volunteers interested? Linnes-Robinson answered no…this is a very serious commitment and employee needed to satisfy responsibilities. Gerber asked about selection process and Linnes-Robinson replied that E.D. chooses employee Board approves Position.
Position description moved. Lindseth moved to amend to add bullet to “arrange pre-market vendor organizational meeting.â€Â Ingram amended sentence to read “KF Market Coordinator will work under…. Anderson amended to include invitation to coordinator to visit Board mid-season and at conclusion of season for report to board. Motion moved and amended and passed.
Nicollet Avenue Lighting Project Outreach:Â Letter and Outreach Plan:
Comments sought on letter to residents, which is a heads-up prior to assessment letter from City. Meeting hosted by City on June 28th to seek feedback and KFNA will field complaints before Public Hearing.
NRP Funds Committed to Lander by Redevelopment Committee:
Mark Hinds opened discussion with a motion to commit KFNA to provide $5000 for each affordable housing unit to be built in the redevelopment of the property located at 38th and Nicollet by the Lander Group.
Background by Hinds provided:
·       the Redevelopment Committee has a good working relationship with Lander Group who has attended committee meetings and provided a great deal of information regarding their proposed development.
·       the committee recently received a formal request for assistance from Lander Group to ensure that the project meets the affordable and sustainable priorities of the neighborhood. The amount requested exceeded $200,000 alongside an itemized cost list of these priorities in the project.
·       the redevelopment committee has identified long-term affordable housing as a priority and has discussed the level of commitment available from phase I and II NRP funds.
·       the project, known as “38†will include 41 units and preserve the historic structure on-site while rise to 5 stories in the rear and step down to street in front. Indoor parking will be available and the billboards will be incorporated into current design due to prior contractual arrangements.
·       With the current commitment proposed of $5,000 per affordable unit, it is certain that Lander will pursue more sources of funds. In particular, Lander is preparing to apply for a June 28 deadline for CPED and MHFA funding.
White-Wiedow questioned the status of the billboards and encouraged efforts to tie future funding streams for KFNA to billboard contract. Wherley expressed disappointment if theatre group blacked out windows on corner, as a proposed potential tenant. Lindseth proposed following amendments to motion that $5,000 per affordable unit as tied to community land trust subject to following conditions:
1)Â Â Â Â Â the commitment of funds subject to sale of property to Lander,
2)Â Â Â Â Â that KFNA should be listed as partner in development marketing materials, and
3)Â Â Â Â Â payment of funds due upon completion of project.
Wherley proposed a further amendment to include a condition
4)     that funds be made available to the affordable housing units of “38†only if a minimum threshold of 6 up to a maximum of 10 affordable units be included in development. All four of the above amendments went to vote and passed.
Goff Development: Draft letter to City citing KFNA’s concerns with the project and anticipated extension for site plan:
Motion forwarded that KFNA oppose any request from Goff for permit extension as outlined in letter to Steve Poor, City of Minneapolis Zoning Administrator.
Background by Lindseth provided:
·       Goff has been disingenuous with redevelopment committee regarding site at 36th and Nicollet, and the committee does not support current project as proposed;
·       Letter to City of Minneapolis as a preemptive strike to discourage approval of extension to Goff, if requested;
·       Potential conflict of interest on part of David Motzenbacher regarding Goff and site;
·       Linnes-Robinson explained that KFNA has a proposal with the city to buy the site
Move to amend to strike last sentence of letter, which encourages City to only approve a three month extension if they are to act at all. Vote results: 3 Yays, 8 Nays. Technical amendment forwarded to add strong support for denying extension. Motion moved, seconded and carried.
Fund Raising Letter for Event Support to Business:
Questions from Board Training:
Primer on parliamentary procedure
Adjourned at 9pm
Minutes respectfully submitted by Thor Anderson as prepared by Ryan Raleigh.
KFNA Board Secretary – Thor Anderson
KFNA Board President – Erik Lindseth