Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting October 10, 2007
Board Members Present: Arthur Knowles, Dave Saddoris, Karen Pieper, Tom Parent, Chris Sur, David Brauer, Amy Joe Gracyalny, Ben Kristensen
Board Members Absent: Mary Hunter, JobyLynn Sassily James, Niki Stavrou, David Potosky
KFNA Staff Present: Sarah Linnes-Robinson, Joanna Hallstrom
Others: Jake Weyer.
Meeting Called to Order:
David Brauer called the meeting to order
Community Forum:
No community forum.
Moved the agenda to the last items, Action items.
Action Items:
Future of NRP
There may be a substantial decrease in financial support for KFNA from NRP funding. Board needs to prioritize KFNA’s involvement/spending.
Some suggestions: Drop Farmers’ Market, Assist population in need, alternative transportation . Keep administration, community events, housing is a required expense.
Greens need some matching funding. Money is in green grants.
Walldogs not NRP but still takes up staff time.
Community meeting may be necessary to discuss $ decrease. Is it wise to make decision without community involvement?
Darrell Suggested: Any changes that result in a change of $25,000.00 needs approval from community.
Farmers’ Market Feasibility Study Proposal
How to help market move forward? Do we need feasibility study from MAP? If we don’t figure out how to make the market sustainable, the FM might not make it. Maybe paying for MAP provide the “seed money†for FM and then they go on their own.
Arthur MOVESÂ We accept MAP proposal; Karen seconds.
Tom Parent amendment: MOVE: Approve proposal from MAP for non-profits for an hourly-not-to-exceed sum of $2500.00 with deliverables agreed upon by the Farmers’ Market task force. Arthur Nays, all the rest ayes.
Secretary’s Report:
No report
Treasurer’s Report:
No report
Redevelopment Committee Report:
KFNA will host a community meeting on Nov 7 @ King Park to discuss Plymouth Church Neighborhood Foundation’s (PCNF) proposed project at 3700 Nicollet.  The meeting will cover both the program of the facility and the design of the proposed building. On Nov 3 PCNF will doorknock the neighborhood to notify residents of meeting. KFNA Board members are invited to participate.
There was discussion on changed language of project by the church. Does KFNA support language change?
October meeting about the Blue Plate Restaurant is off.
NRP Committee Report:
Report of Fence Addition in King Park Community Meeting
Brian, administrator for MLK park, was present for report.  Bob Fine and Paul Hokeness from park board had also attended this community meeting. “Meeting went wellâ€, said David Brauer. Some neighbors still disappointed in fence. Communication will be improved for the future of any similar park projects between KFNA, neighborhood and park staff.
Mpls Street Lighting:   Citizens may be charged $13.00 assessment fee for street lighting.
Green Committee Report:
Green committee and 2 bike tousr cancelled in Sept. because of rain.
King Bridge Partnership:
Farmers’ Market:
Crime and Safety Committee:
CpaS was notified about a meth house raid earlier this month.
Concerning Mark Loesch’s death: Crime Stoppers have not gotten in touch with us to answer questions regarding the reward fund: how money is collected and when, when is it paid out, what happens if it is never collected, etc. so Brauer determined it was unwise of the neighborhood association to collect for the fund.
Bike Task Force:
No meeting.
Walldogs – Over $6,000.00 was raised at Garden Party Event and during Eating For Art.t. The Fisher Grocery (34th and Nicollet) project is complete on the south side of the building at this time. The Deck the Walls party in December possibility for a fundraiser for the project and was approved by the board.
Transportation –Public meetings are listed on hand-out to discuss the city’s draft “Ten-Year Transportation Plan and its Streetcar Feasibility Study.â€Â Discussion of streetcar advantages include:
No emissions (although there still are emissions at coal burning plants.)
better business.
Look for a meeting with Scott Dibble and Elizabeth Glidden in regards to transportation and the Public transit bldg along 35 W.
Lakes District Council Meetings concerning Park Plans- This group meets quarterly on the 4th Thursday of a month to discuss parks and policy.Linnes-Robinson asked for a Board rep to sit on this committee. No board members expressed interest. She was told to seek outside of the board for a representative.
Arthur and Derrell Move to adjourn the meeting. All are in favor.
Minutes prepared by Karen Pieper
Discussion via email on web design decides to go forward with David Potosky’s plan. Some KFNA Board members responded that they were comfortable with Potosky going ahead with the web upgrades.
Sarah sends request NOT to us MAP Project Redesign, but acknowledge that KFNA staff is working to gather and compile the necessary information for the Task Force about the workings, and funding, and governance of other local markets.  KFNA board approves via email voting.