Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
October 11, 2006
Board members present: Dave Saddoris, Niki Valens, Shawna Gibson, Peter Hallstrom, Mark Hinds, Martha Ingram, Erik Lindseth, Darrell Gerber, Diana Schleisman, JobyLynn Sassily
Board members absent: Arthur Knowles, Ben Kristensen, Thor Anderson
KFNA staff present: Joanna Hallstrom, Sarah Linnes-Robinson, Maura Bosch
Meeting called to order: by Erik Lindseth at 7:08
Community forum:
Annie Olson, a new staff person at Martin Luther King Jr. Park introduced herself to the board and citizens present.
Matt Perry, President of the Nicollet-East Harriet Business Association gave an update about the group which formed through joint support from Kingfield and East Harriet Neighborhood Associations. They have been active since March with momentum growing. Part of the focus of the group is to encourage neighbors to shop locally. Mr. Perry expressed his gratitude on behalf of the Association for KFNA’s support. He provided a handout about the Association. Meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 AM at Curran’s Family Restaurant. New businesses are welcome. Mr. Perry will update the KFNA board again in early 2007.
Secretary’s Report:
Dave inquired if we have a list of board members present from the last meeting and noted there were no signatories at the bottom of the minutes. Dave also inquired about notes in the minutes about Erik moving. Erik responded that he doesn’t typically move and that this was a procedural error.
Minutes were revised to change the block addresses on the first page from “42nd to 41st†First Avenue to “42nd to 43rd†First Avenue.
Minutes approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
Sarah handed out a new balance sheet. The change is that we’re now showing liabilities. She also handed out a revised revenue and expense statement. The next step is to align the budget with the revenue and expense sheet. The board will now get this additional information each month in the board packet. Sarah can address individual questions regarding expenditures before each meeting, as needed.
It was noted that the King Bridge Partnership received funds that were residuals from a $50,000 McKnight grant. Our contribution to this project is using our staff and board time and expertise to manage the fund.
Redevelopment Committee Report:
NRP Committee Report:
Green Committee Report:
Sarah gave a brief update on the stormwater project. We now have 4 approved sites with contracts signed. These include 3 residential sites, and 1 commercial site. We still need to secure 1 additional residential site and 1 commercial site.
King Bridge Partnership:
We will not be seeing meeting minutes from this group as they will be working on more projects independently and meeting as a group less frequently. Niki inquired about Weissman’s involvement in this partnership and Mark explained his interest in the project and willingness to help out. The group is hoping for innovative design.
Farmer’s Market:
Joanna handed out a report in addition to the survey received in the board packet. Joanna also introduced Maura Bosch who was the onsite market coordinator.
Joanna noted that the new location of the market this year is great and thanked Sarah and Erik for working to negotiate the space. The group is still working on filing the public market license for the new space. The market will continue operating under a temporary use permit even with the zoning code revisions that occurred this year.
Joanna and Maura reported that this year they turned away a couple of produce vendors and that spots in the market are getting competitive. Many vendors want to participate which is good news. Maura reviewed how vendors are selected, a process that primarily takes into account past participation in the market and maintaining a balance of goods available.
JobyLynn inquired about verifying that products are grown and/or produced locally and volunteered to go on site visits next year to ensure vendors are in compliance. Joanna reported that in the application process, vendors are required to list their location including acreage, show a map, list crops and more to be considered.
JobyLynn also asked about a CSA option, and Joanna suggested that this be discussed in a smaller forum.
Joanna would like the market to expand next year to get a wider variety of vendors, suggesting that a berry vendor be included.
Darrell asked if in the market survey respondents were asked about where they came from (live in the neighborhood, driving by, etc.). This was not asked.
Maura also reported that the 60 yard signs advertising the market were very popular and that they ran out quickly.
Joanna reported that the success of the Midtown market is due in part to the advisory board they have. She urged the KFNA board to take up the issue of an advisory committee again. There has been a marketing committee for the market, but not an advisory committee.
Mark asked where we are on the budget for the market. Joanna and Sarah said that they have never included administrative staff time in the budget for the market, but besides that, the market is breaking even.
Darrell asked “what is sustainable†and can we continue the market without partnering with other neighborhoods. Sarah commented that KFNA staff doesn’t view the market as sustainable as it is currently because already KFNA staff feels it needs more attention than they can give. She feels is needs year-round attention.
Erik asked the people involved in the market put together recommendations for the board to review. Sarah said that we haven’t had the right group to address issues yet and that the market needs broader support. Some of the issues that need to be explored are: communication and who is the client of the market? Who are we trying to serve?
Erik suggested that a task force be formed to look at the market. Sarah agreed and said the first step is really to determine the goal of the market. Mark commented that the task force needs board members on it.
The item was tabled and put under New Business on the agenda.
