Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
Aug 10, 2005
Board Members Present:
Darryl Gerber, Thor Anderson, Dave Saddoris, Pete Hallstrom, Martha Ingram, Ben Kristensen, Ryan Raleigh and Sean Wherley, Diana Schleisman
KFNA Staff Present: Sarah Linnes-Robinson and Joanna Sahlberg Hallstrom,
Board Members Absent:
Niki Valens, Mari O’Rourke, and JobyLyn White-Wiedow (alternate), Erik Lindseth, Mark Hinds
Meeting Called to Order:
Lindseth called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Community Forum:
Mark & Tammy Mulvehill, owners of Caffe Tempo, want to get opinions from the neighborhood regarding changes they can make to their coffee shop. In particular they want to be more “kid friendlyâ€. The board agreed that the email list and the newsletter would be acceptable venues for getting the opinions of neighbors.
Sala Gilner, board member at Field Regina Northrop Neighborhood Group, announced the availability of and office coordinator position.
Joanna H. commented on the ongoing concerns in some parts of the neighborhood with increased violence and prostitution. Joanna assured the board that she is keeping in contact with our SAFE officer to monitor developments. Also, there are efforts underway to hold community meetings to address the issues.
Secretary’s Report:
The July 13 minutes were adopted with the following change. Darryl Gerber was absent from that meeting. He should have been listed accordingly.
Treasurer’s Report:
No treasurer’s report
Redevelopment Committee Report:
The KFNA board has been asked to not discuss the Lander Plan while there are ongoing negotiations. A proposal will come before the board at a future date. One board member expressed concern that our financial offering towards the project is so substantial in light of reduced Phase II NRP funding. A) The negotiating team is being aggressive to leverage our contribution to get maximum benefits for the neighborhood.
Minneapolis Meditation Center
It was brought to the board’s attention that the Minneapolis Meditation Center is purchasing the property at 43rd & Blaisedale. They want to place a sign on the property and may need a variance.
Festival Recap
Sean W. reported that, despite increased food, entertainment and extended hours, there was perhaps a disappointing turnout at this year’s festival. Nonetheless, many board members felt that the festival was a success in many areas.
Art Chairs
It was reported that the art chair silent auction brought in over $1,000 to the neighborhood association. There is already discussion about a future artistic collaboration with Leorardo’s Basement and Anodyne coffee shop.
Farmer’s Market Update
There are reports that some vendors are unhappy with the current site. The board agreed
this has been a challenging year to date, especially with the absence of a major vegetable vendor.
Transportation Report
Darryl Gerber reported that he has been appointed to the Project Steering Committee for “Mobility Minneapolisâ€. He explained that the long term (10 year) planning project is transit focused with an emphasis on downtown Mpls. The committee will host an open house in the end of September.
Goff Site Update
Sarah reported that Steve Poor has confirmed that there will not be an extension granted to Goff for work at the 3601 site. Sarah has drafted a letter to Mr. Dockry of CPED. The letter presents KFNA’s wishes that the property be acquired by the city and developed in accordance with the Higher Density Corridor Housing Initiative Project.
The letter was approved with minor changes, namely that it be pointed out that our suggestions for development are consistent with the goals that the city has already stated.
23 West 38th Street Update
Sarah reported that city authorities are not concerned whether or not the development has handicap accessibility – they are satisfied that at least it meets affordable housing goals. If we want to continue to pursue the matter we have been advised to take it up with our city council representatives.
CPED Contract Update
Sarah reported that she has drafted new contracts with CPED which address the concern the board previously had over administrative fees. If was moved and carried that the board approve the new contracts.
Returned 4% Loans
Sarah shared information regarding the proposal to move funds from Kingfield’s 4% Home Loan program (loans that have been repaid), into the KFNA Affordable Housing and Property Redevelopment Program. (See supporting document) A community vote will be necessary to reallocate those funds.
Mural Update
There was discussion about the situation with the mosaic project at 4325 Nicollet. As the artists underestimated the cost of materials, Sarah wrote a memo, which indicates several possible responses to the situation. The board motioned to pursue option #5 (see document). In addition it was recommended that we pursue collaboration with MLK Park to create a mosaic over the entrance to their facility. It was further moved to pay the artists $1,500 now with the requirement that they give us the design now, as it stands, and complete the project in 2006. The board will fundraise for the extra money, as well as the money needed for a mosaic at MLK Park. The motion carried.
Art Crawl
Sarah reminded the board that we need a celebration at several locations for the Art Crawl on oct.2.
Hosmer Library Contracts
Sarah reported that Kingfield’s contracts with Hosmer Library need an extension. (see sheet) A motion to extend the contract was carried.
Environmental Task Force
Sarah pointed out to the board that there is an apparent need to set up an Environmental Task Force in light of the numerous ideas that have surfaced in recent months in that arena. The committee would perhaps overlap with the Redevelopment Committee in some areas but would otherwise field issues specifically related to the environment in Kingfield neighborhood. The board will consider this further at a later date.
Meeting Adjourned at 9pm
Minutes respectfully submitted by Thor Anderson.
KFNA Board Secretary Thor Anderson
KFNA Board President Erik Lindseth