Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Annual Meeting
April 21, 2008
Approximately 125 neighborhood residents and 25 children, various elected officials, and neighborhood staff.
Meeting called to order:
David Brauer, President, called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m., welcomed the community, gave a brief overview of KFNA and it’s committees and highlighted activities of the year. He introduced Board Member and NRP Steering Committee Member Arthur Knowles, who gave an overview of the requested NRP Plan Modifications that had been published in the spring KFNA News and were printed with the agenda at the meeting. He answered questions pertaining to the plan mods and the organizational budget. It was then moved that the group approve the plan mods, which was does so by voice vote by a majority of members present. Next Chris Sur, another board member presented the requested by-law changes and after questions were answered, these were also approved by voice vote.
Plan Modifications:
The community voted on, and approved, the following NRP Plan Phase I Modifications.
•   Reallocate the remaining $20,081.63 of Streetscape Program funds from the Nicollet Avenue Lighting Project (Phase I Strategy and reallocate the funds into administration (Phase I Strategy
•   Request the final sum of $10,213.78 that came from returned home loan payments from the Kingfield 2000 Home Loan Program (Phase I Strategy and reallocate the funds into administration, (Phase I Strategy
By-Law Changes:
Amend the KFNA Bylaws to allow up to 33% of non-Members to serve on select committees of the board, such as the Farmers’ Market Committee, whose reach extends beyond the boundaries of the neighborhood. Additionally, clarify that the President and Treasurer shall continue their service as officers and, in the case that their term has expired, Ex-Officio Board Members between the April Election and the first regular meeting of the Board of Directors in May.
The specific Language changes regarding these amendments is as follows:
Article 6: Board Officers
B.   Election and Term of Office (excerpt)
The officers shall be elected by the Board of Directors at its first regular meeting following the annual meeting of the Members. The officers shall be elected for a term of one (1) year and serve until their successors shall have been elected or until their earlier resignation, removal from office or death. In the case that their board term has expired, the President and Treasurer shall serve as Ex-Officio members of the board and officers until the first regular meeting of the board.
Article 7: Committees of the Board
G.   Committee Membership (excerpt)
Committee members are appointed by the President must be Members unless otherwise specified in a resolution of the Board. The Board may specify by resolution that up to 33% of the committee members can be non-Members of the association. All committee members, unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws or by resolution of the Board of Directors, must be appointed by the President.
Board Elections:
Ten candidates ran to fill the eight open board positions. Those elected for two year terms which will expire in April 2010 include: Chris DeParde, JobyLynn Sassily James, David Buchanan, Mark Brandow, David Potosky, Dave Saddoris, Jeff Shaw, and Marie Wolf. Robyn Bipes and Diana Schleisman will serve as alternates until April 2009.
Public Officials:
State Senator Scott Dibble, Hennepin County Commissioner Gail Dorfman’s Aide, and City Councilmembers Elizabeth Glidden and Scott Benson addressed the meeting. Brian Elliot, Staff person for US Representative Keith Ellison also addressed the crowd.
Meeting Adjourned:
The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Minutes respectfully prepared and submitted by Sarah Linnes-Robinson.