DRAFT AGENDA Kingfield Neighborhood Association Board Meeting February 8, 2012 7 PM– MLK Park
7:00Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Call to Order /Â Welcome & Community Forum
7:15       Reports •Secretary •Treasurer
7:20       New Business •Blaisdell Community Garden Land Bank (update provided in writing either before the meeting via email from Chris or at the meeting)—Chris •Youth and School Committee Mission Change (see Y & S minutes)—Scott •Annual Meeting Planning—Establish Key Agenda for Publication in Kingfield News (deadline Feb. 16/event date April 16)
8:20       Old Business                —
8:20       Committees, Task Force and Project Reports, as needed: •Redevelopment Committee •Green Committee◦Community Gardens ◦Graffiti Grant for Soundwall Gateway
•Newsletter Committee •Youth and Schools Committee •Crime Prevention and Safety (CPaS) Committee •Event Committee •40th & Lyndale TF •Transportation Projects◦BRT /46th Street