Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
May 19, 2004
Board members present: Thor Anderson, Rosemary Dolata, Rolf Johnson, Arthur Knowles, Ben Kristensen, Erik Lindseth, David Motzenbecker, Mari O’Rourke, Dave Saddoris, Niki Valens, Sean Wherley
Board members absent:Â David Muschenheim, Paige Fitzgerald
Others present: Chris Deparde, Bob Gilbert (Southwest Journal), Martha Ingram, Sarah Linnes-Robinson, Jim Russell, Jody Tooley
Meeting called to order at 7:07 p.m.
Community Forum:
Jody Tooley of Judson Church discussed its May 22 festival from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the intersection of 41st Street and Harriet Avenue.
Rosemary moved to suspend the agenda and hold elections for board officers. Erik seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Board Elections:
Sean nominated Ben Kristensen for treasurer. Arthur seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Erik nominated Rosemary Dolata for vice president. Niki seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Arthur nominated David Motzenbecker for president. Niki seconded the motion. Thor nominated Sean Wherley for president. Arthur seconded the motion. Each candidate answered questions from board members and a secret ballot was conducted. David was announced the winner.
Sean Wherley nominated himself for secretary. Erik seconded the motion. Arthur amended the motion to indicate that the secretary responsibilities would rotate to a different board member each month. The secretary would be expected to compile a schedule and ensure that minutes are submitted. Rosemary seconded the amendment. The amendment passed unanimously. The amended motion passed unanimously.
Secretary’s Report:
The April 14, 2004 minutes misspelled the names of David Motzenbecker, Kevin Bakewell, and Niki Valens. It was clarified that the NRP Steering Committee allocated $182,000 for new lighting on Nicollet Avenue, not the city, as indicated on the April 14 minutes. One final correction was made to reflect that the Corridor Housing Initiative is running three “tracks†of concurrent designs, not “tracts†as indicated in the April 14 minutes. Erik moved to adopt the amended April 14, 2004 minutes. Arthur seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report:
Ben indicated that he is pursuing a new bank for KFNA’s banking needs. Currently, several former board members have authorization to sign KFNA checks despite Ben’s requests to Wells Fargo that the names be removed. Niki suggested he consider First National Bank of the Lakes because it is independent and offers more personalized service. Erik asked Ben to bring a list of prospective banks to a future board meeting to gain board approval.
The board agreed that KFNA’s bookkeeper, Nancy, should attend the board’s June meeting to discuss various expense items. Arthur moved to adopt the treasurer’s report. Sean seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Committee Reports:
David Motzenbecker urged the NRP Steering Committee to refrain from spending any additional money at MLK park including the the $23,000 which theoretically remainedremaining from the renovation of the MLK Park’s multi-media room but was Plan Modified away from the strategy at the April 2003 Annual Meeting.  until it is determined how much the Minneapolis Park Board owes KFNA. Sarah said the project’s contract was never closed and that the Park Board has erroneously claimed the remainder and billed KFNA an equal amount. She said the Park Board indicated that it soon hopes to remedy the situation, but because KFNA never received a final bill on the project, it may be hard to prove that KFNA does not owe the Park Board this money. .
Arthur reminded committees to elect chairs of each body and to submit a roster of active committee members to David Motzenbecker for approval.
David Motzenbecker urged the festival committee to pursue new, free bands for the July 31 event. Mari offered to help find these acts. Sean indicated that the committee is pursuing free entertainment.
Sarah distributed the committee sign-up sheet. David Motzenbecker asked each board member to sign-up to serve on at least one committee. Sarah said that task forces do not require formal, approved membership.
Goals for 2004-2005:
David Motzenbecker asked for ideas about what projects the board would like to pursue for the next year, and methods for increasing revenue. Arthur asked Sean to clarify Sean’s goal to have the board approve an annual budget. Sean said that optimally the board would approve a list of activities, the staff would create a corresponding budget, and the board would vote on the budget before the annual meeting. Sean also suggested that the board consider devoting more staff resources to grant writing. Sarah said the job posting for NRP Project Organizer requested grant writing experience.
Dave Saddoris asked if KFNA historically tried to raise revenue from events. Mari discussed the possibility of raising funds through dues or membership in KFNA. Rosemary opposed such an idea. David Motzenbecker asked board members to think more about projects and programs they would like to implement in the next year.
Old Business:
David Motzenbecker announced that Mulroy’s sought approval from the KFNA Zoning Sub-Committee and KFNA Redevelopment Committee to combine operations from his 43rd and Nicollet shop and 43rd Street shop to at Nicollet and 39th Street. . To move his operations he was required to file for a zoning change combined with a Conditional Use Permit or a Non-Conforming Use Permit. The zoning he requested was a C4; this was denied by the committees and the city. The neighborhood supported his move with a Non-Confomring Use Permit or, if needed, an up-zoning to C2. David Motzenbecker said that neither he nor KFNA received any negative responses about the zoning change following a notice being mailed to homes in a predetermined radius. The city council is expected to vote on the zoning change in the coming months.
Sarah reported that a successor for Liz Gibson-Gasset, NRP Project Organizer, has not been hired. KFNA offered the job to a candidate but she declined. Interviews with two different candidates are expected next week. If neither of those candidates is suitable, Sarah said that she would consider reposting the job. Sean asked if a candidate is offered the job can the person start working without board approval. Sarah said the hiring would be contingent on receiving board approval.
Sarah said that four artists were paired last night with businesses to initiate four neighborhood murals. Painting is scheduled to begin July 14. Sarah also discussed the prospect of a mosaic in Kingfield, possibly at King Park.
New Business:
David Motzenbecker discussed the creation of KFNA loans for helping small businesses in the neighborhood. He cited the example of Nook and Cranny, a lawn care service that operates out of the owner’s home, which is looking to expand but may move out of Kingfield. David said KFNA could help in such a case with closing costs for acquiring a new building, relocation costs, or issuing a forgivable loan dependent.
Erik asked if Nook and Cranny would move out of Kingfield without assistance from KFNA. If no, then KFNA should consider how to maximize its role in aiding businesses. Sarah mentioned that creating something similar to the low-interest loan business-match program offered through the city’s office of Community Planning and Economic Development) could also be considered. David Motzenbecker said the matter will be discussed further at a future board meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 9:02 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Sean Wherley, Board Secretary.
David Motzenbecker                                      Sean Wherley
President                                                        Secretary