Kingfield Neighborhood Association (KFNA) Board of Directors Roles & Responsibilities
Are you looking to flex your civic engagement muscles and get involved at the hyperlocal level? Are you interested in working alongside your Kingfield neighbors to make our neighborhood and KFNA thrive? We are seeking neighbors who are energetic, committed, and passionate about building their leadership, and that of fellow residents, to run for election to the Board of Directors.
About KFNA
KFNA works to support and promote the common good and welfare of the Kingfield neighborhood. The KFNA Board demonstrates and encourages neighborhood leadership, provides a forum for community participation, and a structure to promote the vision and aspiration of our neighborhood.
KFNA Board Meetings are typically held every 2nd Wednesday of the month from 7pm-9pm. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are currently meeting via Zoom. In-person meetings are typically held at MLK Park.
KFNA Guiding Principles
- Ensuring responsible stewardship of all monies entrusted to KFNA;
- Identifying neighborhood priorities;
- Providing a forum for communication and dissemination of community issues, concerns and information;
- Encouraging increased participation reflecting the diversity of the neighborhood, especially by under-represented groups;
- Building the capacity and infrastructure of our neighborhood by cultivating and facilitating leaders at all levels.
- Advocating for the neighborhood’s interest with others (i.e. City of Minneapolis, Hennepin County, MnDOT, Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board (MPRB), Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS), the state of Minnesota, state legislature, etc.).
- Actively promoting a positive sense of community in the neighborhood.
About the Board of Directors
The KFNA Board of Directors provides fiduciary oversight, mission-based leadership, strategic governance, and advice to the Executive Director who manages day-to-day operations.
The Board of Directors is made up of people who live or work in the neighborhood, or are owners of businesses or property in Kingfield. There are 13 voting seats on the board and 3 non-voting seats.
The average monthly commitment is 5 hours per month—which includes monthly board meetings and committee and events participation.
Board of Directors strive to deliver:
- Focus on organizational strategic priorities and dedicate resources to achieve goals
- Represent KFNA to stakeholders; act as an ambassador for the organization and neighborhood
- Facilitate conversations with neighbors and create public and small-group opportunities for them to practice various leadership roles
- Propose, design, organize, and lead new neighborhood events and initiatives that further KFNA’s organizational goals
- Board of Directors are required to participate in the following:
- Orientation for New Board of Directors
- Monthly Board Meetings: Every 2nd Wednesday of the month from 7pm-9pm at MLK Park
- Yearly Board Retreat
- Work group, event planning and/or committee participation
- Volunteer at KFNA events, to include: National Night Out, Empty Bowls, the KFNA Annual Meeting, and Open Streets
- Other neighborhood duties, as needed (volunteering at events, writing newsletter content, moving office and event supplies, data entry or administrative duties, etc.)
- Take part in the oversight of management and operations of the organization
- Prepare in advance and attend meetings of the board; ask questions, exercise independent judgment, and request information to take responsibility for making decisions on issues, policies and other board matters
- Participate in recruiting board members to meet the goals and objectives of the organization
- Have fun getting to know your neighbors and making Kingfield a more welcoming, equitable, and inclusive community!
Planning & Committees
- Help set long-term and short-term goals for the organization that align with the mission and vision of the organization in partnership with the Executive Director
- Be familiar with and follow KFNA’s governing documents, which include the articles of organization and bylaws.
- Participate in at least one board-established committee or event planning committee
Finance & Fundraising
- Oversee the finances of KFNA, review financial documents, evaluate financial policies, and approve budgets
- Actively participate in fundraising efforts
- Make an annual financial commitment to KFNA that is meaningful to you and encourage others to do the same
Board Terms
Board of Directors are typically elected for a two-year term and are eligible to serve three (3) consecutive terms.
Diversity & Inclusion
KFNA is committed to being an equitable and inclusive organization that reflects the diversity and many identities in our neighborhood. We are stronger as an organization when we have a broad vision that includes diverse voices, ways of knowing, and ways of doing. We are committed to taking action to realize this vision. KFNA specifically seeks to foster the leadership and participation of people who neighborhood organizations have historically underinvested in. This includes people who rent, and people who identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color), LGBTQ+, youth, and seniors.
How to Run for Election to the Board of Directors
Fill out the KFNA Board Application.
Attend an upcoming KFNA Board Meeting (2nd Wednesday of each month, 7pm at MLK Park) to introduce yourself as a candidate.
Interested in learning more?
Contact a member of the KFNA Board or KFNA Community Coordinator:
- Josh Martin, KFNA Board President:
- Jessica Verrall Pischke, KFNA Board Vice President:
- Ashley Annett, KFNA Community Coordinator:
View the full Board of Directors and see bylaws: