If you have questions about KFNA or neighborhood concerns please contact Executive Director, Sarah Linnes-Robinson at . The board will next meet on Sept. 12, 2012, at 7 PM.
KFNA’s Board of Directors
Last night the KFNA Board moved their meeting outdoors of Dr. Martin Luther King Park to continue the conversation. The Board meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month (except August–because that month they come to YOU and scoop Sebastian Joe’s ice-cream at all registered block parties! Hint hint: register your block party now!) at 7 PM, MLK Park, 4055 Nicollet.
Picured here (front): Henry Jimenez, Scott Mueller (no relation to Julie!), Hetal Delal, JobyLynn Sassily James, Arthur Knowles, and Scott Bordon in the very front. In back is Bryan Thornton, Jess Alexander, Nate Blumenshine, Victoria Pena, and standing is Ben Rasmussen. Absent Marshall Onrud and Julie Mueller. Do you have a neighborhood concern or idea? You can get the board’s contact information here: https://kingfield.org/board/
KFNA Board Draft June Agenda
KFNA April Board Meeting Agenda
Kingfield Neighborhood Association
Board Meeting
April 11, 2012 7 PM– MLK Park
7:00       Call to Order  and Welcome
7:05Â Â Â Â Â Â Â First Order of Buisness
Seating of an Alternate as a Board Member due to Resignation by Board Member Chris Sur
7:10Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Community Forum
–Betty Tisel, neighbor: Â Betty Tisel, Kingfield resident, and organizer, “Kingfield Votes No” regarding two constitutional amendment questions on their November ballot:
1. Marriage restriction amendment  (a.k.a. definition of marriage)
2. Voter suppression amendment  (a.k.a. Photo ID)
7:20Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Monthly Reports
- Secretary
- Treasurer
7:30Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Business
- Committee and Project Workplans and Budgets
- Annual Meeting Planning: pre- and meeting tasks
8:00Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Updates
- Soundwall Mural /Gateway Entrance –Victoria Pena
- Blaisdell Community Garden Land Bank—Linnes-Robinson
8:15Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Committees, Task Force and Project Reports, as needed:
- Redevelopment Committee
- Green Committee
- Community Gardens
- Graffiti Grant for Soundwall Gateway
- Newsletter Committee
- Youth and Schools Committee
- Crime Prevention and Safety (CPaS) Committee
- Event Committee
- 40th & Lyndale TF
- Transportation Projects
- BRT /46th Street