The evening where dozens of Kingfield porches become a stage for local musicians! Check out a video from last years’ event:
Sign up to Host a Performance
Sign up to Perform
Sign up to Host and Perform
The evening where dozens of Kingfield porches become a stage for local musicians! Check out a video from last years’ event:
Sign up to Host a Performance
Sign up to Perform
Sign up to Host and Perform
By Josh Martin
Help support Kingfield PorchFest by purchasing print-on-demand merch at www.
Sarah is shown here rocking the Femme 100% Organic Cotton T-shirt in size Large. Sample shirts for viewing can be found at Butter, Kruse Markit and Royal Grounds. Merchandise will be available to view and purchase during the event.
By Josh Martin
Porchfest 2024 is on! Thursday, June 13 from 6:00 to 9:00 PM.
We have more than 50 musicians, both solo artists and bands, who have registered to share their music with our neighborhood.
However, we need more places for them to play. Please volunteer your porch or backyard if you can for this wonderful event.
What does it take to be a Host?
KFNA asks that you treat your Musicians as guests at your home. This includes connecting with your bands before the event. Please also make your band feel welcome by providing water or other light refreshments, offering them stools or chairs, helping them set up a table if they have merchandise to sell, and providing a bathroom, when needed. We ask that someone from the host site be on location while the music is playing.
If you are interested in being a host or have any further questions? Contact Steve Huot at (612) 240-2024 or .
By Josh Martin
Hosts and Musicians please complete the included application form and submit by May 7th.
By Josh Martin
Not breathing is hard, especially when you are trying to sing. Thus, we have had some cancellations in our schedule for Kingfield PorchFest tonight. Not to fear, we still have 37 sites and 56 performing groups! If you bike past a venue you thought was hosting music, please have the courtesy to respect their decision to not play this evening due to our air quality yesterday.
To participate in Kingfield PorchFest, just bike the neighborhood and listen for the keening fiddle, tooting jug, strumming guitar strings or inhale and exhale of the accordion.
Or plot your route using the updated Google map found here:
or the printable Site and Band list found here: PorchFest 2023 Site List.
Please remember to pack your pockets full of dollars for tipping, and have your phone ready to Venmo both the performing groups, and KFNA for organizing this event!