Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
May 10, 2006
Board Members Present:
Thor Anderson, Dave Saddoris, Pete Hallstrom, Ben Kristensen, Erik Lindseth, Shawna Gibson, JobyLyn Sassily, Diana Schleisman, Niki Valens, Darrell Gerber, Mark Hinds, Martha Ingram, Arthur Knowles
KFNA Staff Present: Sarah Linnes-Robinson
Meeting Called to Order:
Lindseth called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Community Forum:
Carol O’Connor, a Kingfield neighbor from 4351 1st Ave. S., shared with the board her concern over activity around the Pump & Munch. She suspects drug related. She also notices people leaving Westrum’s between 2 and 3 AM and she wonders what they are up to. The board recommended that she call 911 to report any suspicious activity. The board also highlighted the existence of the Crime Prevention & Safety Committee, which meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at MLK.
Karen Haleman, a resident at 4315 Nic. Ave, spoke to the suspicious activity at Westrum’s. Again, the board recommended that she call 911 to report any suspicious activity. Sarah suggested that she will follow up to see if Westrum’s has followed through with several promises they previously made to improve and enforce the safety aspects of their property.
Chris Austin, also a Kingfield resident, complained about the fence by the BP Amoco on Nicollet Ave. It is badly deteriorating. The board suggested that they would try to find out who is responsible for the fence.
Secretary’s Report:
March minutes were adopted with the following changes: correct spelling JobyLyn Sassily.
Treasurer’s Report:
Dave Saddoris noticed a slight discrepancy between the February “Net Income†as reported on the Balance Sheet and as it appears on the same month’s Income Expense Statement. Sarah invited the board to consider how detailed of a report they want every month. Hinds suggested that there must be a way we can generate a report that is clearer. Sarah asked Hinds to provide examples of such reports from other organizations.
Redevelopment Committee Report:
Regarding the now closed SA on the EHF side, Hinds and Matt Perry, from EHFNA are forming a task force to create a vision for the redevelopment of the corner where the SA is located. In particular, they are looking for Kingfield residents to participate on the task force. There will be a 4-6 month planning process. Hinds feels that the SA is trying to be a good neighbor and that they are open to ideas as to how to proceed with the redevelopment of the sites.
The “Local Commons†Project (see committee minute) will meet next Wednesday at 7 at MLK Park.
Zoning Committee Report:
NRP Committee Report:
Green Committee Report:
A discussion regarding Nikki Valens’ property was tabled until new business.
King Bridge Partnership:
It was reported that the “draw bridge†contest was successful, with over 150 applicants. Hinds reported that $25,000 of reallocated Phase I NRP money has been approved towards the bridge project.
Farmers’ Market:
Ingram asked if there is a shortage of vendor application. Sarah indicated that there are a sufficient number of applicants at this time.
Crime & Safety Committee Report:
Gibson wondered if it is better to call the committee the Crime Prevention & Safety Committee. She also wondered about upgrading its status to “formal†committee. Lindseth and Hallstrom suggested that it is best to leave the status as it is for now as the interest in that topic ebbs and flows according to current crime activity.
Transportation Action Plan:
Gerber reported that there was a community meeting held a couple weeks ago. The turnout was not great but those who were there were engaged in the discussion.
ACTION ITEMS – Board Elections
Lindseth read a description of the duties for the elected offices (from the KFNA by-laws).
Lindseth was elected President without opposition.
Gerber was elected Vice-President without opposition
Hallstrom was elected Secretary without opposition
Kristensen was elected Treasurer without opposition
Sarah stated for the minutes that all KFNA staff and elected officials are recognized signers on our bank account with Wells Fargo. Hallstrom requested that his name be removed as a recognized signer.
Valens’ Property (Victor’s):
Valens explained that she is seeking an extension on a landscaping variance (from Steve Poor’s office) because she wants to do more extensive re-landscaping than initially envisioned. Plus, in light of the fire next to her business site, she may need to rethink her landscaping based on how Petersen’s rebuilds. In addition to a letter she wrote to Steve Poor, she requested that the Green committee draft a letter for Steve Poor that indicates that her sight is being considered as a Stormwater BMP Program site. The board suggested that we wait to see if she is granted an extension. If the request is denied, the board will seek ways to further her request.
It was moved and carried that the subject be sent back to the Green committee. The motion carried, Valens abstained.
Committee Chairs:
Lindseth suggested we table the selection of Committee Chairs until next meeting. Meanwhile a list was distributed so that people could log their specific committee interests.
Bookkeeper Position:
Sarah reported that our 6-month contract with our current bookkeeper ended April 30th. She posted the position and received four applications. Two of the four applicants appear to have the sufficient qualifications for the position. Sarah would like to receive board authorization to hire one of the two candidates. Lindseth suggested that the board should have a few minutes to review the job position (memo circulated to the board) the topic will be revisited later in the meeting.
Saddoris gave a brief history of the contract negotiations with Kestrel and indicated that now those discussions have deteriorated, as the parties are not able to come to an agreement of terms. It was motioned that KFNA rescind the original contract offer to Kestrel and begin discussions with an alternate firm (one of the original bidders). The motion carried.
Sarah informed the board that Glenn, the owner of the burned Petersens’ Flowers, now knows that he needs to tear down the old building. This means the mural needs to be relocated. Nikki Valens has indicated that she would be happy to have the mural on her business property (Victor’s). It is unclear whether or not it is permissible to use a 10×30 piece of tin as a fence. It is also unclear who will pay the roughly $1,500 for the move.
The board is supportive of moving the mural to the adjacent property (Victor’s) and will arrange a meeting with Glenn to see if we will be able to secure the moving costs through his insurance policy – per the original loan agreement. If this strategy is not successful, the board will consider the possibility of a fund-raiser for the move. Alternatively, “Art Is The Key†money may be considered. We also need to find out if the mural will be allowed on the Valens site, per zoning regulations.
Bookkeeper Position (continued):
Having reviewed the letter stating the position requirements the board requested it be approved with the following clarifications:
1) Use generally accepted accounting procedures
2) Rate of pay between $25-31 per hour
3) Hired as either an employee or independent contractor
4) Up to 5 hours per month
The motion carried and Sarah has authorization to hire a new bookkeeper.
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM
Board minutes respectfully prepared by Thor Anderson
KFNA Board Secretary – Pete Hallstrom
KFNA Board President – Erik Lindseth