Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
December 14, 2005
Board Members Present: Joby Lynn White-Wiedow, Dave Saddoris, Ryan Raleigh, Sean Wherley, Martha Ingram, Peter Hallstrom, Erik Lindseth, Mark Hinds, Ben Kristensen, Thor Anderson, Niki Valens, Diana Schleisman, Darrel Gerber
KFNA Staff Present: Sarah Linnes-Robinson
Kingfield Community Members Present:Â Jeanne Massey, Anne K. Hanson, Joseph Swartz, Elizabeth Glidden
Others Present: Britt Johnsen, SW Journal, and Bill Dooley, interested in IRV
No Board Members Absent.
Meeting Called to Order:
7:05 PM
Community Forum:
•    A Kingfield neighbor from the 3900 block on Nicollet Avenue reported that he was recently the victim of a mugging. The assault was reported to the police. Through conversations with other Kingfield residents, this individual is aware that there have been other recent assaults in the same area, possibly by the same perpetrators.
* Sarah mentioned that you can get on the CCCP Safe list via the Kingfield Website
Elizabeth Glidden – Council Member Elect – Introduced herself and said that she wanted to come back after she starts in January and talk more with the neighborhood and to introduce her aide.
Kingfield Resident – Jean Massey presented information about Instant Run-Off Voting
More information can be found at
Secretary’s Report
No issues
Treasure Report
Diane Schleisman, KFNA board member and new bookkeeper said that one thing she noticed is that a lot of the reimbursements have been including a sales tax charge, even though KFNA is a tax exempt organization. Linnes-Robinson passed out copies of the sales exempt so people can use them when purchasing things for the neighborhood. This must be done at the time of purchase.
KFNA will also start including a notice that checks are void after 120 days, starting with the next run of checks.
Direct Mail Report
As of the December board meeting, KFNA has raised around $3,500 from its year end direct mail appeal. The contributions are up this year, but the total amount is down because some of the large contributions in the past came from business that are now contributing as part of KFNA’s business solicitation.
Hinds provided an update on the 38th street development, discussing where the project is and how negotiations are progressing with the developer.
Hinds also discussed the planned development of 3601 Lyndale Avenue.
No items
Wherley reported that Redevelopment funding and Green funding was approved as submitted by the NRP steering committee. The remainder of the NRP phase II funds will go to staffing and other administrative over four years.
No Items
King Bridge Partnership
Hinds briefly discussed the intended process and timeline.
Farmer’s Market
Linnes-Robinson reported that Johanna Halstrom, KFNA staff, has approached the kidney dialysis office, 4310 Nicollet Avenue South, about moving the market to that location. They are open to the idea, but have to check with their higher ups…
The committee has not heard back yet on the grant for a Spanish Language outreach coordinator.
There is a holiday market this weekend, which is mostly for preorders.
Art Builds Community
Linnes-Robinson discussed the upcoming event being put on by the Art Builds Community committee.
10 Year Transportation Plan
Gerber discussed the 10 year transportation plan and passed out a summary document. He said that the initial focus will be on downtown. The transportation committee is focused on two things downtown (1) Handling the rush of people coming in from the suburbs on commuter buses. (2) They are also looking at rearranging traffic patterns to better distribute traffic. The plan is to start downtown and to move out from there.
Old Business
Stormwater management grant
Saddoris reported that Kingfield received a grant from the Minneapolis Middle Watershed District for demonstration projects that will lead to a publication on stormwater management. The Watershed is putting in $40,000, KFNA has committed to $13,500, homeowners will be expected to contribute 25 percent
Wherley motioned to approve the grant application subject to Linnes-Robinson talking to the watershed about the Board’s concerns over point 4.4 which would make all KFNA work product the property of the Watershed.
The artists have asked Kingfield to find another site for the tile mural. Linnes-Robinson will look for additional sites.
Thank You
Thank you letter to the Southwest Journal thanking them for supporting the Farmer’s Market.
Raliegh M/S/P
Artist is the Key
Show is planned for March at Anodyne – Show will be open to Kingfield Artists and regular folk. Everyone will be given a key that will need to be incorporated into the final piece. The event will end in a party and silent auction.
A motion was made to approve expenditures up to $6,500 to support the event. Wherly M/S/P
Festival & Current
A sense of the board was taken after discussion, about Kingfield partnering with the Current for this year’s festival. The sense of the board is to pursue this opportunity.
Center for Performing Arts Lease
A motion was make to approve an increase in KFNA’s lease with the Center for Performing Arts by $10 a month. Wherly M/S/P
New Items
Requested Conditional Use Permits (CUP) and Variances for 38
Hinds made a motion approved by the Redevelopment Committee that KFNA recommend approval by the City for the following variance and CUPs for the 38 development.
1) Variance – Front Yard Setback at Nicollet Ave – South end of property along Nicollet highlighted as Area 1. Required is a 20’ set back for the first 40 feet. We are supplying a 0’ setback.
2) VARIANCE – Front Yard Setback at 38th Street – West end of property along 38th highlighted as Area 2. Required is a 20’ setback for the first 40 feet. We are supplying a 0’ setback
3) Variance – Rear Yard Setback at alleyway – length of building in alley. Required is 13’ or 15’(the city will determine), we are supplying 12’ setback for the building with only 6’ setback at deck and 8.3’ setback at exit ramp. The City is reviewing the obstruction policy which would affect whether or not the exit ramp and deck would be considered part of the setback or not. For now, I have included it to error on the safe side, so we would request a variance of 3’ at the building, 6’8†at the exit ramp, and 9’ at the deck.
4) Conditional Use Permit – Building Height. 4 stories or 56 feet is allowed. We are requesting 5 stories and 58’9†which is 2’9†above allowable. The fifth story will be setback from the edge of the building to lessen the effect of the height.
Instant Run-Off Voting
Anderson presented a resolution to have KFNA support a potential charter amendment for Instant Run-Off voting.
Hallstrom motioned to postpone discussion until January. M/S/P
Gerber moved to appoint Hinds as the chair of the Redevelopment Committee M/S/P
Zoning Committee
Hinds made a motion to move the Zoning Committee back into redevelopment M/S/P
Meeting Adjourned:
Meeting adjourned at 9:03 PM.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Mark Hinds.
Reviewed by KFNA Board Secretary Thor Anderson
Approved by KFNA Board President Erik Lindseth