Normally the KFNA Board would meet tonight, the 2nd Wednesday of the month. But due to Veteran’s Day and the park being closed we have moved the meeting to Tuesday November 17, 7 PM, at MLK Park.
By Josh Martin
Normally the KFNA Board would meet tonight, the 2nd Wednesday of the month. But due to Veteran’s Day and the park being closed we have moved the meeting to Tuesday November 17, 7 PM, at MLK Park.
By Josh Martin
Board members present: Chris Sur, Chris DeParde, JobyLynn SassilyJames, Dean Muldoon, Tom Parent, Arthur Knowles, Marshall Onsrud, Jeff Bajek, David Saddoris, Marie Wolf and Scott Bordon
Chris Sur, President, seeing quorum, called meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
Community Forum:
Meg Forney, candidate for District 6 Park Board spoke about her candidacy and Board of Estimation and Taxation referendum.
Dan Swenson-Klatt , Proprietor of Butter Bakery Cafe and Kingfield resident spoke. He would like to move Butter from Lyndale Neighborhood and into Kingfield. Wants larger space and would like to be in Kingfield. Is trying to make move to former Fairy Godmother/Saigon restaurant spot.
Joe Larson, Executive Director and Randy Hornstein, Board President for The Aliveness Project spoke about their organization and upcoming move to Kingfield. Organization purchased 3808 Nicollet and are in process of $2 million capital campaign. Hope to move in 12 months. They will be renovating building. The nonprofit serves people living with HIV/AIDS and it one of the largest organizations of its kind and been at 38th & Chicago for 20+ years. There will be community volunteer opportunities. They do holiday basket program. School children paint baskets. Also are involved in Red Ribbon Ride. Members also are presented with opportunities to serve the surrounding community. Center will not just be for serving people living with HIV/AIDS. There will be potential to provide community meeting space.
Tom Parent, indicated Redevelopment Committee would like to work with both Butter and the Aliveness Project. Chris Sur said KFNA welcomes both.
7:20 p.m. Prior meeting (9/9/09) minutes amended to indicate Arthur Knowles was present. For 9/09/09 meeting minutes did not provide details of who made motions, seconds and voting record. At this time we cannot recall details. After brief discussion on how to handle. Jeff Bajek made motion to provisionally approve 9/09/09 minutes Arthur Knowles seconded. All members in attendance voted in favor. Chris Sur as President abstained.
Chris Sur postponed Treasurer’s report. Since Sarah Linnes-Robinson, Executive Director was not in attendance (absence was known ahead of time and excused) Sur indicated we would revisit during November meeting.
New Business
Project Organizer
Chris Sur commented that Sarah Gleason did a great job. Sarah Gleason is leaving KFNA in pursuit of another opportunity.
Review of selection and hiring process followed including whether Executive Committee or Executive Director should be involved in process. Tom Parent (past president) believed at least two Executive Committee members should be involved in process. JobyLynn said Executive Committee previously decided. President and Executive Director discussed. Arthur Knowles suggested two Executive Committee members be involved. Dean Muldoon (Secretary) said he is willing and JobyLynn (Treasurer) is available.
Chris Sur said he and Sarah Linnes-Robinson and any Executive Committee member that wants to be involved will conduct interview. Sarah Linnes-Robinson will narrow applicant list to ten. After Executive Committee input list with be down to three. Then interviews will be conducted. There was sentiment was that prior selection process resulted in diverse candidate pool.
Youth and School Committee Report:
Chris Sur gave brief overview of first meeting meeting. Committee crafted mission statement. Lyndale Principal Ms. Ossie Brooks-James attended first meeting. Chris Sur within his duties as President then presented Co-chairs Becky Alexander and Scott Bordon and Committee Members Jeff Bajek, Becky Dankowski, Meg Hoyt-Niemiec, Sara Kleckner, Lianne Knych and Jane Onsrud to the KFNA Board. Sur then approved seating of Co-chairs and members. Board expressed excitement about number of people at first committee meeting. Committee staffed KFNA Table at Farmers Market and promoted Kingfield’s new (2010) Community School—Lyndale Community School.
