Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
December 8, 2004
Board Members Present:Â Thor Anderson, Rosemary Dolata, Martha Ingram Rolf Johnson, Arthur Knowles, Ben Kristensen, Erik Lindseth, David Motzenbecker, David Muschenheim, David Saddoris, Sean Wherley
Board Members Absent: Mari O’Rourke, Niki Valens
Others Present:Â Sarah Linnes-Robinson, Joanna Hallstrom, Hennepin County Commissioner Gail Dorfman, Jim Grube with Hennepin County, Jack Yuzna with the City of Minneapolis, and several neighborhood residents
Meeting Called to Order:
Motzenbecker called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Community Forum:
No items
Lyndale Avenue Construction Update:
A presentation was made to the board and community members by Commissioner Dorfman about the project, which is slated to begin in 2007. The project encompasses Lyndale Avenue South from Franklin Avenue to 56th Street. Representatives from ten neighborhoods worked with city planners on the project beginning in 1994.
Jim Grube talked about the Executive Summary handout There will be two projects south of Lake Street, one from Lake Street to Minnehaha Creek, the other from Minnehaha Creek to 56th Street, which will include bridge replacement over the creek. There is federal funding in 2008 (or 2009) for the bridge replacement. Guy Nolan is the Project Engineer from 31st to 56th.
Jack Yuzna is the liaison with Minneapolis Public Works. Grube requested to have a KFNA board member work with Guy and Jack on bridge design.
Other details of the project:
1. Lyndale Avenue will be widened approximately 2-4 feet on each side between mid-49th Street and mid-51st Street.
2. There will be approximately a 12-foot median from Lake Street to 38th Street.
3. There will be a city-wide special assessment to fund the project.
4. Properties on Lyndale Avenue will be assessed approximately 10 percent of the cost. The county will provide 80 percent, and the city will provide the remaining 10 percent. Residential rates are one-third that of commercial rates. Public hearings will be held.
5. There is 33 percent to 50 percent write-down funding for special features of steetscape provided by Hennepin County.
Gary and Marilyn Klons, owners of Parents Automobile at 3610 Lyndale Avenue, asked for clarification about a flyer they had received stating that their parking lot would be eliminated due to the Lyndale Project. Motzenbecker and Dolata said that the project will eliminate parking restrictions on Lyndale and that the street will not be widened, thus there would not be an impact on the business’ parking lot.
Secretary’s Report:
The spelling of Lindseth’s name was corrected. Knowles moved to accept the report. Kristensen seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report:
Muschenheim moved to accept the report. Ingram seconded. The motion passed, with Knowles abstaining.
Committee Reports:
NRP – The necessary lighting petition signatures have been collected, with Mulroy’s being the final required signature.
Linnes-Robinson reported that the 2004 Kingfield Festival had income of $790 and expenses of $1,500.
Old Business/New Business:
CHI: Plan is completed. Motzenbecker and Dolata were at Mayor R.T. Rybak’s office recently to present the plan. Wherley asked if there was any news about the K-mart/Sears site. Dolata had not heard anything. Wherley suggested writing a letter to the mayor supporting the re-opening of Nicollet Avenue at the site. Motzenbecker offered to draft a letter in the Redevolopment Committee.
35W update: Wherley reported that a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lane will run down the median but may not be a dedicated bus-only lane. He recommended that people contact John Griffith, Project Manager for the Crosstown Project, at 651-582-1200 to recommend a bus-only lane.
Fundraising update: Linnes-Robinson reported that KFNA has raised $3,700 thus far in response to its fundraising letter mailed in November.
23 W. 38th St. update:Â Dolata reported that KFNA has not been asked to contribute for the foundation of the property.
Odds and Ends: T.J., business owner of Odds and Ends antique store, reported receiving a $200 ticket from the city for placing furniture on the sidewalk. He asked the board for help on the issue. Board members informally supported his desire to place furniture on the street without blocking pedestrian traffic. Knowles recommended talking to City Councilmember Dan Niziolek. Motzenbecker said he would follow up with the city and recommended that T.J. do the same, to see if the business could be reclassified.
Lyndale Avenue Construction Project: Muschenheim questioned the wisdom of the project, saying it may overly limit the flow of traffic. Board members briefly discussed the project and agreed to continue the discussion at a future board meeting.
Executive Committee Recommendations:
The Executive Committee recommended increasing the salary of bookkeeper, Nancy Hansen, to $26.50 per hour and include a $50 annual gift certificate to a neighborhood restaurant (beginning with Corner Table), effective January 1, 2005. Knowles moved to accept the recommendation. Ingram seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
The committee also recommended: 1) changing the title of NRP Coordinator to Executive Director of KFNA. The position is currently held by Linnes-Robinson; 2) requesting Linnes-Robinson to write Executive Director job description with appropriate and comparable salary; 3) requesting Linnes-Robinson to prepare KFNA’s 2005 budget for review at March board meeting; and 4) reviewing draft Executive Director job description and contract and bring a recommendation to the January 2005 board meeting. Lindseth moved to accept the recommendation. Knowles seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Meeting Adjorned:
The meeting was adjorned at 8:55 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Rolf Johnson.
KFNA Board Secretary – Sean Wherley
KFNA Board President – David Motzenbecker