Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
Sept. 14, 2005
Board Members Present:Â Ben Kristensen, Darrell Gerber, Dave Saddoris, Diana Schleisman, Erik Lindseth, Martha Ingram, Niki Valens, Pete Hallstrom, Thor Anderson, JobyLynn White-Wiedow
KFNA Staff Present: Sarah Linnes-Robinson and Joanna Hallstrom
Community Members Present: Lisa Godon (Assistant City Attorney), Laura Mogelson (Farmer’s Market Coordinator), Hector Ruiz (El Meson), Marie Hauser
Board Members Absent:Â Mark Hinds, Ryan Raleigh, Sean Wherley
Meeting Called to Order:
Lindseth called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m.
Community Forum:
Lisa Gordon, Minneapolis Attorney’s Office introduced herself. She works in the police precinct office, and is trying to bridge the gap between the community, the police, and the prosecutor’s office. She prosecutes non-felony crimes. Her number at the precinct is 612-673-5402, and her email is:
Hector Ruiz introduced himself. He is owner of El Meson. He will be opening a new restaurant at 46th and Grand, and is in the process of applying for a restaurant license. He will be applying for a wine and beer license, and will likely need to apply for a parking variance. The property used to be a grocery store. He has signed a four-year lease on the property.
Secretary’s Report:
The August Meeting Minutes were adopted with the following changes:
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Wherley called the meeting to order
-        “availability of and office coordinator position†should be “availability of an office coordinator positionâ€
-        “Blaisedale†should be “Blaisdellâ€
-        CPED contract update: “New contracts were drafted with zero administration fees.â€
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Darryl Gerber should be Darrell Gerber
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Environmental Task Force:Â The board authorized establishment of a green committee.
-        An ‘if’ should be changed to an ‘an’.
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The Art Crawl will be held on Oct. 2nd.
Treasurer’s Report:
Lindseth asked for clarification of the consultant fees.
Farmer’s Market Update:
Laura Mogelson, Farmer’s Market Coordinator, gave a report on the market.
-        The 2nd Sunday’s have been successful
-        If Mulroy’s becomes an option for the Market next year, there are differing opinions among the vendors as to whether the market should move
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â It is a current goal to get a CSA at the market
o      A CSA would not fit at the current location
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â There are currently seven market members
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The Market newsletter will be available electronically next year
There was discussion as to whether the market should start later in the year. As this is a producer’s market, produce is not available until late in the summer. This may confuse some shoppers, as people who come early in the summer see only crafts. Gerber suggested that an email be sent out each week ahead of the market to list what will be at the market. Schleisman suggested that an email sign up list be put out at the market. It was also suggested that more ready to eat foods at the market may increase attendance.
Redevelopment Committee:
The Redevelopment committee did not meet last month.
The funeral home at 37th and Nicollet is for sale.
Pete Hallstrom attended a meeting on September 16th relating to condo conversions.
The site at 36th and Nicollet owned by Brian Goff is for sale.
KFNA did not take a position on the sign request by the Minneapolis Meditation Center. The issue was referred back to zoning.
Redevelopment is proposed for 19 West 38th St. The developer will likely be requesting an up-zoning and several variances.
King Bridge Partnership:
The group is currently working on timelines for a RFQ. The group is reviewing the community designs from the festival. They are considering asking for contributions from several individuals.
Kingfield Festival:
To improve the success of the festival, the following suggestions were offered:
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Organize earlier
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Try something new
-        There was no post card this year. The committee feels that the lack of a post card may have hurt attendance
Marie Hauser commented that she has attended many festivals, and that the KFNA festival is one of the best.
Green Committee:
The first Green Committee meeting was held on August 22nd. Regular meetings will be held on the first Mondays of the month at MLK Park.
Mural Crawl:
The mural crawl will be held on October 2nd. There will be a scavenger hunt, and the forms will be turned in for potential prizes.
New Business
Computer Update:
Linnes-Robinson requested replacement of the KFNA staff computer. Based on the current use of the computer by both Linnes-Robinson and Joanna Hallstrom, a laptop is not feasible. Valens moved to “Approve to use up to $1500 to purchase a new computer system as outlined in the proposal. An additional buffer of $500 is approved to purchase additional software as necessary.â€Â Ingram seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
Fundraising Letter:
Lynn-Wiedow moved to “Refer to committee to have Wherley draft an annual fundraising letter and recommend that Kingfield stickers be included in the letters.â€Â The letter is to be reviewed at the October KFNA board meeting. Schleisman seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
Mural Contracts:
The proposed mural contracts for Frame-Ups were discussed. KFNA wants to be able to use mural images for promotion. Gerber moved to “refer to committee to have the contracts reviewed by an IP attorney.â€Â Linnes-Robinson will investigate if MAP has attorney resources available. Schleisman and Lindseth may have access to IP attorney resources also. The motion carried unanimously.
NRP Phase II Kick-Off Community Meeting:
Agenda for the community meeting on September 27th:
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Overview of Phase I accomplishments
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Kick-off Phase II planning
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Community vote to accept the phase II Participation Agreement
NRP Phase II Participation Agreement:
Lindseth questioned who will be conducting the legal and jurisdictional review. Answer: the city will assign an attorney.
Five organizations will review the plan: School Board, Park Board, Library Board, CPED, and NRP.
The board must have the opportunity to review and approve the plan prior to public vote in April.
Lindseth stressed that the board must have final approval authority to prevent the NRP steering committee from having the power to stop projects.
Board approval of the revised Participation Agreement will be by email vote prior to the community meeting on September 27th.
Meeting Adjourned:
Meeting Adjourned at 9:20 pm
Minutes respectfully submitted by Dave Saddoris
KFNA Board Secretary Thor Anderson
KFNA Board President Erik Lindseth