Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
September 8, 2004
Board members present: Thor Anderson, Rosemary Dolata, Martha Ingram, Rolf Johnson, Arthur Knowles, Ben Kristensen, Erik Lindseth, David Motzenbecker, Dave Muschenheim, Mari O’Rourke, Dave Saddoris, Niki Valens, Sean Wherley
Others present:Â Sarah Linnes-Robinson, Liz Gibson-Gasset, Robyn Repya (Southwest Journal)
Meeting called to order:
David Motzenbecker called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.
Community Forum:
No Action.
Secretary’s Report:
Ben Kristensen moved to accept the secretary’s report from August without changes. Sean Wherley seconded, and the motion was approved with two abstentions (Arthur Knowles and Rolf Johnson).
Treasurer’s Report:
Kristensen reported that the current checking account would remain at Wells Fargo, as noted at in his letter submitted to the board at last month’s meeting. Kristensen also noted that an ING savings account could be pursued in the future if the board decides this would be beneficial for KFNA.
Wherley asked what the $1,000 given to Heather Martens was used for. Sarah Linnes-Robinson explained that the amount was a community initiated grant for elm tree care for Kingfield residents.
Wherley also asked if there was a final dollar amount (i.e. loss/profit) from the KFNA Festival. Linnes-Robinson informed the board that she did not have the exact numbers, but would e-mail the final amount to board members.
Linnes-Robinson provided an update on the mural projects. She noted that the total cost for the murals was $8,757.95 and KFNA received nearly $3,000.00 in donations. She stated that if the board would like to continue with more mural projects, that KFNA should apply for a grant and also could use NRP funds to support future projects. Wherley moved that KFNA should apply for an America Beautiful grant for $2,000.00 and Niki Valens seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Knowles moved to accept the treasurer’s report from July and August 2004. Valens seconded the motion. The motion passed with two abstentions (Rosemary Dolata and Martha Ingram).
Committee Reports:
Knowles reported that the Zoning Committee approved three variances: increasing the garage from a four- to a six-car stall at 3900 Harriet Ave.; a remodeled basement also at 3900 Harriet Ave.; and to allow an 8-foot driveway instead of a 10-foot one at 3648 Nicollet Ave.
Knowles moved that the board approve the two variances for 3900 Harriet Ave. Dave Muschenheim seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously.
Knowles then moved to approve the variance for 3648 Nicollet Ave. Muschenheim seconded the motion. The motion was approved with one abstention (David Saddoris).
Discussion Items:
Joanna Hallstrom – Project Organizer Hiring: Motzenbecker informed the board that Joanna Hallstrom was interviewed for the Project Organizer position prior to the board meeting tonight. The Human Resource Committee recommended the board approve her hiring. Knowles moved to accept the Human Resource Committee’s recommendation to hire Joanna Hallstrom as Project Organizer for KFNA. Wherley seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
35W: Wherley reported that there has been no response to KFNA’s request for legal representation for the 35W Access Project. However, he noted that the Minneapolis City Council voted no to the 35W-Crosstown Reconstruction Project because it did not have BRT (bus rapid transit) and that vote could have significant impact on the Access Project because the two are connected. He also noted that the State has not allocated any money for the Access Project for at least the next ten years, thus putting the project on hold. There will also be a public BRT meeting held Sept. 29 at King Park at 7 p.m.
Forecast contract (Pedestrian Bridge): Motzenbecker noted that no action needed to be taken at this time regarding this topic. However, he noted that Hennepin County and the City of Minneapolis expressed support for the project and that a new pedestrian bridge at 42nd Street should be pursued.
Nicollet Lighting Petition/Lighting Pollution: Linnes-Robinson reported that 40 percent of the needed signatures have been collected for the project between 40th and 36th Streets on Nicollet Avenue; however, 65 percent is needed to proceed. She noted that some significant businesses along Nicollet are against the project and unless some of the businesses sign, the project would not go forward.
Motzenbecker noted that some Kingfield residents voiced concern regarding the potential for light pollution from the new light fixtures. He noted that there are new designs that limit light exposure to lessen the light pollution and the board should encourage the City to consider this if the Nicollet Avenue light project proceeds.
Old Business:
Theisen Vending/Goff Update: Motzenbecker informed the board that Theisen Vending moved last month from 3800 Nicollet Ave. to their new building in Golden Valley. Mr. Theisen has retained Welch Companies to sell his property, which is listed at $895,000.00. Motzenbecker noted that KFNA and Lander Development group would provide a proposal to Mr. Theisen for the property.
Motzenbecker noted that the redevelopment of the Goff property at 3601 Nicollet Ave. has not progressed. He informed the board that KFNA could assist Mr. Goff with redevelopment uses and designs.
CHI: Motzenbecker informed the Board that CHI will present their work on Sept. 23 at King Park at 7 p.m. He noted that Mayor R.T. Rybak and Council Member Dan Niziolek will be present and urged all board members to attend.
MPHA:Â Motzenbecker noted that MPHA would begin construction on the new house at 23 W. 38th St. at the end of September.
New Business:
Farmers Market: Liz Gibson-Gasset informed the board that the farmer’s market will move to Mulroy’s parking lot at 39th Street and Nicollet Avenue next year. She noted that the new site would offer more space for current and future venders and allow the market to grow and possibly become self-sufficient and/or profitable. She also noted that KFNA should consider having a contract with Mulroy’s stating time and use of their parking lot.
Erik Lindseth moved to draft a contract regarding the use of Mulroy’s parking lot for KFNA’s farmers’ market. Valens seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
University of Minnesota Landscape Architecture Conference:Â Motzenbecker informed the board that the University is having a conference Oct. 15-16 and encouraged board members to consider attending one or both sessions.
The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Ben Kristensen
KFNA Board Secretary – Sean Wherley
KFNA Board President – David Motzenbecker