Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meting
December 13, 2006
Board Members Present: Arthur Knowles, Diana Schleisman, Peter Hallstrom, Joby Lynn Sassily, Erik Lindseth, Dave Saddoris, Darrell Gerber, Ben Kristensen, Niki Valens, Shawna Gibson, Martha Ingram, Thor Anderson,
KFNA Staff Present: Sarah Linnes-Robinson, Joanna Hallstorm
Other Attendees: David Pitowski, ???, Jill Hentges, Elizabeth Glidden, Tom Parent, Joane Goffman, Jake Weir, Mari O’Rourke
Board Members Absent: Mark Hinds
Meeting Called to Order: Erik Lindseth, 7:12PM
Community Forum:
Elizabeth Glidden – 8th Ward Minneapolis City Council Member
40th and Lyndale taskforce held a good community meeting not long ago. Submitted application to the Mayor’s GCDT. Her office found out yesterday that the taskforce was selected as one of two or three projects citywide. The level of assistance is unknown and will likely depend on project need.
The 46th street transit station. Jill Hentges, Metro Transit, was in attendance. She worked at putting together the public input/involvement process. Councilmember Glidden passed out the flier for the first committee meeting. Kingfield will have one member who is appointed by KFNA as a representative as well as another member for the neighborhood appointed by Councilmembers Glidden and Benson. Other abutting neighborhoods will also have reps along with council member appointees from the neighborhoods: 3 – Neighborhood appointed, 1 – council member appointed from neighborhoods (4 total), 2 – at-large members appointed by council members, 2 – City council members (Elizabeth Glidden and Scott Benson) The want committee members to be those who regularly use transit in a number of different ways. The committee will give input on the design and layout of the station. They will also get to help determine the station name. The committee will be the primary community input vehicle for design and construction of the station. There will be four meetings. The station has already largely been designed so there is not a lot of flexibility. Kingfield needs to make its appointment by the first meeting January 23rd, 7-8:30PM at Field Community School, 4645 Fourth Ave S, Mpls.
The city council adopted the budget for the city Monday. Two big focuses were public safety (more funding for hiring police and technology, restorative justice, etc.) and libraries (there is a huge funding gap for the city libraries. Stopgap funding was provided from the city. Additional work will be done down the road to diversify and solidify the library funding stream. Two committees formed: 1) making long-term financial recommendations, 2) investigating changing Hennepin County’s role in the Minneapolis library system. Will also be looking at the way that LGA funding streams are directed to see if there is a way to lessen the library board’s dependence on LGA funding for operation.)
Secretary’s Report:
Arthur – Words left out.
Dave – Correct name for Green program was Stormwater Modeling program
Minutes unanimously accepted as amended.
Treasurer’s Report:
Dave commented that he really likes the new format; multiple board members agreed. He also suggested that there be a collapsed category total (e.g. give the total for all salaries in addition to the itemized listing)
Diana – What is negative amount for business association? We loaned them money.
Redevelopment Committee Report:
No questions for committee chair, Tom Parent
NRP Committee Report:
Peter – Is Senior Citizen program taking place here at King Park? Yes.
Dave – Is the Nicollet-East Harriet Business Association planning for office and staff? Yes, apparently.
Green Committee Report:
No meeting
Dave gave an update on the LCCMR grant application. KFNA was not invited to make a presentation to the LCCMR committee. It was a competitive program with 85 applications and 30 projects invited to make presentations. Final funding decisions will come from the invited projects. Erik thanks Green Committee for putting that together on short notice.
Niki – Really liked Thor’s article on the movie.
King Bridge Partnership:
No meeting
Hinds is securing letters of consent from partners. (Hennepin County, City of Minneapolis, Park Board, MnDOT)
Farmer’s Market:
No minutes. First meeting of task force is tomorrow night.
Crime Prevention and Safety (CPaS) Committee:
Erik – Observation that crime was most salient issue raised by people during the fundraising calls.
Joby Lynn – How are we going to assist Westrum’s in selling place? CPaS is finding no neighborhoods wanting to close down the bar. It has deteriorated since it became a regular bar. There is interest in returning it to a 3.2 bar as it was before. Mary O’Rourke commented that she has heard some different comments from neighbors concerned about the ownership. The owners have approached KFNA expressing interest in selling and wanting to involve KFNA in order to help find a good fit for the neighborhood. Councilmember Glidden updated that the owners are having some serious problems with the business and would need assistance to retain ownership. Their licensing is particularly in very serious shape right now. Question asked about if liquor license transfers with ownership change. Thought that it does not. What were the incidents? Out of compliance with liquor licenses, public urination, noise problems. Speak with Shawna
Block club leader training will take place at the next meeting along with the normal business.
Bike Taskforce:
The taskforce will be meeting in January. It will be working on increasing bicycle ridership in the neighborhood with the aim of applying for the TLC grant program. Details of the grant have not been released to date, though.
Art to DI for
March 24, 2007 at Leonardo’s Basement
Artist registration will be on website next week. We’ll accept applications through the holidays and into next year. Community artists as well as resident dabblers are eligible.
The committee is expecting to double the size of the show this year.
Will now be looking at 4 days beginning September 15 for the painting.
Have identified close to 20 sites for murals in Lyndale and Kingfield neighborhoods. Will select 6-8 over next few months. Looking at the north wall of the main King Park building for the signature mural.
Received the first grant for $1000 to support artist stipends.
Lead artists will all be Walldog artists but how to form the painting teams is still to be determined.
A steering committee will be formed soon to get the project going more rapidly.
Money is included in the new budget for implementing the 10 Year Transportation Plan. This includes capital money as well as planning and operations. The street car study is still in the examining phase. Nicollet through Kingfield is on the preliminary list of possible routes.
Old Business:
New Business:
Office Lease – Two proposals: 1) share space with Lyndale Neighborhood in their office building; 2) Renew the lease with the Center for Performing Arts. The KFNA Executive Committee unanimously recommended renewing the CPA lease (Option 2). Other options looked at a) move into the 38 development project, or 2) moving into the cabin north of the main park building in King Park. The 38 development project is no longer taking place and the cabin is now being used by a park board program. Sarah, KFNA Executive Director, recommended remaining where we are. It works well plus there is a possibility down the road of the building being sold as a new artist’s cooperative. KFNA would have an opportunity to enter a partnership with them. It is also important for KFNA to remain in the neighborhood. Darrell Gerber moved the amendments to the sublease agreement (extension through next year and other language changes. Includes giving KFNA a clearer way to terminate the lease ). Joby Lynn seconded. Erik stated that a concern of the executive committee was that we be able to terminate early if other options appear. Dave – What language did the original contract contain with regards to the owner being able to terminate the contract? Was very vague and the revision only gives KFNA additional flexibility not the owner. How would the contract be affected by the possible ownership change particular with a change in ownership model to a cooperative. Shawna said that leases transfer with a change in ownership and it would likely not be affected by the model used. Erik – It is less expensive to rent at the CPA than at the other options considered. The executive committee also felt it was very important that KFNA remain in the neighborhood. Motion passed unanimously.
Committee Chairs gave a brief overview to public members of the committee and their projects.
8:30PM – Meeting adjourned and moved to social time with community members.
Minutes prepared by Darrel Gerber, KFNA Board Member.
KFNA Board Secretary – Peter Hallstrom
KFNA Board President – Erik Lindseth