Members Present:Â Thor Anderson, Darrell Gerber, Shawna Gibson, Peter Hallstrom, Martha Ingram, Arthur Knowles, Ben Kristensen, Erik Lindseth, David Saddoris, Diana Schleisman, Niki Valens, and JobyLynn Sassily.
Members Absent: Mark Hinds
Staff Present: Sarah Linnes-Robinson
The meeting was called to order at 7:04 P.M.
No one availed themselves of the Community Forum.
Secretary’ Report: Approved with corrections.
Treasurer’s Report: Approved. Sarah informed the Board that we are no longer subject to full audits.
Committees and Task Forces:
Redevelopment and Zoning: – Westrum’s Tavern’s had a non-compliance hearing with the city (regarding outdoor seating and liquor/food ratio) . The results of this meeting are not yet known.
Crime Prevention and Safety: – All neighborhood walking teams will meet at the park. Walking teams will map areas where additional lighting might be needed.
Bike Task Force: – This is just forming. Six residents have shown interest in developing ways to encourage biking in the neighborhood.
Transportation: – Citizen participants will be needed for the Lyndale Avenue 10 Year Transportation Plan.
Art to DI for: – 25 youths submitted art for the show.
40th and Lyndale Task Force: – The Task Force organized a meeting, which will be held on November 15th.
Lighting Petition: – The lighting petition for Lyndale has been submitted to the city.
Old Business:
BFIP: – After general discussion, Diana moved that we accept the new BFIP and transfer $50,000.00 to the program. Martha seconded the motion and it passed without dissent. Darrell moved that all BFIP grants should go through the Redevelopment Committee. JobyLynn seconded the motion and it passed without dissent.
New Business:
Farmers’ Market: – Sarah requested that the board form a Task Force to plan the future of The Farmers’ Market and its funding for the next 3-5 years. The Task Force would meet for 4-5 months and report to Board in the Spring 2007. Darrell moved that such a Task Force be established with hoped for membership of Sarah, Joanna and Maura, one food vendor, one craft vendor, 2 Board members, a representative of a local business, a neighborhood resident with extensive knowledge of farmers’ markets, and a Master Gardener. Diana seconded the motion and, after discussion, it was passed without dissent. The President then appointed JobyLynn and Thor to serve as the Board’s representatives on the Task Force.
NRP Policy Board Elector: – Martha moved that Arthur be named Kingfield’s NRP Policy Board Elector for 2006. Niki seconded and the motion was passed dissent. Arthur abstained from the vote.
Phone-a-thon: – JobyLynn moved that the Board (such members as may be available) hold a phone-a-thon, on December 6th from 7:00 to 8:30 P.M., to contact past donors neighborhood association and encourage their continued support. Diana the motion and it passed without dissent.
December Board Meeting: – Board members were reminded that the December meeting will be short, to be followed by a party with coffee, snacks and treats. All members are encouraged to bring a friend or neighbor, and invitations will also be sent out to neighborhood donors.
Walldog Project: – Sarah informed the Board that she has met with Lyndale Neighborhood about partnering to bring the Walldog Project, which is a national collective of traveling mural painters, to our neighborhoods next summer. . The aim of the project is getting 6-8 murals added to our neighborhoods in August of 2007. Niki moved that the Board have Sarah explore this opportunity and see about lining up interested businesses. Darrell seconded the motion and it passed w/o dissent.
Stormwater Project: – Dave moved that the Board authorize creating and signing a letter authorizing a proposal for a grant from LCCMR for the neighborhood stormwater program. Diana seconded and the motion was passed without dissent.
Stipend payment: – As this discussion concerned Pete’s wife, Joanna, Pete left the meeting at this point. The question was whether to pay Joanna’s stipend for the of her maternity leave. The Board policy is not clear on this point. The recommendation of the Executive Committee is that we do pay the stipend for the period in question. Niki moved that Board accept the recommendation of the Executive Committee. JobyLynn seconded, and the motion passed without dissent. There was discussion of the policy going forward, and whether the stipend, originally meant for possible health care, should be added to the base salary. Erik volunteered to look into the matter and make a proposal at a future Board Meeting.
Arthur moved to adjorn at 8:52 P.M.
KFNA Board Secretary:Â -Â Peter Hallstrom
KFNA Board President:Â -Â Erik Lindseth