Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board Meeting
June 2006
Present: Thor Anderson, Darrell Gerber, Shawna Gibson, Peter Hallstrom, Mark Hinds, Martha Ingram, Arthur Knowles, Ben Kristensen, Erik Lindseth, JobyLynn Sassily, Diana Schleisman
Others: Sarah Linnes-Robinson, Kathy McGillivray, SWJ, John Plifka.
Absent: David Saddoris, Niki Valens
Lindseth called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.; there was no business raised in the community forum.
Linnes-Robinson opened the meeting with a report on the duplex at 23 W. 38th Street. This was originally proposed by Public Housing as an affordable duplex with one handicapped-accessible unit. Public Housing applied to KFNA for $10,000 and received the grant, largely because of the accessible piece. KFNA later allocated an additional $10,000 when poor soil conditions on the site were discovered. The duplex was completed late in 2005, and does not contain an accessible unit. Discussion followed between KFNA, the City, Public Housing, and MCDA to determine how to proceed – no retrofitting for accessibility is possible; Public Housing has offered to seek another site and build an accessible unit there, but not necessarily within Kingfield. MCDA has recently sought signatures for payment on the $10,000 grant contract. Downtown NRP has recommended that we sign. Linnes-Robinson recommends that we don’t.
John Plifka from Public Housing attended the meeting and responded to the report. Plifka was in charge of construction and remodeling, but not policy. He reported that MPHA ran into problems with accessibility immediately because of the problematic terrain (steep slope) and the fact that the street is a snow emergency route. Therefore, building an accessible unit in this location was impossible.
Several board members questioned how the design got as far as it did without noticing the grading issues, and why there was no communication with the Redevelopment Committee when the design was changed. Plifka was unable to address the lack of communication. He did report that MCDA is actively looking for other sites and would welcome recommendations. Stated that a signed agreement to build an affordable unit in exchange for the $10,000 is reasonable.
Motion to refer the contract to the Redevelopment Committee carried unanimously.
Hallstrom reported that board members should sign up to take minutes on the circulating sign-up sheet.
Secretary’s report. Approved with following changes: “motioned†changed to “moved;†“She suspects drug related†should be changed to a complete sentence.
Treasurer’s report. Approved. Staff is now printing standard reports instead of custom, which seems to have fixed discrepancies in the numbers.
Redevelopment committee. Hinds reported that the “38†development is undergoing extensive redesign. The residential market has slowed, and no residential units are now being planned. Instead, office/commercial spaces will be built. This will entail a redesign of the housing component of NRP Phase II and accompanying plan modification.
NRP: no report.
Green: Gerber reported success in finding compact fluorescent bulbs to be given away for hazardous waste drop-off event.
King Bridge Partnership: no report.
Farmers’ Market: Sassily reported that the farmers’ market opening went well. The committee is still seeking a CSA.
Crime Prevention and Safety: no report.
Transportation: Gerber reported that the streetcar study is moving forward.
Art: the committee has determined to separate the youth show from benefit events in the future.
Newsletter: Anderson reported that the latest issue is out.
Old business:
Linnes-Robinson reported that a new bookkeeper has been hired – Lois Epstein. She is working on updating reports.
New Business:
Stormwater contract: Gerber reported that Saddoris and Linnes-Robinson have EOR to submit a new contract. This resulted in an increase of $2500 over Kestrel, but EOR seems more responsive and innovative to work with. The contract total is $32,353. Gerber recommended approval. Because of the switch in service providers, the contract stretches into next year – design to take place over the winter, with implementation in spring 2007. Motion to approve contract carried unanimously.
Committees: Linnes-Robinson described committees as per the bylaws. Lindseth named chairs (see committee list).
Gerber moved to accept the committee list and chairs – motion carried unanimously.
MNIS membership: Minneapolis Neighborhood Information Systems has certain specified membership requirements. The Redevelopment Committee looked at these and recommended membership. Linnes-Robinson is slated to be KFNA’s representative, with Hinds as alternate. A motion to accept these appointments carried unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Martha Ingram.