Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
August 11, 2004
Board members present: Thor Anderson, Rosemary Dolata, Martha Ingram, Arthur Knowles, Erik Lindseth, David Motzenbecker, Dave Muschenheim, Mari O’Rourke, Dave Saddoris, Sean Wherley, Rolf Johnson
Others present: Marie Hauser, Sarah Linnes-Robinson, Scott Marshall, Robyn Repya
Meeting called to order:
David Motzenbecker called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
Community Forum:
Scott Marshall of the PEACE Foundation presented information about the organization, which works to encourage Minneapolis residents to counter violence in their neighborhoods. Marshall mentioned the foundation’s effort to create a common communication network and that it would like to take advantage of our e-mail list. Marshall also presented invitations to the inaugural PEACE Ball.
Secretary’s Report:
Martha Ingram moved to accept the secretary’s report from July without changes. Arthur Knowles seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.
Treasurer’s report:
There was no treasurer’s report for July. Ben Kristensen was unable to attend but sent a letter to the Board recommending that it keep its bank accounts at Wells Fargo rather than transfer them to a smaller bank and incur higher fees. Knowles noted that since the problem with account signatories had been solved, there was no reason to leave Wells Fargo.
Dave Saddoris asked what type of monitoring would be needed if an ING savings account were established. Sarah Linnes-Robinson explained that this merely entailed the need to maintain a minimum balance. Knowles asked if there was any information available about the legality of earning interest. Linnes-Robinson said the current NRP policy is basically “Don’t ask, don’t tell†about small interest-bearing accounts –investing NRP funds in place of using them for improvements is allowed, but small savings accounts are not acceptable. Dave Muschenheim pointed out that the 2.3 percent interest rate for an ING account is significant when KFNA carries balances of $20,000 to $30,000. Sean Wherley requested that Linnes-Robinson look into the official rules for interest-bearing accounts, and discussion was tabled until September.
Committee Reports:
Knowles mentioned that the Schwie garage zoning problem had been solved, and that there is a meeting next week to discuss a property at 39th and Harriet as well as another garage variance.
Discussion Items:
35W: Wherley reported that MAP for Nonprofits in St. Paul had been contacted and that no attorney had come forward to represent KFNA. MAP has forwarded the KFNA request to the Minnesota Bar Association; Wherley will follow up in two weeks. There are also national organizations that may be willing to take up the matter.
Wherley also reported that the Minneapolis City Council is due to vote soon on the environmental assessment for the Crosstown/35W Reconstruction Project. The Minneapolis City Attorney is on record as saying that the environmental assessment is inadequate and that the cumulative impact of the Crosstown Project and 35W Access Project are not being considered together as they should. Wherley recommended that Board members call the city to weigh in if they have not already done so, but did not recommend a KFNA letter at this time.
Old Business:
Festival: Wherley reported that around 300 people attended the Festival, raising $575 for KFNA. This did not quite cover expenses, but was better than last year. Vendors were happy and would return next year if asked. Concerns include the lag in getting the Festival underway, hassles with band changeover and the stage, and the early departure of all the art tables. Rosie Dolata mentioned receiving an inquiry about the art show. Linnes-Robinson said that it had been dropped this year for lack of volunteers. Wherley praised the park staff for their great assistance. Motzenbecker suggested the possibility of a “Taste of Kingfield†next summer, offering samples from neighborhood eating establishments for a set price. Linnes-Robinson brought up tying the festival in with a run. Saddoris said such a run would be labor intensive.
CHI: Motzenbecker said there was good participation at the Festival. There was a meeting last Thursday at which Karen Doerr acted as a consultant (helping groups to implement development). The next big push will be the Sept. 23 unveiling of the CHI plan, with Council Member Dan Niziolek and Mayor R.T. Rybak attending. Motzenbecker noted that Brian Goff, owner of 3601 Nicollet Ave., has agreed to participate in the process. Goff has no plans to sell and does not want to partner with anyone, but wants to expand the site to include garage and adjoining houses. Wherley queried the purpose of CHI public comments. Motzenbecker explained that they enable the CHI committee to get a sense of what the neighborhood wants and provide reinforcement that CHI is on the right track. Dolata added that public comments solidify the idea that the community is involved in the process.
National Night Out: Lindseth, Dolata, Keith Hallstrom, and Diana [?] visited all NNO block parties on bicycles, and were favorably received. They distributed Community Initiated Grant information and CHI bookmarks. Lindseth noted that people wanted to know where they could get Kingfield t-shirts and suggested KFNA sell them on its website.
Newsletter: Thor Anderson reported that the August newsletter has gone to press, and that KFNA has a new photographer at large, Joshua Boucher.
New Business:
Theisen is selling its property and will be out by Aug. 13. Mr. Theisen is excited about CHI and is willing to work with Redevelopment Committee to try to sell property in spirit of what neighborhood wants. He has agreed not to list the property until KFNA-partner developers have toured the site and presented bids. Wherley inquired about Theisen’s timeline. Motzenbecker said he does not seem to be in a hurry; developers will have bids to him by Aug. 25. Wherley asked if KFNA could buy the property. Dolata noted that if the developers passed on the project, KFNA might not want it – it’s a challenging space. Muschenheim asked what the goal for the property is. Motzenbecker replied that mixed use would be ideal – retail and housing, consistent with CHI. Knowles noted that KFNA should also encourage any business that likes the site, to facilitate job development in the neighborhood.
Mulroy is definitely moving to Super Shuttle site and wants to lease both of his current locations.
Fundraising letter: Wherley reported that last year’s effort raised $3,000, so it was successful. He recommended continuing this and is willing to write a letter to go out in November.
Replacement staff: The executive committee reported that Margo Dean has interviewed for Rachel Foran’s position. The committee is excited about Dean, who currently does organizing work with a north side neighborhood group. Dean also speaks Spanish and knows website development. Dean would like to phase in as of Sept. 1. Lindseth asked if the Board committed to paying Foran through September. Linnes-Robinson said Foran committed to finishing projects, not a set time frame, so no problem. Wherley moved to offer Margo Dean the KFNA staff position starting Sept.1, up to 80 hours per month at $16/hour plus the existing insurance stipend of $500/quarter, on a 6-month probationary basis, as a replacement for Foran and Liz Gibson-Gasset. Muschenheim seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.
Westrum’s proposal: Linnes-Robinson reported that all murals are going up except one (whose owner is in the hospital). Painter is currently working on a cityscape mural at Westrum’s and would like to raise money for charity by selling “dots†on the cityscape for $10 with proceeds going to Emergency Home Repair grants through KFNA. Lindseth moved that Linnes-Robinson take necessary time to research this idea. Mari O’Rourke seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Tree replacement: Marie Hauser reported that currently the city is overwhelmed with elm removal, but will be doing GPS survey of Kingfield soon. To get on tree replacement list, residents should call the Park Board at (612) 370-4900.
The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Martha Ingram