Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board Meeting
Dec. 12, 2007
MLK Park
Board Members Present: David Brauer, Ben Kristensen, Chris Sur, Amy Joe Gracyalny, Darrell Gerber, Dave Saddoris, Tom Parent, and Arthur Knowles.
Absent: David Potosky, Mary Hunter, Niki Stavrou, JobyLynn Sassily, and Karen Pieper.
KFNA Staff present: Sarah Linnes-Robinson
Also present: Approximately 10 persons, in various capacities.
Meeting called to order at 7:08 P.M.
I. Community Forum – No issues were brought up at this time. Anything to be commented on was already listed on the agenda.
II. Park Report – Brian, from the park staff, reported that the month had been quiet. Also that the Park athletic programs were going well, and that there would be a MLK Day Celebration at the park in January.
III. Reports –
Secretary: Minutes approved with the two changes. First, that “was not what was needed.†Be inserted to finish the unfinished sentence. Second, that “Second ?†be replaced by “Second – Arthurâ€.
Treasurer: Sarah reported that there are still problems with the last three reports due to a problem with carrying funds forward between months. It was agreed that as soon as the problem could be fixed, reports would be forwarded via e-mail to the Board for an e-mail vote of approval.
IV. Committees and Task Forces
Redevelopment and Zoning – Harold Troup, a property manger for Henn. Cty. Tax Forfeit & Property Section, came to discuss the property at 4307 Wentworth, which has been forfeited to the County. He presented the three options open to the county, and asked the Board for a letter of support for the proposed plan: Replace the present unallowably small house with a four-bedroom home to be sold in partnership with the Lakes Country Land Trust. The county hopes to build the new structure up to LEED standards, as a pilot project of the County.  David Brauer asked about the support (or lack thereof) of the neighbors. Tom Parent suggested flyering the neighbors within 300 feet of the property to solicit input. Dave Saddoris moved (and Arthur seconded) “That a letter approving the County’s concept for the property, contingent on the support of the neighbors.†The motion passed without objection. Tom Parent volunteered to write the letter, the final form of which would be approved by an e-mail vote of the Board as soon as possible.
There were more questions from neighbors about the Board’s letter of support for Plymouth’s 3700 Nicollet Project. David Brauer explained that the letter was only a “support in conceptâ€, and apologized (again) for any misunderstanding. The letter was not in anyway meant as neighborhood support for the particulars of the project as it has so far developed. The letter was sought to help the Foundation seek funding to explore the possibilities of developing a project. When neighbors’ misunderstanding became apparent, David Brauer called Council Woman Glidden and asked her to discount Kingfield’s letter of support of concept. She immediately agreed, but noted that it would not have affected the end result. Such applications are scored on a point basis, requiring 80 points to pass. The Plymouth Foundation scored 122 points, while Kingfield’s letter was only worth 5 points.
NRP – Duane Townsend, of Neighbors4NRP, requested a letter of support from the Board, to the City Council representative, supporting Neighbors4NRP three demands: Full Funding of NRP Phase 2 through 2009; the continuing funding of NRP beyond 2009; and the creation of an independent board to oversee the continuing NRP.  After discussion Arthur moved that the Board authorize a letter in support of neighbors4NRP. There was no second so the motion was withdrawn. Further discussion ensued and no action was taken.
Farmer’s Market – David Nicholson was recognized as the new Chair of the Farmer’s Market Committee. It was noted that certain Committee volunteers, whose experience was important, were not members of KFNA. After discussion, Arthur moved, and Tom seconded, “That up to 40% of the Farmer’s Market Committee may be drawn from non-members of KFNA, at the discretion of the Chair of the Committee.†The motion passed without objection. Sarah told the Board that the Farmer’s Market had a $1,500 shortfall for 2007 out of total expenditures of $14,500. She requested the Board to authorize drawing funds from the KFNA Business Sponsorship revenue (approx. $4000) to cover the shortfall. Darrell so moved, and Chris seconded. It passed without objection. Sarah suggested that the allocation of a certain percentage of business sponsorship funds to the Market might be desirable, although this dedication of funds might require a change in KFNA’s solicitation letter. After discussion, the Board declined to act upon the suggestion.
Transportation – Darrell distributed copies of the BRT (Bus Rapid Transit Taskforce) recommendations. It was also announced that the 46th street freeway ramps will be closed this or next month.
Wall Dogs – The Deck the Walls event raised approximately $850.00.
Lakes District Park Council – Our representative, Diana, cannot attend the meeting on 1/24/08. Dave Brauer volunteered to attend unless someone else was available.
Arthur moved to adjourn. Tom seconded.