Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
March 9, 2005
Board Members Present:
Thor Anderson, Rosemary Dolata, Martha Ingram, Rolf Johnson, Arthur Knowles, Ben Kristensen, Erik Lindseth, David Motzenbecker, David Muschenheim, Mari O’Rourke, Dave Saddoris, Sean Wherley, and Niki Valens.
Board Members Asent:
Others Present:
Sarah Linnes-Robinson, KFNA; Robyn Repya, Southwest Journal; Jennifer Sprague, Kingfield resident; Tracy Eberly, Kingfield resident; TJ Gunther, Kingfield business owner.
Meeting called to order:
Motzenbecker called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
Community Forum:
TJ from Kingfield business, Odds and Ends, informed the board of a public hearing allowing him to display items on the sidewalk in front of his business at 42nd and Nicollet. He asked for KFNA to write a letter of support to the city. Wherley moved that the board approve such a letter; the motion was seconded by Johnson. Motzenbecker suggested that the letter mention how the sidewalk width is adequate for both display items and pedestrian traffic. Motion passed unanimously.
Jennifer Sprague, from 44th Street & 1st Avenue, came to discuss the bus traffic on 44th Street. Motzenbecker had spoken to John Dillery at Metro Transit regarding this issue and shared neighborhood concerns. Dillery said that in order to test a route on 42nd Street and up Stevens Avenue, Metro Transit would need petitions signed by residents on Stevens Avenue between 42nd and 44th Streets. Sprague had concerns about being able to get the required signatures. The board suggested that she call Annette Meeks, Metropolitan Council representative for Kingfield, for a higher level of support than KFNA can provide.
Valens advised the board of public hearing to be held at MLK Park on March 17 for a wine and beer license at Victor’s 1959 Café.
Secretary’s Report
Wherley moved to accept the February Board minutes; Ingram seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report:
Valens moved to accept the treasurer’s report, Knowles seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
No questions or comments on any other committee minutes.
MLK Multi-Purpose Room:
Linnes-Robinson explained the bill KFNA recently received from the Minneapolis Park Board for work done in 2002 on the multi-purpose room at King Park. Discussion ensued about whether to pay the bill or not. The bill was received late due to a clerical error by the Park Board, and according to KFNA records the Park Board actually owes KFNA money. Dolata moved that we send both a letter and spreadsheet to NRP Director Bob Miller asking that he act on it. Seconded by Muschenheim. Motion passed unanimously.
KFNA Website:
Wherley suggested that the board entrust the website modifications to Linnes-Robinson and Joanna Hallstrom. Some ideas and suggestions were discussed, including keeping board and committee meeting minutes posted for a year; preserving neighborhood business links/sponsorship; and creating a block leader sign-up area and community forum.
Annual Meeting Agenda:
Wherley suggested that 35W be removed from the April 18 agenda since nothing much is happening on the issue. Knowles agreed to talk about NRP Phase II planning. O’Rourke and Valens agreed to try and recruit block leaders w/booth and/or explanation of community initiated grants. Ingram agreed to talk about the Farmer’s Market. Other topics to be discussed include development options at 38th & Nicollet Avenue and 36th & Nicollet Avenue; lighting petition update; solicitation of volunteers for the mural program; and fundraising. KFNA will invite State Rep. Frank Hornstein, City Councilmember Scott Benson, State Sen. Scott Dibble and Mayor R.T. Rybak to speak for two minutes each. Johnson suggested that vote totals from the board election be posted after being tallied.
Motzenbecker will work further on the agenda and get back to us.
Social Service Grant Report:
Linnes-Robinson said that KFNA has issued 14 grants, 12 of which have been completed. The only two outstanding are with Mental Health Collaborative and Skyway Senior Center. Most successful thus far has been the Southwest Senior Center, which did a lot of outreach by doorknocking. Motzenbecker asked that a synopsis of each grant be submitted to the board.
Audit Finding:
Linnes-Robinson requested that we approve the two findings. Wherley moved to accept the auditor’s findings; Anderson seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Mural Task Force:
Valens agreed to serve as the board representative on the task force.
Farmers Market:
To hold the Farmer’s Market at Mulroy’s would require the site to be re-zoned. The board opted not to pursue a re-zoning and to hold the market at its current location through 2006. KFNA did receive a grant for creating the Farmer’s Market logo. Designs will be submitted in two weeks. In April, KFNA will form a group interested in marketing the Farmer’s Market.
Kingfield Festival:
First planning meeting is March 29 at 7 p.m. at Café Tempo. Wherley would like to see another board member be involved in the planning. Valens suggested that O’Rourke would be a good candidate.
The Nicollet Avenue lighting petition has not gone to City Council yet, but KFNA should know more by the board’s next meeting.
Everyone please bring a snack to April meeting as a send off to outgoing board members!
Meeting Adjourned:
Knowles moved to adjourn; Wherley seconded. The meeting adjourned at about 9 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Niki Valens.
KFNA Board Secretary – Sean Wherley
KFNA Board President – David Motzenbecker