Walldogs Steering Committee
MINUTES February 8, 2008
Present: Mark Hinds, Sarah Linnes-Robinson, Ray Carron,, Sandy Parnell, Jenny Breen, Jen Koehler, Julia Modest
Fundraising Update:
Sheraton Midway interested in offering a deal to Walldogs artists for lodging–$99 per night—also interested in being a sponsor.
Sponsorship packages complete—people need to update spreadsheet with ANY contacts they have to help get our foot in the door. Kudos on the cool photo promo on changing a wall that Randy put together!
McKnight and MRAC grants denied
Event Update:
Living Art Community Art Show has almost 50 artists registered, about half of them returning artists. 25 posters have already been spread around the community—just printed 25 more. Deadline for registration is March 5. It will be held at Rau+Barber. John from Rau+Barber will put together a video based on 30 second Walldog video for us to loop through out the show. Message needs to be†Be a Part of it. Sign up below with a list of needs/jobs. Sarah will get an sign-up sheet out closer to the event for people to claim their volunteer commitment at the event—Julia also offered to help work out any details or tasks that need to be done.
Sites and Artists:
Ungerman Construction is interested in two murals; TNT is interested in having one on the rear of their building. TNT is a new site on our list but is very visible from 38th Street, has a big, smooth wall, and he’ll remove all the ugly signage from it. The park is also on board for the north wall and the entrance off of Nicollet. Sarah is also pursuing the north wall of Shorty and Wags.
Lyndale confirmations include the LNA buildings, and the tattoo parlor. Mark will meet with J’s furniture location later in the week (update—he is possible interested in one, and very interested in a second high one facing south).  Mark will also pursue Spectrum Staffing as a location.
Sarah has drafted a Participation Agreement that Mark will finalize by Tuesday next week and then we can meet with these businesses and get them signed on.
Sarah clarified the message to businesses needs to be we are not painting signage. If signage is removed as part of the project we will work with the city to determine the amount of allowable signage and we will leave space in the mural for it, but it will not be painted as part of the project.
July Master Schedule
The draft plan for the master schedule of events in July was reviewed by the committee. A post-meeting meeting occurred after the Steering Committee and here were the general comments, cautions, and changes that occurred to the draft plan:
Group lunch daily—easiest to use a church, asks Solomon’s, Zion, (and maybe Judson?) Park will be used for Thursday night dinner.
Site Manager Teams need to be identified and a job description drawn up. Each site Team will be responsible for recruiting back up Site Managers for their site. A meeting for all Site Management Teams sometime the week before the event.
We will need “runners†to get paperwork and $$ to the LNA office.
Discussed “registration fee†for out-of-towners (felt to be fine) and a participation fee for in-towners (along the lines of $5-10 per day if they are eating with the crowd.) Need to consider donation cans at meals too (or instead) if people decide when they are painting and they want to go eat with the group—has to be a way to let them easily join in.
White board on all sites for contact # of those working—sign in and out.
Notify businesses this event will be happening now—especialy Fun Sisters.
Lastly the next meeting on March the 6th needs to be changed due to the Lyndale Open House (and we need Walldog volunteers there to sell tickets to Living Art!)Â We will instead meet on March 18, 7 PM, LNA.
Waste at event? Check with recyclholics.
Drink specials on Thursday after bbq? Check with Lyn-Lake.
Meeting adjourned.
Minutes provided by Sarah Linnes-Robinson 2/8/08.