KFNA Board Annual Meeting Minutes 4/21/08
KFNA Board Meeting Minutes 4/9/2008
KFNA Annual Meeting – Taste of Kingfield
KFNA Annual Meeting
Come to a Taste of Kingfield!
Monday, April 21, 6pm (dinner) 7-9 pm (meeting)
MLK Park (41st and Nicollet)
Enjoy a “Taste of Kingfield”, a sampling of tidbits and tasty treats from many of our fine local restaurants including Victor’s Grand Cafe, Anodyne and more. Sample the variety of food and then stay for the 7 pm KFNA annual meeting. Learn what is going in the neighborhood and elect 7 new officers to the KFNA board for a two year term.
Free on site childcare will be provided from 6:45-9pm. Kids ages 5-12 will have activities provided by Leonardo’s Basement. Baby sitters will be provided for children ages 1-4. Registration is required. Call the KFNA office 612-823-5980×3 and leave the parent’s name, contact info and each child’s name and age.