Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
July 14, 2004
Board members present: Rosemary Dolata, Martha Ingram, Arthur Knowles, Ben Kristensen, Erik Lindseth, David Motzenbecker, Dave Muschenheim, Mari O’Rourke, Dave Saddoris, Niki Valens, Sean Wherley.
Others present: Ken Avidor, Rachel Foran, Liz Gibson-Gasset, Sarah Linnes-Robinson, and Robyn Repya.
Meeting called to order:
David Motzenbecker called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Community Forum:
Niki Valens informed the board of a festival sponsored by various businesses at the corner of 38th Street and Grand Avenue July 16-18.
Secretary’s Report:
David Motzenbecker said his name had been misspelled in last month’s minutes. Knowles moved, and Valens seconded, that minutes be corrected with regard to spelling, and approved. Motion carried unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report:
Sean Wherley moved, and David Muschenheim seconded, that the June treasurer’s report be accepted. Motion carried unanimously.
Committee Reports:
There were no questions or clarifications requests regarding other committee reports.
Year end financials:
Nancy Hansen, the KFNA Bookkeeper, gave the board an overview of the balance sheet and the income and expense statement. Sarah Linnes-Robinson once again requested that all questions regarding specific line items be phoned or e-mailed to her before the monthly meeting, so that she can research the correct response.
Dave Muschenheim again brought up the possibility of setting funds aside in a savings account to accrue some interest.
Staff Reorganization Proposal:
The board appreciated being kept up-to-date about the current staffing problems, and the temporary solutions which have been implemented.
With both Rachel and Liz leaving their positions in October, Wherley moved, and Muschenheim seconded, that KFNA post the position of project coordinator on October l, 2004, with the job to commence on January l, 2005. All voted aye, with the exception of Muschenheim, who abstained.
Contract reviews:
Erik Lindseth moved, and Rosemary Dolata seconded, that the CHI contract be revised by striking references to Sarah Linnes-Robinson, KFNA Project Organizer, and replacing such references with David Motzenbecker, the Board President, to more clearly indicate that the contract is with the KFNA, not with an individual.
Wherley suggested that the 40th Street Bridge contract needed more detail. Lindseth moved, and Martha Ingram seconded, that the contract be referred to the Redevelopment Committee for further consideration. Motion carried unanimously.
Discussion Items:
Communications Committee: Linnes-Robinson provided an overview of the history and status of the KFNA website, noting that the lack of volunteers and staff knowledge had kept it from being regularly updated. Lindseth recommended that web knowledge be a priority for new staff hires. Dolata opposed making website experience of greater importance than organizing experience when evaluating prospective staff members. Motzenbecker suggested that someone research the costs of hiring someone to maintain the website. Lindseth requested that Rachel Foran spend some of her remaining time with KFNA updating the website, and forwarding her suggestions with regard to web software, design, and providers. Arthur Knowles said that energy spent on improving the website, while necessary, would not enlarge KFNA’s outreach effort.
Small Business Grants: Motzenbecker asked the NRP Steering Committee to consider setting up a program to encourage small businesses to stay in Kingfield. Wherley said that the idea could be considered when planning for Phase II.
35W Injunction: Wherley noted that KFNA is on record opposing the 35W Access Project, as currently designed, as indicated by two votes during the last four years. Wherley said that the KFNA board must represent the views of the neighborhood and pursue all options. One option is to seek legal counsel to determine if the KFNA has grounds for seeking an injunction against the project. Wherley moved, and Muschenheim seconded, that KFNA approach MAP for Nonprofits and request that the agency post our search for pro bono legal representation, to examine our legal status vis-Ã -vis an injunction. This motion also authorizes the payment of $400.00 of KFNA (not NRP) funds to MAP for Nonprofits, if such legal counsel is found. All voted aye, save Knowles and Lindseth, who abstained.
Old Business:
Each board member was given five Kingfield Festival posters to distribute before the July 31 event.
New Business:
Board members are encouraged to get out on the “National Night Out†and visit Kingfield parties, offering support and promoting KFNA.
Dave Saddoris issued a report about the 35W Tunnel Project, to which he is the Kingfield liaison. There has been occasional flooding at Blaisdell Avenue & 43rd Street, Lyndale Avenue & 45th Street, and 1st Avenue & 45th Street, especially in 1997. One mitigation possibility includes water gardens. Saddoris will keep the board updated.
Linnes-Robinson said that all SAFE officers have been pulled from Kingfield, and that the Martin Luther King Park building will be closed the last two weeks of August. Any committee meetings scheduled during that period must find other venues.
Meeting adjourned: 8:55 P.M.
Minutes submitted by Arthur H. Knowles
KFNA Board Secretary – Sean Wherley
KFNA Board President – David Motzenbecker