Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meting
February 14, 2007
Board Members Present:, Peter Hallstrom, Joby Lynn Sassily, Erik Lindseth, Dave Saddoris, Darrell Gerber, Ben Kristensen, Shawna Gibson, Martha Ingram, Thor Anderson, Mark Hinds
KFNA Staff Present: Sarah Linnes-Robinson,
Other Attendees: Tom Parent, Jake Weir
Board Members Absent: Arthur Knowles, Diana Schleisman, Niki Valens,
Meeting Called to Order: Erik Lindseth, 7:10PM
Community Forum:
Secretary’s Report:
Minutes unanimously accepted.
Treasurer’s Report:
Sarah Linnes-Robinson noted that KFNA should consider opening a higher interest bearing account. Linnes-Robinson informed the board that she and the KFNA Treasurer would research options for a savings account and present it to the executive committee and the board.
Redevelopment Committee Report:
No questions for committee chair, Tom Parent
NRP Committee Report:
No questions regarding the NRP minutes
Green Committee Report:
No questions regarding Green Committee minutes
Martha Ingram informed the board that the newsletter deadline is Friday, February 16.
King Bridge Partnership:
No meeting
Mark Hinds is developing a memorandum of understanding with the City of Minneapolis and Hennepin County.
Farmer’s Market:
No minutes. Linnes-Robinson informed the board that the first meeting of the task force was in January and the task force discussed proposing a monthly theme for the Market. Linnes-Robinson also informed the board that boardmember Thor Anderson decided to resign from the task force and a replacement may be considered.
Crime Prevention and Safety (CPaS) Committee:
Shawna Gibson informed the board that there were no updates on the issues with Westrum’s. Gibson also noted that Westrum’s is for sale.
Bike Taskforce:
Linnes-Robinson noted that the taskforce met in January and will be working on increasing bicycle ridership in the neighborhood with the aim of applying for the TLC grant program. Linness-Robinson informed the board that the bike taskforce might merge with the Farmers Market taskforce.
Art to DI for
Linnes-Robinson informed the board that Artist registration would continue through March 5, 2007, with the event being held March 24, 2007 at Leonardo’s Basement from 7-9 pm and an after party 9-Midnight.
Linnes-Robinson provided an update and informed the board that a budget will be provided next month.
Darrell Gerber provided an update on the BRT stop at 46th and 35W and noted that he was appointed as a representative for the project.
Old Business:
Financial Policy review–Erik Lindseth provided an overview of the Policy and the changes to the board. Gerber moved and Joby Lynn seconded the motion to adopt the new Financial Policy. Mark Hinds stated that the Executive Director should be allowed to sign all contracts. Hinds moved and Joby Lynn seconded that all contracts shall be approved by the Board of Directors directly or through its approval of a project based budget and signed by a member of the KFNA Executive Committee or Executive Director. The Amendment to the Financial Policy passed unanimously. Hinds also noted that under the Fundraising and Grant writing section, the Executive Director should be able to sign any grant agreement. Hinds moved and Martha Ingram seconded the motion that the Board of Directors shall approve the acceptance of all grants; a member of the Executive Committee or Executive Director shall sign any grant agreement. The amendment passed unanimously. Hinds also moved that the words “…unless expenditure is consistent with the approved contract from the board…†be added to the end of the first sentence under part IV Accounting, part D paragraph three. Joby Lynn seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Hinds moved that the KFNA Financial Policy be adopted as amended and it passed unanimously.
40th and Lyndale Taskforce—Tom Parent informed the board that Matt Perry from the Taskforce asked that the KFNA representative not be a KFNA boardmember. Ingram moved and Hinds seconded that Joby Lynn be appointed to the Lyndale Taskforce as a KFNA boardmember representative with Joby Lynn complying with the KFNA Liaison Policy. The motion passed unanimously.
New Business:
NRP Plan Modifications—Linnes-Robinson provided an overview for the board and noted that the second Plan Modification should be eliminated and that in the new third Modification should be $21,000 instead of $20,000. Hinds moved and Ingram seconded the motion to accept the three NRP Plan Modifications as amended. The motion passed unanimously.
Board Recruitment Parties—Erik Lindseth informed the board that there would be two recruitment parties hosted by boardmembers who are leaving the board once their terms end in April 2007. Martha Ingram will be hosting with Erik Lindseth and Thor Anderson on March 9 and Mark Hinds will host a party with Diana Schleisman and Tom Parent on March 31.
9:00 pm – Meeting adjourned and moved to social time with community members.
Minutes prepared by Ben Kristensen, KFNA Board Member.
KFNA Board Secretary – Peter Hallstrom
KFNA Board President – Erik Lindseth