On March 5th, Minnesota will participate in the presidential primary, more commonly known as Super Tuesday. We encourage you to vote in-person at your local polling place that day.
Who can vote in the presidential primary?
Any voter registered in Minnesota. Voters can pre-register through February 13, or register at the polling place when they vote. Note that voters must turn 18 years old by March 5 to vote in the presidential primary.
How will I be able to vote in the presidential primary?
Registered voters will be able to vote at their polling place on presidential primary day (March 5) or by absentee ballot starting January 19, 2024. A voter must request the ballot of the party of their choice (Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, Republican Party of Minnesota or Legalize Marijuana Now Party). If a voter refuses to select a party, they will not be able to vote in the presidential primary.
Will other people know which party’s ballot I request?
A voter’s choice of party ballot will be recorded and is private data. However, a list will be provided to the chair of each major political party of voters who selected that party. How a voter voted on the ballot will be secret.