Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
November 9, 2005
Board Members Present: JobyLynn White-Wiedow, Dave Saddoris, Ryan Raleigh, Sean Wherley, Martha Ingram, Peter Hallstrom, Niki Valens, Erik Lindseth, Mark Hinds, Ben Kristensen, Thor Anderson
KFNA Staff Present: Sarah Linnes-Robinson
Community Members Present: Michael Vanderford, Frank Hornstein
Board Members Absent: Darrell Gerber, Diana Schleisman
Meeting Called to Order:
Wherley called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m.
Community Forum:
Soccer Program Report:
Michael Vanderford present to seek input regarding soccer program at MLK park. Program began in 2002 with KFNA NRP funds in an attempt to draw parents and kids to the park. Administration of program has since transferred to park staff. Approximately 65 kids participate in the program with about 3/4 coming from outside the Kingfield neighborhood. Vanderford asked if KFNA still wanted to be involved with the soccer program. Several board members expressed a desire to maintain relationship with soccer program with support coming in the form of promotion in KFNA newsletter and email list, links from website, and highlight at annual meeting.
State Representative Frank Hornstein gave an update on transportation issues in and around Kingfield, specifically the 35W project. A study of transit on 35W is currently underway. Meetings, to be facilitated by Transit for Livable Communities and ISAIAH, are planned for early next year (2006) to seek community input regarding transit ideas and issues. Representative Hornstein emphasized the importance of neighborhoods expressing opinions regarding transit to help direct the process.
Secretary’s Report:
Changes to October minutes: Sean Wherley was absent. Community members present included Eric Blake from Financial Freedom Realty. On page four “Marsh” Ingram should be “Martha.” On page two last paragraph should state that 121 spur will be repositioned not “will be added.” Beth “Emily” should be Beth “Elliot.” On page three motion to discuss fundraising letter was made by Martha Ingram.
Treasurer’s Report:
No October 2005 report available due to resigning of bookkeeper. Procedural review will be conducted by state auditor in December 2005.
Redevelopment Report:
Discussions with Chris from Lander Group continue regarding 38 project.
Zoning Report:
Addressed in new business.
NRP Report:
Updates for matrix planning tools needed for phase II planning by December 12, 2005.
King Bridge Report:
No discussion
Farmer’s Market Report:
No discussion
Green Report:
Recently received $40,000 grant for storm water management. Details of grant to be discussed at December board meeting.
Old Business
Fund Raising Letter:
Letters mailed November 9, 2005 in envelope with insert card. Mailing cost approximately $670.00. Calling of previous supporters to take place on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 from 6:30 – 8:30 PM at the home of Ryan Raleigh. Hinds, Lindseth, White-Wiedow, Raleigh, and Anderson volunteered to make calls.
Insurance for Mural Artists:
Cost would be approximately $600.00 if artists were brought on as KFNA employees. Lindseth questioned why artists would need to be employees. Lindseth and Linnes-Robinson to meet with business and property owners to discuss costs to insure artists.
New Business:
Jerry Powell, owner of Better Than Ever a consignment clothing store at 38th and Grand, is seeking support in application for conditional use permit. Hearing with city to be held on November 28, 2005. Saddoris was informed by CPED that conditional use permit remains with property for one year after vacated by business. Permit does not carry over to pawn shop or second-hand goods store. Saddoris motioned to draft a letter of support for Better Than Ever permit application. Motion carried unanimously. Saddoris to draft letter.
The owners of El Meson are seeking a letter of support for their application for a parking variance, outdoor eating license, and charter beer and wine license for Café Ena, a new restaurant they are planning to open on the southeast corner of 46th and Grand. Motion to draft letter of support for Café Ena variance and license requests made by Valens. Seconded by White-Wiedow. Motion carried unanimously. P. Hallstrom to draft letter.
See attached KFNA Budget Calendar Year 2005 printouts. Page one reflects general operating budget, and page two reflects project budget. Funds in the amount of $140,000 have been moved to the administrative pool. Operating funds are available through 2009 without considering potential grants. Additional planning for projects will take place in January 2006 setting priorities according to event calendar at which time board will need to confirm or change events in light of budget. Committees are currently meeting to determine priorities.
Employee Compensation:
Wherley moved to increase NRP Project Organizer’s, Joanna Hallstrom, pay to $16.50/hour retroactive to her first year anniversary (September 1, 2005). Valens seconded. Motion carried. P. Hallstrom recused himself from discussion and vote.
Motion to offer vacant bookkeeping position to Diana Schleisman made by Wherley. Seconded by White-Wiedow. Schleisman has ten years of bookkeeping experience and is currently enrolled in Carlson School for Non-Profit Management. Compensation would be $20/hour not to exceed four hours per month with a six month probation period. Ingram expressed concern regarding a KFNA board member being KFNA bookkeeper. Lindseth stated that he discussed this situation with a colleague who said that it is not illegal and happens frequently in small non-profits. Hinds motioned for amendment stating that while bookkeeper, Schleisman cannot hold a position on the board as a signatory for KFNA accounts. Motion to offer bookkeeper position with stated amendment carried unanimously.
Hinds motioned to seek $4,000 grant for neighborhood art projects. White-Wiedow seconded. Motion carried.
The Current (89.3) Music Festival:
KFNA staff have initiated discussion with Thorn at The Current regarding partnering to host a music festival in the Kingfield neighborhood. Hinds motioned to pursue music festival in collaboration with The Current. P. Hallstrom seconded. Anderson stated that this will be an enormous project with increased expenses and logistics. Motion carried unanimously.
NRP Policy Board Representative:
Wherley motioned to appoint Melinda Ludwiczak to represent KFNA at NRP policy board election. Ingram seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Southwest Journal and Minneapolis Observer Thank You:
Hinds motioned to draft letter of thanks to the Southwest Journal and the Minneapolis Observer for their support of the KFNA Farmers’ Market. Raleigh seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Meeting Adjourned:
Meeting adjourned at 9:03 PM.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Peter Hallstrom.
KFNA Board Secretary Thor Anderson
KFNA Board President Erik Lindseth