Redevelopment Committee Report
Tom Parent gave report.
Groundbreaking for Nicollet Square will likely be November-2nd week.
Parcel on Blaisdell (3900 block) was discussed. Meeting with City departments. City holding lot. Zoning Department okay. There are hurdles. Not the deal we initially thought $5000. Need to pay fair market value. Tom Parent thinks $25k-45k. There is formal process—involves City Assessor. Once Redevelopment has dollar figure will consider best course of action.
Lander Building. Neighborhood vision—busy intersection. There will be a cheer leading session/happy hour promotion with restaurant industry.
NRP: No report
Green Committee Report:
JobyLynn commented Greens supported Eating for Art
Newsletter Report:
Joby Lynn said starting to brainstorm.
CPAS Committee Report:
Jeff Bajek presented. Citizen inspection program tabled. May be a reincarrnation to come up with something more positive versus sending violations. Prefer outreach/helping neighbors rather than writing violations.
JobyLynn reported on utility box program. Doesn’t think project will be finished this fall. Likely wait until spring. Suggested idea of Art Crawl.
40th & Lyndale Task Force: No activity
Transportation Committee: No update
Dog Park
Upcoming meeting October 22. Chris Sur encouraged someone from board attend. JobyLynn said she would.
Celebrate 38 brief recap:
38th and Nicollet was hub of activity thanks. Dave Saddoris’s band drew a crowd at Quality Coaches.
Arthur Knowles moved to adjourn meeting. Dean Muldoon seconded. All approved.
Chris Sur adjorned meeting at 7:57 p.m.
Minutes recorded October 14, 2009 and respectively submitted to Secretary Dean Muldoon, and Sarah Linnes-Robinson, Executive Director, by Scott Bordon November 4, 2009.
By Josh Martin
Board members present: Chris Sur, Chris DeParde, Dean Muldoon, Jeff Bajek, Marie Wolf, Tom Parent, Scott Bordon, Marshall Onsrud, David Saddoris, Jeff Bajek, David Potosky, Mark Brandow,
Move to approve June/July minutes. (Approved)
Treasurers Report
Review 09 end of year statement. Motion to accept end of year statement 09 (Approved) Review June/July 09 Statement. Motion to accept June/July 09 statement (Approved)
Board Member Participation Report
Show up!
Old Business
Farmer’s Market Assets :
Motion that assets that formerly belonged to KFNA that now become part of the farmers market. This includes : on site storage, tables, chairs, canopies, folding tables, storage bins, etc.
Discussion of policy regarding how the KFNA table is used at the farmer’s market. Motion that outside organizations that use KFNA’s table adhere to the same community table guidelines to which outside organizations using other farmer’s market tables adhere to today.
New Business:
Moving of NRP Funds. Motion to migrate $20k of funds formerly allocated to to provide grants supporting under-served populations to administration. This funding will primarily be used to fund block club organizing efforts. (Approved)
CPAS Citizen Inspector Program. Not popular in its current form among board member. May face difficulty meeting board approval.
Side yard variance Request for Vanderford’s (Approved) Creation of a school committee or task force that will assist Kingfield’s new community school and Minneapolis Public Schools with the Changing School Options transition. Please review proposal by board at
–documents to review on right sidebar.
Motion to start a youth and schools committee. (Approved) Motion to start a youth and schools task force. (Declined)
Interested board members will meet ahead of time to establish a game plan. Email notice will go out next Tuesday. Initial meeting Tuesday the 29th. Regular meeting dates/times will be established at this meeting.
Other Committees, Task Force and Project Reports:
3912/3916 Blaisdell Update : the city will not sell the 3916 lot until they have heard from KFNA regarding possible options for the property NRP : did not meet Green : Graffiti Grant Update is happening fast. Will be gathering content from local artists to decorate utility boxes throughout the neighborhood.
