Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
January 10, 2007
Board Members Present: Martha Ingram, Erik Lindseth, Ben Kristensen, Peter Hallstrom, Dave Saddoris, Mark Hinds, JobyLynn Sassily, Tom Parent (alternate)
KFNA Staff Present: Sarah Linnes-Robinson
Board Members Absent: Thor Anderson, Shawna Gibson, Arthur Knowles, Dianna Schleisman, Niki Valens
Meeting Called to Order: Lindseth called meeting to order at 7:11 PM.
Community Forum: No discussion for community forum.
Secretary’s Report: December board meeting minutes to be approved at February meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: No report this month due to holiday break. December and January reports to be discussed at February meeting.
Redevelopment Committee Report: The American Institute of Architects (AIA) will conduct a design charrette looking at options for the funeral home property at 37th Street and Nicollet Avenue the weekend of February 9-11.
Negotiations regarding the future of the Lander property at 38th Street and Nicollet are ongoing between Lander and interested parties.
NRP Committee Report: No December meeting to discuss.
Green Committee Report: Saddoris stated that upcoming meeting dates will need to be rescheduled due to a conflict with classes. Dates of meetings to be determined by committee members.
King Bridge Partnership: Meeting to be scheduled for early February.
Farmers’ Market: The Farmers’ Market task force had an initial meeting. The task force is currently looking for a KFNA board representative to replace Anderson who cannot participate in the task force.
Crime and Safety Committee: No discussion.
Art to Di for: The web site is up and running. Post cards to artists are to be mailed out this week with a notice to the neighborhood to be mailed in March. Ways to notify additional artists inside and outside of Kingfield are being sought.
Walldogs: A steering committee has been formed and is currently reviewing potential sites. Negotiations with site owners will begin as sites are chosen. Organizers of the project are working with Steve Poor to coordinate with the city. The event will take place in mid-September.
Transportation: The “Access Minneapolis Report: 10 Year Plan” was distributed via email.
Old Business:
Financial Policy: The executive committee was unable to meet prior to KFNA board meeting but will meet on January 15th and submit policy to board at February meeting.
HR Policy Amendment: Postponed to board in February.
New Business:
Bus Rapid Transit Discussion: Jill Hentges from Metro Transit was present to discuss the public input committee for the 46th Street BRT station. The role of the committee continues to be clarified. Hentges stated that the group would have input into bus routes and schedules but would have limited input into the station design as the design is mostly complete. Sassily and Gerber expressed an interest in participating on the committee as KFNA board representatives. Rosie Dolata was suggested as a neighborhood representative. Motion by Hinds (Seconded by Ingram): Gerber to be KFNA board representative and Sassily and Dolata to be possible neighborhood representatives. Motion carried unanimously.
City Coordinator’s Community Engagement Report: A meeting is scheduled for January 29th for community input on the report. Lyndale Neighborhood Association and other neighborhoods have drafted a response to direct the city in its community engagement efforts. These groups would like to present a unified response from multiple neighborhoods with the goal of establishing a continuation of NRP or formation of a similar program. A meeting for community leaders is scheduled for Tuesday, January 16th at 7:00 PM at Harrison School/Park.
Gerber motioned (Seconded by Sassily): KFNA to offer preliminary support of the response with discussion continued via email for approval of a final draft.
Gerber: Community involvement needs to begin in the early stages of planning processes. Accountability of neighborhood organizations is key and should be specified.
Linnes-Robinson: Community engagement needs to be facilitated by meetings scheduled when community members can attend.
Motion carried unanimously. NRP committee to review letter highlighting NRP’s influence and support for KFNA.
40th Street and Lyndale Board Representative: Doug Kress has expressed interest in representing the neighborhood in this group. This group will work with AIA process to help design the node at this intersection.
Ingram motioned (Seconded by Sassily): KFNA to contribute staff support provided the 40th and Lyndale group recognize KFNA representatives Sassily and Kress who will provide periodic reports to the redevelopment committee.
Gerber stated that it is important to consider commuters who use the Lyndale corridor in the planning process.
The redevelopment committee will plan on inviting the AIA to present at future meeting regarding this project.
Electronic Billboards: A brief discussion was held regarding the new electronic billboard along 35W near 27th Street. Saddoris will follow up on this subject.
Meeting adjourned at 8:26 PM.
Minutes prepared by Peter Hallstrom.
KFNA Board Secretary – Peter Hallstrom
KFNA Board President – Erik Lindseth