Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board Meeting
July 12, 2006
Board Members Present: Thor Anderson, Darrell Gerber, Peter Hallstrom, Mark Hinds, Diana Schleisman, Martha Ingram, Arthur Knowles, Joby Lynn Sassily, Niki Valens, Dave Saddoris
Board Members Absent: Shawna Gibson, Ben Kristensen, Erik Lindseth
Others Present: Sarah Linnes-Robinson, Elizabeth Glidden
Call to Order & Community Forum
Darrell Gerber called the meeting to order.
Elizabeth Glidden talked about the Southside Get Out the Vote, Mayor pre budget meetings, and the city attorney’s desire to pursue a test case regarding graffiti.
Dave Saddoris would like the minutes from the May meeting to reflect that a letter was sent to Steve Poor.
Martha Ingram requested that the word “have†be replaced with the word “asked†in the June minutes, page 2, under New Business. Minutes were approved with stated changes.
Sarah Linnes-Robinson mentioned that the year end closing is still in progress.
Secretary: No report
Treasurer: No report
Redevelopment and Zoning: No report
Arthur Knowles stated that Wayne Anderson from NRP passed away. Because of this tragic loss, Arthur hopes to recruit new members.
Sarah Linnes-Robinson mentioned that the applications for the stormwater project are due Monday, July 17th. Darrell talked about the success of the Hazardous Waste Collection Day.
King Bridge Partnership: No report
Farmer’s Market
Mark Hinds suggested looking into purchasing a generator. Per Sarah Linnes-Robinson, the site should have electricity available. She will follow up on this issue. Seating for food was also brought up as a possible addition. Thor Anderson mentioned that custom Tye Dyed T-shirts may be a nice item to have. The IRV table is present on Second Sundays.
Crime Prevention and Safety
Westrum’s has not been as problematic lately. There are issues with the Pump ‘N’ Munch. They will be invited to the next meeting.
The July meeting was cancelled. Elizabeth Glidden said that there was no update on BRT.
Art Project TF: No report
There is a meeting on July 25th.
Action Items
The issue of the $10,000 request has not been taken up yet. Redevelopment will discuss the situation.
Policy Reviews and Recommendation (KFNA Personnel Policies)
Pete Hallstrom motioned to review, Diana Schleisman seconded. Arthur Knowles pointed out a typo on page 2, section 5. “Manage†should be changed to “managedâ€. In addition, the language should be changed on page 1, under Employee Classification, to include leave at the discretion of the Executive Director. Sarah Linnes-Robinson mentioned that it may be beneficial to explain unpaid leave in the letter of employment as well. Also, Pete Hallstrom recommended the policy reflect flexibility with leave. Mark Hinds approved with amendments, Joby Lynn Sassily seconded. Sarah Linnes-Robinson suggested we withdraw our motions and refer the policy to the Executive Committee, and so it was done.
National Night Out
Sarah Linnes-Robinson requested board members to volunteer to travel around to the parties and scoop the Kingfield Ice Cream of Rhubarb Crisp. There are 10 parties registered so far, and 20 are expected.
KFNA Festival
The festival is piggybacking with the Aquatennial this year, and will be held Thursday, July 20th, from 6pm-8pm.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Board minutes respectfully prepared by Diana Schleisman.
KFNA Board Secretary – Pete Hallstrom
KFNA Board President – Erik Lindseth