Newsletter : just out
Crime Prevention and Safety (CpaS)
40th & Lyndale TF
1.BRT Project
2.Lyndale Reconstruction
3.King Bridge Partnership –not active
4.UPA (including Sound Walls) : meeting coming soon regarding grafiti prevention … monday, 09/14/2009
Upcoming events
Community Garden tour : Thursday, September 10th Will tour 11 gardens in a two hour time period
Minutes were approved 11/09 by the KFNA Board despite a lack of names for who made or approved motions. This is the most complete set of minutes available.
By Josh Martin
                                         KINGFIELD NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION
Members present: Dean Muldoon, JobyLynn Sassily-James, Arthur Knowles, Chris Sur, Marie Wolf, Marshall Onstrud, Scott Bordon. Also present: Sarah Linnes-Robinson, Robyn Bipes, Andrea Jenkins (Councilwoman Glidden’s aide), Eiddie(?) ____., Carol Dixon, Wade Keller, and Brian ____, from MPHA.
 A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order at 7:08 P.M.
 Community forum, and consideration of the Secretary’s report and Treasurer’s report were postponed until later in the meeting by general assent. New Business, point 2. (3912/3916 Blaisdell recommendation) was moved to the top of the agenda, again by general assent.
New Business:
 2. 3912/3916 Blaisdell recommendation
  Sarah Linnes-Robinson gave a brief history of the five-plex which has been foreclosed by
  Bremer Bank, and the adjacent vacant lot, now owned by the city of Minneapolis, and an    update on the present situation. [During this update Board Members Tom Parent and
  Dave Saddoris arrived.]
 To summarize: The Kingfield Neighborhood Association has taken an active position in
 addressing the situation presented by the foreclosure of this five-unit rental property. We have
 tried to work with Bremer Bank, with little success, and with councilwoman Glidden and the
 city of Minneapolis, and the current tenants to insure future development of the property within
 the Redevelopment Guidelines established by this Board.
 Brian ____, of the MPHA presented a preliminary plan by the Public Housing Authority to dev-
 elope both lots into five separate units of three to four bedrooms with garages arranged around a
 central patio. Some or all of these units might be part of a pilot “rent to own†program envisioned
 by MPHA. In any case, the two present tenants would receive some monies for moving expenses
 and displacement funds.
 Sarah Linnes-Robinson and Robyn Bipes informed us that a private developer has made an offer
 for the five-plex, which Bremer Bank has accepted. The private offer is considerably in excess of
 the amount MPHA is able to offer, but the agreement is tentative, pending inspections and
 approvals. A final decision should come within two weeks. The City has informed the developer
 that it has no intention of selling him the vacant lot, and that may affect the final decision.
 Tom Parent moved, and Marie Wolf seconded, that the Neighborhood support the MPHA in their
 acquisition of the two lots, and the development of five units of affordable housing with 3-4
 bedrooms each, should the present private offer fall through.
  Scott Bordon and Chris Sur abstained. All others voted “Ayeâ€: motion passed.
 [Councilwoman Elisabeth Glidden arrived during the above discussion] The City of Minneapolis
 has made clear, through Councilwoman Glidden, that it has no desire to sell the vacant lot to a
 private developer, but would encourage the acquisition of that lot by the Kingfield Neighborhood
 Association, either for community utility, or for leverage in shaping future development.
 Tom Parent moved, and Joby-Lynn S-J seconded, that the Neighborhood Board establish a task
 Force to explore the feasibility of creating a Community Development Corporation for the
 Neighborhood, specifically with regard to the properties at 3912/3916 Blaisdell, and report
 back to the Board.
  Chris Sur abstained. All others voted “Ayeâ€: motion passed.
Community Forum was officially opened.
 Wade Keller asked about the present status of the search for dog park in Kingfield.
 Sarah Linnes-Robinson and Elisabeth Glidden provided background information. Specifically
 The Park Board said “NO WAY!â€. The Neighborhood is continuing to pursue the matter, focused  on the southwest slopes of King Park, or the northwest corner of the Park, or other areas. Stress is
 given to the “Crime and Safety†angle to exert pressure on the Park Board.
