Kingfield Neighborhood Association (KFNA) board meeting
May 9, 2007
Presiding: Erik Lindseth, outgoing President
Attending: David Brauer, JobyLynn SassilyJames, Darrell Gerber, Karen Pieper, Amy Joe Gracyalny, Mary Hunter, Ben Kristensen, Tom Parent, David Saddoris, Chris Sur
Absent: Shawna Gibson, Niki Stavrou, Arthur Knowles
Neighborhood forum
Steve Brandt expressed concerns about a chain-link baseball fence erected over the soccer field at King Park. Brandt was unhappy there was little Park Board consultation with the neighborhood. Matt Perry, president of the East Harriet Neighborhood Assn., introduced himself to new board members.
Issue Updates
Park fence: KFNA Exec. Dir. Sarah Linnes-Robinson said there were two issues – the fence layout itself and the parks’ decision-making process. There is no comprehensive plan for the park. Park area Supt. Paul Hokeness and Park Board Director Bob Fine have offered to attend a future meeting. The KFNA board will discuss what type of neighborhood meeting will be held regarding these issues.
38th & Pleasant: A meeting about parking problems on the corner was organized, but the meeting grew beyond its planned scope and representatives from various organizations including Sagrado de Corazon congregation felt that if they attended they might be beat up. Mediation may be possible.
Westrum’s Bar: The board has received a letter from Heidi Fields & Bryce Anderson, 4303 Harriet Ave., the potential new owners of the now-closed bar. Their inquiry was referred to the Redevelopment Committee, which will invite Heidi to meet with them.
Secretary’s and Treasurer’s reports:
Approved without objection
Committee Reports
Redevelopment: Plymouth Neighborhood housing is considering buying the Werness Funeral Home at 37th & Nicollet as a home for at-risk youth. The plan is three years out at best, and Tom Parent said it was a good sign they’re huddling with the neighborhood so soon. The board will meet with a representative to be backgrounded on the issue in June.
NRP: no report
Green: The stormwater demonstration project will be implemented this summer – four residences and one business have been selected to participate.
Newsletter: May need a new editor and layout person this year.
King Bridge Partnership: no report.
Farmer’s Market: First market is two weeks out. The next two years will determine its fate. Augmenting early markets with crafts because food is in short supply. Pursuing a grant for weekly live entertainment. Will feature only local food at market. New vendors include Rustica, free-range chicken seller, and berries. A second, non-KFNA market may open at 36th & Nicollet, selling more clothes and other non-food items. As far as we know, they have no licences.
Crime Prevention: no report.
Bike: Five-six people are interested in forming a group to raise area ridership. Transit for Livable Communities is also interested in something. Interested groups will be brought to Green Committee.
Art to Di For: Produced $3,533 profit, not including staff time. KFNA now owns the portable walls that show the artwork and perhaps they can be rented out.
Walldogs: The September 2007 mural-painting event has been postponed to September 2008. Some of the Walldog volunteer painters, who are from all over the area and country, have safety concerns about urban areas. We may need to find urban painters. This year, we’ll do one wall as a teaser, continue fundraising, and try to tie into a big Hudson, Wi. event in 2008.
Transportation: Meetings continue about 40th & Lyndale Task Force.
New Business
New member: Shawna Gibson resigned because she is moving. David Potosky offered to serve; Darrell moved that David be appointed second alternate board member, behind Karl Narvesen, who was elected first alternate at the April annual meeting. (The other alternate elected in April declined to move up to a full board post). David Brauer seconded the motion, which noted that if Narvesen declines to assume a board post by May 16, David Potosky will become a board member. Adopted on a unanimous voice vote.
Officers elected: On voice votes with no opposition, David Brauer was elected President, JobyLynn vice-president, Karen Pieper treasurer and Darrell Gerber secretary. All were unopposed. Minute-taking at meetings will rotate among board members. Erik Lindseth handed over the meeting to David Brauer.
Berry selling: Sarah said board members need to volunteer to pick berries at a Hugo, Mn. farm to sell at the Farmer’s Market; proceeds will go to KFNA. The board deferred commitment until an email vote between meetings or the June board meeting.
Farmer’s Market electricity: Sarah said $1,600 is needed for exterior electric outlets on the dialysis center’s building at the Farmer’s Market site, on the 4200 block of Nicollet. The outlets will allow vendors who need electricity to offer products at the market, and replace generators. Some concern that the lease at the site has only two more years to run, and will the money be well-spent? It’s unclear whether we have a vendor nailed down who will need electricity. Will the dialysis center extend the lease? Darrell moves to approve a $1,600 expenditure for electrical outlets at the Farmer’s Market site; David Saddoris seconds. David Saddoris make a friendly amendment that Sarah will handle the details, and she and staff will be a good-faith effort and there will be a reasonable expectation that we will have a vendor or vendors that use the power. JobyLynn seconds. Motion approved on a voice vote without objection. Chris moves that the board also direct Sarah to work on getting a lease extension. Ben seconds. Approved on a voice vote without objection.
David Saddoris moves adjournment; Bens seconds. Approved on a unanimous voice vote.