Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
March 14, 2007
Board Members Present: Mark Hinds, Dave Saddoris, Ben Kristensen, Erik Lindseth, Shawna Gibson, JobyLynn Sassily, Dianna Schleisman, Arthur Knowles, Thor Anderson, Tom Parent (alternate)
KFNA Staff Present: Sarah Linnes-Robinson
Board Members Absent: Peter Hallstrom, Niki Valens, Martha Ingram
Meeting Called to Order: Lindseth called meeting to order at 7:10 PM.
Community Forum: No discussion for community forum.
Secretary’s Report: Jan. & Feb. board meeting minutes approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s report approved.
Redevelopment Committee Report: Parent reported that there is no new business to discuss
NRP Committee Report: Knowles reported that there is no new business to discuss.
Green Committee Report: Saddoris reported that his committee is forming a dodgeball team.
Newsletter Committee Report: Anderson reported that the spring edition has been published.
King Bridge Partnership: Minor changes to meeting notes were indicated.
Farmers’ Market: Knowles asked if new members are able join. Linnes-Robinson indicated that the committee is nearly done with its assignment.
Crime and Safety Committee: Gibson clarified minutes for board members.
Art to Di for: Linnes-Robinson clarified budget issues for board members, indicated that the final budget numbers are still being tabulated. Saddoris asked about exits at the event location. Linnes-Robinson indicated that there are sufficient exits. Lindseth wondered whether or not the budget needed to be approved. Hinds replied that it has already been allocated.
Walldogs: 3 sites have been assigned. 6 sites have not yet been assigned. Further discussion postponed until New Business.
Old Business:
Budget: Linnes-Robinson described the budget as reflected in Fiscal 07.xls document. Schleisman asked why T-shirts are not in budget. Linnes-Robinson explained that old stock will be used, in addition to new Walldogs T-shirts. Lindseth reminded board that the exec. com. has reviewed and approved the document. Budget approved.
Saving Account Recommendation: Kristensen explained the benefits of an “eTrade†savings account. Linnes-Robinson explained preference for putting $30,000 into account. Saddoris stated that he is not in favor, as he had a back (bad?) transaction with eTrade in the past. Motion carried with Saddoris voting “noâ€.
HR Policy Amendment: Board discussion led to amendment to HR policy with the following statement: “Regular employees will get a regular stipend at the end of the year based on the number of hours workedâ€. It was further amended as follows: “If employee terminates employment during the calender year the stipend will be prorated and paid upon termination. Neither temporary employees or independent contractors are eligible for an annual stipendâ€.
Regarding the issue of posting open positions, it was amended that: “only employee positions need be posted, not temporary employees or independent contractorsâ€.
New Business:
Farmer’s Market Temporary Employee Coordinator Job Description: Linnes-Robinson explained that this job will be similar to last year, with increased hours. Hourly rate is $15. Linnes-Robinson indicated that the position would need to be posted ASAP. Terms were adopted.
Stormwater Site Participant’s Contract: Saddoris explained contract (see document). Linnes-Robinson indicated that there will be another agreement for commercial properties. It was agreed that the contract be amended with the addition of an “initial†line next to Statement 10 in the contract. In addition Lindseth agreed to rework the waiver clause in this and the commercial contracts.
Walldog Site Organizer Independent Contractor Contract: The contract was approved with the stipulation that the project cost will be split 50/50 between the neighborhoods (KFNA & LNA)
Property Variance: Board approved a variance seeking permission to split Sassily property. Sassily abstained.
Annual Meeting Plans: Annual meeting is Monday, April 16th. Board discussed how to use allocate time during the meeting. Linnes-Robinson and board committee chairs agreed to take responsibility for various aspects of the event.
Meeting adjourned at 9 PM.
Minutes prepared by Thor Anderson.
KFNA Board Secretary – Peter Hallstrom
KFNA Board President – Erik Lindseth