The Secretary’s and Treasurer’s reports were brought up for consideration at this time, but as various Board
 members had not had time to consider them, it was decided to table them for the September
New Business
1. Youth Portrait Public Art Project with Leonardo’s Basement
As the funds requested came from the proceeds of the Neighborhood Art Show, which are
designated for the promotion of Neighborhood Arts, Joby-Lynn S-J moved, and Dean Muldoon seconded, to allocate the monies requested (‘$2000.00) for this “Faces of
Kingfield†project. Questions were raised about the ephemeral nature of the art, and
whether a more multi-generational project would have more support. All art is ephemeral, and something involving all ages may well be a follow-up project.
 Chris Sur abstained. All others voted “Ayeâ€: motion passed.
3. Mis Ninos
This is a proposal to build a bi-lingual day care center on the three lots south of Mulroy’s
Body Shop. The principals gave a fine and relatively detailed presentation to the
Redevelopment Committee in June. Questions were raised concerning the disposition of
various mature trees on the lot, but overall the presentation was well received. As the principals did not request any specific Neighborhood action at this time, Tom Parent (co-
chair of Redevelopment) recommended that no action be taken at this time by the Board.
No action was taken.
 4.   Cookie Cart Statement of Support
                      A Neighborhood statement of support for the Cookie Cart participation in the Nicollet
                      Square project was supported by Neighborhood Staff and the Redevelopment Committee.
                       As amended by Dave Saddoris (friendly amendment, accepted) the statement of
                      Support reads:
  The Kingfield Neighborhood Association affirms its support of the Nicollet Square
                             Housing and retail development at 37th and Nicollet Ave. S. and expresses support for
                              The Cookie Cart to open a youth operated coffee shop/bakery as part of the project.
                               KFNA would be willing to be a partner on grant requests written by Cookie Cart, and
                                to assist in grant preparation and proofing of sections pertaining to KFNA, as needed.
                              Additionally, KFNA is committed to help Cookie Cart succeed, and will assist in
                               Introducing and marketing the organization to Kingfield and the surrounding
   Neighborhoods and organizations.
                        Tom Parent moved, and JobyLynn S-J seconded, to accept this letter of support. Chris
                         Sur abstained. All others voted “Ayeâ€: motion passed.
4. Placement of Park Board Lakes District Representative
               Arthur Knowles volunteered to be the Neighborhood Representative to the Park Board
                             Lakes District for the following year. No one else wanted the job.
Old Business
 FM Assets
  Final allocation of the Farmer’s Market Assets owned by the Kingfield Neighborhood
  has not yet been dealt with. Tom Parent moved, and Dave Saddoris seconded, that the use
  of such assets be granted to the Farmer’s Market, until an allocation can be worked out.
   Chris Sur abstained. All others voted “Ayeâ€: motion passed.
  As the Board is not meeting in the month of August, Tom Parent moved, and Dave
  Saddoris seconded, that the Board delegate to the Executive Committee of the Board the
  oversight and approval of any contact revisions with the Farmer’s Market.
   Chris Sur abstained. All others voted “Ayeâ€: motion passed.
Other Committees, Task Forces and Project Reports
 Redevelopment and Zoning
  Graffiti grant update:
  Our anti-graffiti grant is focusing on three areas: alleys, sound walls, and utility boxes.
  Alleys could be running murals or plantings; sound walls involve various bureaucracies,
  none of which wants to take responsibility for maintenance; and ideas for wrapping the
  the utility boxes progresses.
  Green Committee
  The Hour Car is coming this next week! And we (the Neighborhood) gets a membership.
  4307 Wentworth is lining up with the Land Trust.
 Crime Prevention and Safety (CpaS)
  The cop bike is paid in full
 40th &Lyndale TF – meeting scheduled for 7/27
At 8:49 P.M. Arthur Knowles moved to adjorn.
 These minutes respectively submitted to Secretary Dean Muldoon, and Sarah Linnes-Robinson, Staff, by Arthur Knowles. 7/10/09
By Josh Martin