Crime Prevention and Safety:
Shawna went through the highlights of the meeting minutes and asked for guidance on when a task force becomes a committee. She was told that regular attendees are a sign that a group is ready to move from personal issues to committee work. She was also told there are not really benefits to being a committee over a task force other than the ability to declare membership which would allow you to limit voting on potentially contentious issues.
Dave asked for clarification within the meeting minutes about when to call 911 about noise. The minutes had conflicting information. Shawna stated that as she recalled, residents should call 311 about noise if there is an issue during daytime hours. If it is after 10:00 PM, the noise may violate noise ordinances and in that case 911 should be called. This is information that Officer Tom Thompson provided to the CPaS group.
No report
Art to DI for:
No youth submissions have been received for the 10/29/06 show. Numerous organizations and schools have been contacted but there is not participation.
Plans for the adult art show are moving along and donations for layout, printing and more are coming in. A mailer will be sent after the first of the year. Artists who have participated before will be contacted earlier.
The next meeting of the group is 10/24 at Café Tempo. Martha will send out a reminder email.
Old Business:
Nothing to address
New Business:
40th and Lyndale Task Force (added to the agenda at the meeting)
Steve Brandt and Matt Perry asked for $175.00 from the KFNA board to pay ½ of the cost of a mediator to lead a community meeting next month to address the issues at 40th and Lyndale. They will also be asking the East Harriet neighborhood board for $175.00. A 40th and Lyndale task force of 6 people, 3 from East Harriet and 3 from Kingfield have been meeting to discuss operational issues. Most of the work has been focused on SuperAmerica. They would like to explore a long term plan for this intersection and need community input. A city-wide program called the Great City Design Team sponsored by the Mayor and the American Institute of Architects was just announced to address issues such as 40th and Lyndale and the community meeting could serve as a starting point for this process.
JobyLynn asked if the other neighborhood has committed to this. Perry responded that they haven’t met about this yet. Mark gave the board some background on this issue as he served on the task force until recently. He confirmed that past community meetings have drawn 100-200 people and have been volatile.
The board expressed concern about a variety of issues including: How will you advertise the meeting to area residents (flyers); who is the mediator you want to hire (Leonard Lang); is the time line reasonable to pull together a meeting like this; how does the timing relate to the new AIA opportunity; who should be involved in future task force meetings; will the task force be asking KFNA for future money.
Erik noted that in the future these types of issues need to be addressed and discussed by the Redevelopment Committee who should then make a recommendation to the board. Erik asked that this process be respected as we only have two hours once a month to meet as a board.
Shawna moved to grant the $175.00 to the task for to pay for half the cost of mediation services for a community meeting in November aimed at involving citizens in the preliminary “visioning†process for the corner of 40th and Lyndale. The motion was seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
“38†Funding Recommendation
Mark made a motion to grant the Lander Group 2 grants of $12,500 each for the redevelopment of the building on the corner of 38th and Nicollet as the “38†project. Shawna seconded the motion.
Niki asked what the original dollar amount was that was requested, and Mark reported that this is a lesser amount. Darrell asked what a redevelopment zone program is and Sarah responded that it is a matching grant for business improvement.
Martha pointed out a typo and noted that the program guidelines for the Business Façade Improvement Program are from 2002. This is the fund from which one $12,500 grant would come.
There was discussion about the merits of reopening a contact and moving funds. Martha said this raises red flags and that we should not be accepting projects piecemeal and then moving money to accommodate them. Mark said that the Redevelopment Committee’s rationale for this process is that this is a unique opportunity and situation. Erik asked Sarah if there was a different way to do this. She reported on the alternative process and said that it would take about 6 months to do.
Erik summarized by asking for two decisions to be made: 1. do we want to reopen the BFIP program and 2. do we then want to open up this grant to others as well? Mark commented that our discussion and decision is really about process and the group agreed. Niki motioned that we reopen the BFIP program, put $12,500 in it now but that it is subject to additional funds, that we moved the date on the redevelopment zoning contract, send a letter to Lander inviting them to apply for the grant, application be reviewed by the Redevelopment Committee who would then make a recommendation.
The motion was changed after Martha said she would not support this as it was and suggested that we eliminate the portion of moving the $12,500 into the fund until we know if we have additional money to use toward the BFIP.
The motion was changed to: reopen the BFIP and Redevelopment Zone contracts, move no money to the BFIP fund, rewrite the BFIP program guidelines, refer to the NRP committee to research additional money, and bring the recommendation to the KFNA for discussion in November. The motion carried unanimously.
Martha moved to adopt the first amendment as it was presented to the group in writing and JobyLynn seconded the motion. Motion carried. Niki abstained.
Meeting adjourned.
KFNA Board Secretary – Peter Hallstrom
KFNA Board President – Erik Lindseth