Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
June 13, 2007
Board Members Present:
Niki Stavrou, Arthur Knowles, Dave Saddoris, David Potosky, Karen Pieper, Tom Parent, Chris Sur, David Brauer, Amy Joe Gracyalny, Mary Hunter
Board Members Absent:
JobyLynn Sassily James, Ben Kristensen
KFNA Staff Present:
Sarah Linnes-Robinson,
Others: Jack, Paul Hokeness, Brian, Steve Brandt, Michael Vanderfort, Diana Schliesman, Lee, and Jenny.
Meeting Called to Order:
David Brauer called the meeting to order at 7PM
Community Forum:
No Discussion
Old Business:
King Park Fence discussion:
Topic moved up in agenda to fit schedule of MPRB staff in attendance. Paul Heckness – District manager spoke after David Brauer’s introduction of the issue. This portion is intended to allow us to hear from the Park Board and decide what kind of meeting we need to have to resolve community and KFNA concerns around the fence built in King Park. The MPRB is working on a comprehensive plan. Last one was 1976. One of the issues is communications. Some meetings will be held to talk about this and work on improving it. One thing that they working on is better integration with the neighborhood newsletters. Linnes-Robinson asked about whether or not King Park has a Comprehensive Plan. King Park doesn’t have a Master Plan. This is more of a design and landscape plan. Gerber asked Paul what kind of meeting he felt would be needed to address the present issue with the community. There have been many different meetings in the past.
Secretary’s Report:
Chris moved to accept the minutes, Arthur seconded. Passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report:
No questions on financial documents
Redevelopment Committee Report:
Tom has some corrections of typos to send to Joana.
NRP Committee Report:
Niki asked that her name be changed to Stavrou on the minutes.
Green Committee Report:
King Bridge Partnership:
Farmers’ Market:
Crime and Safety Committee:
Bike Task Force:
Walldogs – None
Transportation – None
40th and Lyndale – None
Old Business:
King Park Fence – (Take Two) Steve Brandt and Michael Vanderfort came to talk about their concerns about the recent Park fence issue. Vanderfort runs the KFNA sponsored soccer program. They outlined their concern about the lack of notice and opportunity for input from the community concerning the changes to the park. This was a missed opportunity to give valuable input into the design and use of the park from the neighborhood and KFNA. It would have made it more beneficial and useful to the neighborhood. Steve was on the citizen advisory committee for the last big upgrade of the park. A part of the plan was to have sprinklers to cover the full soccer field area. There were plans to have a much higher level of soccer use that Michael feels has not developed as foreseen. There needs to be a focus on moving forward and improving communications. Diana talked about the workgroup that is meeting about the city wide issue of improving communications between neighborhoods and the MPRB. There should be a plan to get a procedure out of the meeting on how and when the Park meets with the neighborhood. Michael felt that it should also be important for Brian to be able to talk about and explain the reasoning behind the fence. Chris moved that we “have a separate meeting organized by a board member and advertised between the park board and the community around the fence and communications with the neighborhood. It should be forward looking and positive“. Niki seconded. David B., Karen, Chris, and Diana will work to organize the meeting. Passed. David P voted no. Arthur abstained.
New Business:
NRP Phase II Scope of Service review and approval – Sarah reviewed the documents provided. There have been concerns with Phase II spending from downtown but there is no freeze. In fact, KFNA has been encouraged to move as many contracts through as possible now. Had to spread Phase II money over 5 years but could only do 70% in first 3 years. We are in year 2 but have not contracted anything. David asked how we are now contracting 2006 money. Sarah, you can always contract backward for money budgeted but you can’t reach forward for money budgeted down the line. Arthur moved “to approve and direct the President to sign the Scopes and Services as specified in NRP Phase II.†Niki seconded. Passed unanimously.
Housing Loan Administrator Selection – Sarah brings a recommendation to approve selection of The Center for Energy and the Environment (CEE) as the KFNA Housing Loan Administrator. This is the recommendation coming from the Redevelopment Committee. They were the lowest bidder and we have a good working relationship with them over several years. They are not going to do marketing for us but Sarah feels there is quite a bit of interest already. David suggested that we be careful not to only open this to insiders and those in the know. Planning for marketing and promotion will be taken up at the next Redevelopment Meeting. David P. moved to approve selection of CEE as Housing Loan Administrator. Tom seconded. Passed unanimously.
Beer and Wine License Support Requested by La Chaya (KFC)
They came to Redevelopment to outline their work and get support for their beer and wine license. Redevelopment felt they could not decide on that issue and that it should come to the full board. They will be required by the city to hold a community meeting. Notices will be sent by the city to people in the area. Tom asked that KFNA be included on the notice and also that notice be given to a wider group than just immediate neighbors. We can also, at that time, either give a recommendation from KFNA or remain silent. David B asked that we be sure that the meeting is held in the neighborhood and in the evening. Niki said her experience is that the city does do that as common practice. David B. also pointed out that KFNA does not approve or deny the license but we can have input into it. We can also remain silent. The vote is that of the City Council but they do take into account the neighbors’ opinions (to varying degrees).
Plymouth Neighborhood Foundation Letter of Support – Lee and Jenny Masson attended from Plymouth Church Foundation came. They presented their organization and their plans for a project at the Werness Bros. Funeral Home site. There will be a 42 unit supportive housing space for at-risk youth plus a coffee shop and 3-4 bedroom townhomes. There will be on-site support services. Board members and Redevelopment Committee members will have an opportunity later to tour other sites. Tom explained that this is only stating that at this time the project meets our guidelines for the neighborhood and looks like a good start. He also stated that it is felt that management of the project will be paramount toward making it work. Arthur moved that “the board support and ask the president to sign the letter supporting the Plymouth Letter of Support as forwarded by the Redevelopment Committee.“ Chris seconded. Passed unanimously.
Mosaic Mural – Sarah gave an update of our mural history and the mosaic mural on Frame Ups, specifically. No agreement was ever reached and the grant offer was withdrawn. Discussion has continued with the artists to find a place for the mural. Nothing progressed. The artists have asked to submit a bill for the work completed thus far for the design, materials and a workshop for some youth. We don’t have any written agreement with them at this time. David P moved “they be offered starting at $600 with a limit of 20% $600 for the work done.†Chris seconded it. David P. withdrew motion. Chris moved that we “authorize Sarah to tell them we have no moral, legal, or otherwise requirement to pay them but that she ask for their bill to bring to the board next month.†Arthur seconded. Passed unanimously.
Land Trust Letter – Chris moved to accept. David S. seconded. Passed unanimously.
Arthur moves adjournment. David S seconded. Passed unamimously.
Meeting adjourned at 9PM
Minutes prepared by Darrell Gerber